North Korea Conducts Nuclear Test
By way of the state-run Korean Central News Agency, North Korea announced that it had conducted a successful nuclear test Monday.
The KCNA reported:
“A safe and successful underground nuclear test was conducted on Oct. 9, 2006 by our division of scientific research” adding, “We have confirmed that this test, which was carried out after scientific analyses of possible outcomes and the most scrupulous calculations, has caused absolutely no radiation outflow or other hazards.”
“This nuclear test was realized with knowledge and technology that is 100 percent ours,” adding, “Both to the people and military, who have always yearned for the strength to defend the nation, this day brings joy and encouragement.”
From Fox News….
Senior Bush administration official says White House believes North Korea conducted first-ever nuclear weapons test.
SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea successfully tested of a nuclear weapon late Sunday night, a senior Bush administration official confirmed to FOX News.
The official said, however, that initial readings from South Korea reported only a 3.58-magnitude seismic reaction, which is smaller than what would be expected from the 4-kiloton explosion the Axis of Evil nation sought. The put the bomb’s capabilities in context, a 20-kiloton explosion could conceivably kill 200,000 people.
“North Korea may not have got what they wanted,” the official said.
The U.S. Geological Service, however, said it detected a 4.2-magnitude tremor at 10:35 p.m. EDT, which could mean the device was potentially deadlier than initially believed. Australia also said there was seismic confirmation that North Korea conducted a nuclear test.
“It was a success from their perspective in that they achieved a nuclear yield, though that is not very difficult,” the official said. “It’s within their technical capabilities.”
I cannot say enough what a disaster this is.This whole thing started with the Clinton administration and Jimmey Carter. Carter brokered the deal with crazy Kim to assist them with nuke technology in return for there promise not to enrich the spent fuel rods into weapons grade fuel.
Who would have thought that crazy Kim would lie to Billy and Madline Albright who stated in her book that whe she met Kim she used her feminine wiles on him and he was putty. Word is since that event Kim has been crazy as hell ever since and now hates pussy and all women. Every thing Carter touchs turns to shit and it will cost untold American lives to fix this debacle created by the democraps man Carter and slick willie.
Folks we are in a hell of a fix if we do not act now before the north Koreans can miniturize there nukes and mount them on missles we are insane. We cannot wait for the UN to pass resolutions or for santions they do not work. Kim does not care how many of his people starve. WE will once again be seen as the bad guys because we cannot let this stand. Because of the weakness of Carter and Clinton and the democrap party on the security of this country. GOD Help US.
Impressive, only very few people like Kim remains today with the confidence and courage to pursue their outmost goal, he is the kind that does not allow pressure and intimidation to get in his way, he is a true model for future world leaders. But that aside I really cant wait to see how things would escalate further to the brink of an all out war or perhaps an inevitable arms race between major world powers, it is really entertaining to witness such event, while enjoying the conforts of my place, of course the United States wouldn’t dare conduct any military actions againts the north unless they are willing to sacrifice atleast several million american lives then that would be fine with me, I just wish that Iran as well hurry up with their nuclear program and produce several dozen warheads. that would signal the inevitable collapse of the desolate American empire. at last the world shall enter a period of peace for many centuries to come.
Jack H. I agree with you.
Kim Jong actually thinks this is no big deal, just a little bomb. He is mentally nuts and very, very dangerous.
Lord Lynus, confidence and courage have nothing to do with any part of Kim Jong’s being. He is mentally ill, has own people are starving to death in the streets of his country.
Lord Lynus you seem to be yet another example of the typical the kind of lack of intelligence that exists in the Philippines where you are commenting from.
Lord Lie On Us,
Why don’t you go help Alessar get me a slurpy. Maybe between the two of you, you can come up with half a brain. You know, I had a neighbor that had a dog named Linus. It wouldn’t shut up. Someone shot him. Just something to think about.
Jack, how correct you are. The MSM and academia led the laughter at people who criticised Carter and Clinton for helping North Korea gain nuclear expertise.
I think we should turn as much of that problem as we can over to South Korea and Japan, two successful nations who have prospered under the protection of America for many decades.
And I will throw the Philippines as a nation that needs to take some responsibility in that part of the world. After all Lord Lynus, the moslems are coming to get you also, unless you are one of Mo’s goat bangers. If so, then nothing you say matters anyway.
Yes there is, for these are essential factors that serves as a driving force that motivates him to accomplish such task, mentally ill? at least not technically, otherwise he would not have the position as Chairman of the NDC, the “highest administrative authority”. Its just that Kim is profound in using his Logic, perhaps for him it is just alright to starve a few thousand korean people in exchange for political and economic stability, therefore it is justified, why should he risk something uncertain if it would lead to the collapse of his regime? perhaps it is similar in comparison to the so-called Tiananmen Square Massacre back in 1989, if the then chinese leadership was too soft, then the PRC could have disintegrated much sooner than the USSR, but that aside, why should someone like you be concerned with the daily lives of the north koreans? they have nothing to do with you or with your country in the first place, it is pointless. Nonetheless, the north koreans have made asia pacific a much more safer place to live, at least a bit safer from american imperialism.
typical kind of lack of intelligence? A typical racist remark, your character is showing! honestly it cannot be helped, since that is what most white people think, dont they? but arrogance has their limits, But I will not go as far as to argue about racial superiority.
but here is our fact for the day,
Fact: “In most I.Q. tests, Asians tend to score higher than Europeans”
and if you really want us to be your real Ally then make our country as Rich as Japan then perhaps that can Settle it!
