Rumsfeld: North Korea Test Threat Must Be Taken Seriously
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Oct. 5, 2006 –
North Korea is a known weapon proliferator, and there is a danger that the rogue state may sell nuclear technology to non-state entities, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said today.
Rumsfeld spoke during an impromptu Pentagon news conference following meetings with Croatian Defense Minister Berislav Roncevic.
The secretary said the North Korean threat to test nuclear weapons must be taken seriously. He said the North Korean regime has claimed to have nuclear arms since 2003. “We have no way of knowing,” if they have nuclear weapons or not, he said.
The danger to the world is that if the regime does have nuclear arms, it already has demonstrated its willingness to sell the technology to the highest bidder. Non-state actors or terrorist groups are actively seeking weapons of mass destruction. They have no compunction about using those weapons, and they have no hard targets that the civilized world could threaten, Rumsfeld said.
The secretary said diplomacy is still the way ahead in addressing the issue. He said President Bush has pushed the Six-Party Talks – U.S., South Korea, China, Russia, Japan and North Korea – as the way forward.
If North Korea does test a nuclear weapon, then the international community is going to have to examine the situation to understand why the world could not marshal “the cooperation and cohesion to apply leverage to North Korea” to stop the spread of nuclear arms, he said.
The example of North Korea could encourage other states to develop nuclear capabilities, too, he said. It would lower the threshold for these nations.
Wild Thing’s comment……
This guy just won’t give up it seems. Hey Kim!
Nobody likes you,
everybody hates you,
better go eat some worms.
Hopefully this is serving as a wake-up call to Japan, S Korea, the Phillipines and other Asian nations. They live under the protective cloak of American power, but they need to gear up their awareness and defenses and take an active part in regional security.
“I’m so ronery, I’m ronery…” (Sorry, I couldn’t resist the “Team America: World Police” plug)
Kim’s gonna be in deep Kimshee. Yup, you think he’s having a bad hair day now? Light one off there Kimmie baby.
If we turned N.Korea into a sea, and for that matter, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afgahistan, and Pakistan. (We can leave Indonesia, for now) That should lower the level of the oceans enough that it would offset the alleged rise due to the melting polar ice caps. That should….
1…Solve the New Orleans flooding problem.
2…Extend the beaches to form a barrier against future hurricanes in coastal communtities which will help drive down the cost of insurance.
3…Increase the value of beachfront property.
4…Create more navigable shipping lanes (especially the Japan to China route)
5…Allow us to bring our troops home to guard the border with Mexico and those ever increasingly militant Canadians.
6…Stop CNN from talking about Mark Foley
7…Reduce our stockpile of Nuclear weapons to more manageable levels.
8…Dramatically reduce the number of folks on the terror watch list.
Gosh, these problems are simpler to fix than I thought!!!!
Yup, go ahead there Kim…play your hand.
Tom I agree, it better be a wake up call. Something like this is not to take lightly.
Thank you so much Tom for your input on this.
Nick hahahha it is hard not to do that. hahaha
Billy, hahaha a bad hair day now is right. What the heck is it with these little monsters that want so much control over the world. Totally sick!