01 Oct

Al Jazeera network Parody Death To America

Mad TV – Death to America (Parody of Al Jazeera network)

* Thank you Billy of Billy O’Blog for the Video

Jack says:

That’s too funny, but true.

Billy says:

The Andy Rooney segment is a nice touch.

TomR says:

I expected it to be an exageration, it’s not! Funny though!

Van Helsing says:

Why do we need al-Jazz in English when we already have CNN?

Tincan Sailor says:

WT you have to check this one out every car needs one,dashboardmohammed.com

Wild Thing says:

Jack I am so glad you liked it. I did too.

Wild Thing says:

Billy it sure is, I really loved that part. hahaha
Thanks again for sending it to me.

Wild Thing says:

Tom me too till I watched it then I laughed really hard.

Wild Thing says:

Van Helsing hahaha EXACTLY!
I am not sure when it is going to be or if it has already happened but horrible ‘al-Jazz’ is supposed to have a radio show in the USA. Grrrrr!

Wild Thing says:

Tincan Sailor, thank you for the link. I appreciate it this is great. I also got it from Linda too just a little before you posted it. Is that esp or what. hahahha
Thanks again!!