Lord Lynus …………“if you really want us to be your real Ally then make our country as Rich as Japan then perhaps that can Settle it!”
LMAO oh please, I am a capitalist, make your own country rich.
The USA has helped more countries, more people than any other country in the world. Enough is enough, it is time IMO that the ungrateful we have helped need to stand by US for a change and show some gratitude.
Your Philippines where you are has been a hiding place for terrorists. You should be concerned about that and getting rid of them. But no! You leave it up to our troops to go there and seek them out and put our soldiers in danger. And now you whine about how we should make your country rich??? Good grief!
Lord Limpus seems to forget the ‘comfort’ he enjoys is compliments of the USA. He conveniently chooses to deny the fact that if it weren’t for Thousands of US lives, he’d be speaking Japanese in a death march somewhere. He forgets the ‘Hero’ he idolizes so much was handed power and uses that power to mercilously crush any opposition within his borders.
Maybe Lord Lithium should spend a little time in N. Korea and, just as an experiment,try to practice his freedom of speech AGAINST THAT REGIME within their borders.
Then, when it becomes obvious to Lord Loopy that opposition is not tolerated, he can escape to China, where he will then be brokered back to North Korea in a prisoner exchange. Once the North Koreans run a steel cable through his collarbone and lead him around like a dog to his inevitable public execution, maybe then he’ll change his tune.
Finally Lord Loser asks why we are concerned with the daily lives of North Koreans, they have nothing to do with our country in the first place. I would encourage to him to speak with the South Koreans and the Japanese. I would ask this high IQ scoring mental giant to pick up a book and read how many thousands of US soldiers gave their life on the Korean peninsula protecting our friends. I would ask him to calculate the billions of dollars paid by the US taxpayers to uphold freedom and defend our friends from thr cancer that permeates the North. Yes, Lord Lyin Through You’re Rotting Teeth, we have a legitamate vested interest in containing N. Korea.
The difference this time around is there will not be 10’s of thousands of Red Chinese pouring over N. Korea’s border to help the little maniacal punk out.
Don’t be too sore at Lord Lying Ass, he’s pissed that the U.S pulled out of that backbiting little country, his idea of making the country rich is to take advantage of the U.S. protection all the while protesting our presence and demanding more foreign aid, maybe his forebears from Indonesia or Borneo can make him rich, just look at how peaceful the Phillipines really are. May piss be upon him.
Sadly the U.N. has won the North Korean nuclear race over the objections of one of it’s five permanent members, Democrat Harry Reid has done the dishonorable thing and stepped forward to blame President Bush before the world’s media for what the Democrats set into motion under Clinton-Albright. Democrats have never met a despot they didn’t try to buy. What’s next? A direct capitulation to Iran by the Democrats through Harry or Nancy? Ted’s in too much of a drunken stupor to go, Barney can’t be trusted around little boys and Kerry might defect to the motherland. With Kofi leaving and S. Korea’s “Moonbeam” taking over there’s a snowball’s chance in hell of cooling the nuke proliferation.
Lord LYNUS? Hahahahahahahhahahahahaaaa….Look guys, we don’t want to argue with this slippery little dork. He was “educated” in the Maoist sense, which is to say, the dangers of independent thinking had an evolutionary effect on those expressing it. If you had a brain, they killed you, so the inevitable genetic remains are like Lord Lynus. A Maoist ventriloquist dummy.
Lynus, it’s too late for you. Your gray matter has turned to ooze; your little pervert, Elvis-haired pansy, girdle-wearing Kim is a murdering little worm, and wierdos like you have the blood of the innocent on your hands and the screams of the dying in your ears.
Never, never, never, will an American lie down for some degenerate Asian creep. America will grow stronger and stronger and stronger, and your little zipper monkey, Kim will rot in the hell along with you. Go get me a menu.
I read Lynus’ posts again. He’s not Korean; just some college wanker with some Britishisms there, too. BTW Lynus, the Asian scores are about four to five points higher than those described as “white”, while white scores exceed another group by the same amount. Who’s the racist?
I know you encountered this in a sociology course, but you learned nothing about retention and association. I think it’s the “q” factor, the determinant of intelligence, not memory or scores. It’s also irrelevant. Western civilization speaks for itself.
And by the way, Lynus, take a writing course and study idioms more closely. You don’t sound like an Asian struggling with the English language, you sound like the moron you are.
I think it’s time we showed Kim Jong Il what a REAL nuclear blast is like, and let him see it up close.
Close enough that it’s the last thing he sees.
Happy Birthday to Me! haha
This is the second I think maybe third one that calls himself Lord. hahaha Very weird I think.
Rhod ..omg ROTFLMAO
“Go get me a menu.”
RightWingRocker oh wow HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
I missed your post that identified Lord Anus’s IP as originating in the Phillipines. I guess he isn’t a college wanker. But his English is too good to make the mistakes he’s made. Who knows? Maybe he’s Korean. Whatever he is, no person higher in moral development than a centipede could say the things he’s said.
The bad joke here is that without the US tp finance and fund, to create and peace-make, to war-make and produce, people like Lord Anus would be eating their own dead. The good news is that there would be lots of dead.
Rhod you are so right.
I have nothin’ to add (or is that pile on?). ‘Cept maybe a big ol’ BWAHAHAHAHAHA.
Guys and Gals,
I think “Lord Lynus” is a parody.
At least I certainly hope so!
Actually I take that back. The Left Mentality really is just about at that level.