Rice: Palestinian struggle echoes battle for US independence
The Jerusalem Post
WASHINGTON – In her first-ever appearance before an American-Palestinian crowd, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice reiterated her personal commitment and that of the US administration to the creation of an independent Palestinian state as part of a two-state solution.
“I believe that there could be no greater legacy for America than to help to bring into being a Palestinian state for a people who have suffered too long, who have been humiliated too long, who have not reached their potential for too long, and who have so much to give to the international community and to all of us,” Rice told an audience of several hundred guests at a gala event of the American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP), a US group working to promote the idea of an independent Palestinian state.
“I promise you my personal commitment to that goal,” Rice concluded.
Rice compared the vision of Palestinian statehood to that of American independence and the civil rights battles in one of the strongest endorsements from the Bush administration to the idea of an independent Palestinian state.
“I should never have grown up in segregated Birmingham, Alabama to become the secretary of state of the United States of America,” Rice said, adding that eventually, once these visions do come true, “we wonder why did anyone ever doubt that it was possible.”
Rice emphasized US support to the Palestinian people, by increasing the American foreign aid to the Palestinians to $468 million, and by putting in place an international mechanism which will allow transfer of financial assistance to the Palestinians without going through the Hamas government.
She said that now, after several months of having Hamas in power, the Palestinian people are holding Hamas accountable for the situation in the territories.
“Hamas now faces a hard choice that it has always sought to avoid: Either you are a peaceful political party, or a violent terrorist group – but you cannot be both,” Rice said.
The secretary of state also stressed the importance of backing moderate leaders in the Arab world, such as Mahmoud Abbas in Palestine, Fuad Siniora in Lebanon and Nouri al-Maliki in Iraq. She said that one of the goals of her recent trip to the region, her sixth trip since becoming secretary of state, was to “build a support for those people who are trying and who need our help more than ever now.”
Ziad Asali, president of the American Task Force on Palestine, said Wednesday that the fact that Rice came to speak at the American-Palestinian event has great importance. At the same time, Asali stressed that it does not reflect a change in policy toward the region, though “sometimes symbolism is more important than substance.”
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Condi either you are speaking for President Bush or you are one freaking loose cannon and God help the United States and and God help Israel!!!! I have no idea if you are speaking for Bush, I hope not, because these things you have been saying lately and other things you have said for some time just send me over the edge.
Condi needs to read this and open her eyes about the Palestinians.
I never saw this photo of this cell phone before, just saw it while searching for the photo above.
Every time George Bush speaks I ask myself, “Why, in the name of God doesn’t this guy shut up and let the professional spokespeople in the administration articulate his message”.
President Bush is his own (and the GOP’s) worst enemy, providing endless video and audio snipets of his interpretation of the english language. I believe his heart is in the right place but the conduit connecting his brain to his tongue is often disconnected.
So it is particularly frustrating when an official like Condoleeza Rice, a well educated, articulate visionary, puts the cart before the horse.
If Condoleeza Rice would spend more time using her mastery of language and media to denounce the violence caused by the Palestinians and the Islamists, more people would understand the mechanics of the struggle. Vision is fine if it’s tempered with a direct approach to dealing with the immediate problems at hand. The violence.
I thought her intitial stance on the latest conflict between Israel and Hezbollah was right on point. However, for some reason she seems to have a more conciliotary tone of late, and that is disturbing.
However, when compared to the likes of a Madeline Albright, I’ll take Condi every time.
I’m all for an Independent Palestinian State as long as it’s in the middle of the Sahara Desert or someplace in Antarctica.
Isn’t it amazing how none of the other Arab nations are willing to absorb the Palestinians. It’s not like they don’t have the room or money.
Are we on the Palestinian side now. What side will we be on Thursday. I thought “You are either for us or against us”. The Palis hate us.
Bush is awfully free with my tax money, throwing it at anti-American or feel-good causes around the world. At the G(whiz)8 conference he promised billions of dollars to fight poverty in Africa. That’s like fighting heat in the Mojave desert.
This administration seems to be wallowing, losing it’s game plan. I see no leadership out of the Bush Presidency, only, “believe in me”. I hope the Stupid Party does not lose it’s majorities, but I fear a lot of people are going to sit this one out. The Bush bunch are appearing more and more like One Worlders.
Billy, I know what you mean.
My favorite times that Bush speaks are when he does it with no script. He is awesome when he does that and he really let’s the media have it when he is like that. I think following a script he gets nervous or something.
But from the hip he rocks and I cheer him on every time.
Bob yes, there are so many places that could and show take them.
I love your idea of where to put them. hahahaaha
“Sahara Desert or someplace in Antarctica”
Tom I agree!
Can you imagine even a parent that would give one stance on Monday and another one on Tuesday. Very confusing to a child and that is what they are doing with the axes of evil and their stance on loyalty to Israel and this whole war. I don’t like it one little bit. And on top of that it is dangerous, very dangerous.
Sometimes I wonder if poor George isn’t just the ventriloquist’s dummy whose strings are being pulled by an unseen master who is verbally incontinent the way his words just spill out, he does lack the Machiavellian guile of his contemporary politicians.
You know!!! Like Howdy Doody, who’s hand is back there, Buffalo Bob’s or Buffalo Bill’s? He always does better when he doesn’t try to read what his script writer(handler?) puts in front of him. Of course it could be worse, think of Al Gore or Dennis Kucinich for a reality check.
Condi concerns me when she puts the U.N. above U.S. interests, we tout we won’t negotiate with terrorists but what is she doing? Maybe if we started pulling U.S. troops out of South Korea maybe that 40% to 50% of them that protest us would take our effort serious when it’s their ass that gets stuffed into the breech.
Jack…..”Of course it could be worse, think of Al Gore or Dennis Kucinich for a reality check.”…….. you are soooooo right! oh wow those two really bug me. hahaha
Thanks Jack!