Democrat Clark says Saddam death penalty will unleash ‘catastrophic’ violence
WASHINGTON (AFP) – Democrat Ramsey Clark, a former US attorney general who is one of Saddam Hussein’s lawyers, said that any death sentence against the former Iraqi president would increase violence in the strife-torn country.
“It seems clear that a guilty verdict will set off catastrophic violence” and that a death sentence would be even worse, Democrat Clark told a Washington press conference.
“It’s hard to know how many Iraqis, dozens, hundreds, thousands, will die because of the sentence,” he said.
A date for a verdict in the crimes against humanity trial against Saddam and seven co-accused, which opened in October, 2005, is due to be set soon after the trial resumes on October 16.
If Saddam is found guilty and sentenced to death, Iraqi law lays down that he should be executed within 30 days, said Clark.
The US attorney general from 1967-69 reaffirmed his belief that the court is illegal because it was set up only to try Saddam. He criticised the judges because they were “selected, trained, paid, protected by the United States.”
Saddam and his co-defendants, including a half brother Barzan al-Tikriti, are on trial for a crackdown on a Shiite town of Dujail following an assassination attempt in 1982.
He faces a separate trial for genocide against Iraq’s Kurdish minority in the 1988 Anfal campaign.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Yes I added “Democrat” where Clark’s name shows up in the article.haha Let’s call it a little emphasis of how wonderful the Democrat party is……NOT!
How about if we hang them both? Save the world a lot of grief. Ramsey Clark’s death will unleash ‘catastrophic’ happiness.
What, no millions? Hey, how about this. Put the troops on high alert, shut down the country, announce the verdict…death….,hang em,….tell the Iraqi’s anyone caught outside will be shot on sight,……then leave, about 2 or 3 in the morning, just leave, head to Bermuda where the troops can take a little r&r, then sit back and watch the party….Oh, but don’t let Clark know we’re leaving…
Give it about a month or so, half the country will be dead and it will be much easier to manage. This way we won’t have to increase our troop strength.
Clark looks like he has been dead for 30 years. I guess the survival of a free America and gains by repubs has taken a toll on him.
And how many will die in riots if Saddam is not hanged!
C’mon, WT. That isn’t Clark; it’s a Charlie McCarthy doll somebody has used for target practice in a Porta-Potty.
Clark is yet another reason to hate Lyndon Johnson.
Hasn’t this asshole been commited to a loony bin yet.
OK,why in hell does anyone give this lump
of crap the time of day,he looks like a
Vampire thats seen the sun!!
Billy haha good idea you have!
Tom I agree Clark looks like death warmed over as they say. That Sorros guy does too, it must be something in being a traitor that brings the look of death to ones apprearance.
Rhod AMEN it sure is! I can’t stand or I mean I could not stand LBJ! Grrrrrrrr!!!!
hahahaha love your description of Clark’s appearance.
Jack H., Clark should be commited and not on our land. Maybe in some 3rd world country where it is not such fun to be in a deep dark prison with awful food and little water.
Tincan Sailor it is weird that he is in a very hot, very sunny place and no sign of sunlight has ever hit his ugly treasonous face.
Need a place for Ramzeeee?? lets reopen
Devils Island…