Ted Turner is pushing for private meetings with the leaders of North and South Korea. Turner visited both Koreas last year. Now he is reportedly seeking meetings with President Roh Moo-hyun and Kim Jong-il. First visiting North Korea, Turner may carry a message when he subsequently travels south.
Last year, Tuner visited with Donald Gregg, a former U.S. ambassador to South Korea, Curt Weldon, vice chairman of the U.S. House Armed Services and Homeland Security Committees, on a charted plane to both Koreas. At the time, Turner gave US$150,000 to North Korea to aid in the development of farming technology.
The Korean Embassy in the U.S. said, “We understand that Turner is pushing ahead plans to meet President Roh Moo-hyun and Kim Jong-il to ask for the dispatch of a pan-Korean delegation to a peace park project in South Africa.”
The former chairman of CNN established the Turner Foundation to support environmental preservation in 1990 and launched a campaign to protect plants and animals. Since 1997, he has been engaged in the global denuclearization movement. Turner is a member of Responsible Wealth, a group that speaks up for preserving the estate tax, advocates fair taxes, proposes minimum wage hikes and pushes for decreases in the salaries of CEOs.
Wild Thing’s comment……
The north cannot feed it’s own people so they should invest in a ‘peace park’ project thousands of miles away? Crazy!
Ted should give North Korea his ex-wife Hanoi Jane. I hear she is bogged down somewhere with a vegetable powered “peace” bus that won’t run.
I used to have alot of respect for the guy. Being a sailor, I was impressed at how he was able to compete in, snd win the America’s Cup, back before the Cup races became the corporate fiasco’s they are today.
Then, his idea about a 24 hour news network seemed like GENIUS. That was before I realised CNN stood for the COMMUNIST NEWS NETWORK.
Still, I harbored some some respect, after all he still seemed to be getting the chicks. Then he married HANOI JANE.
The other day, I saw an interview with him where he was promoting the opening of his new restaurant chain. He will be serving Buffalo. Turner has invested over 100 million dollars in this project, making the 150,000 dollars you mentioned above for farming in North Korea nuch less impressive, (although 100,000 in North Korea buys an awful lot of Kimshee).
I can’t recall the exact figure but it seems to me I heard that 90% of new restaurants fail. So there is still hope.
Nice graphic by the way, I see you found it. Fun and easy, isn’t it…..
I had some respect for him as well till I found out what he really is. All you have to do is take one look at him he does not even have to speak and you know he is insane.
I lost any and all respect for Turner long before he married the traitor, he’s just another Communist sympathizer to me.
“I am anti-war, anti-poverty, anti-AIDS, anti-hunger, anti-hate, and I am pro-UN, pro-freedom, pro-competition, pro-democracy, pro-woman and pro-choice.” CNN founder Ted Turner at a pro-abortion rally held in Washington, D.C. on April 25 and shown live on C-SPAN
“The Palestinians are fighting with human suicide bombers, that’s all they have. The Israelis … they’ve got one of the most powerful military machines in the world. The Palestinians have nothing. So who are the terrorists? I would make a case that both sides are involved in terrorism.” The Guardian UK ,Tuesday June 18, 2002
“The reason that the World Trade Center got hit is because there are a lot of people living in abject poverty out there who don’t have any hope for a better life….I think they [the 19 hijackers] were brave at the very least.” February 11, 2002 remarks at Brown University
First, America has made mistakes and no doubt make more along the way
But lets face the facts America has liberated more people than all the other
Countries combined (FACTOID) The UN is like a car with only 2 wheels
The United States makes up the other 2.Tthey are as corrupt an organization
As there is, Check out” Oil For Food “As for Palestine they are the stick the
Rest of the Arab world uses to keep the Jews stirred up. Sorry but the
Palestinians are the Bastard child the rest of the Arab world wants
Nothing to do with. Question Jack who came to the aid of all the Muslims
In Bosnia and Serbia, I do believe it was the nasty old US OF A Jack..
Not 1 Muslim country came to their aid when they were the target of
. Ethnic cleansing. There are a lot of people living in abject poverty, and
whose fault is that Jack!! Ours, I don’t think so!! Let’s just use the Arab
world for example, The countries with oil and Trillions of dollars, do
they share it with their Brothers that have very little I don’t think so…
Do they build and manufacture any thing with all that money, No!
They suppress the minds of millions of Muslim women ,so Jack if
These wonderful people got their sh*t together they could be a major
Player in the world ,they could contribute to aids, hunger and poverty
As for the Hi-Jackers being brave, you have got to be kidding me,
Brave my ass..Stupid yes brave no way, Islam as it stands is not
All bad but it has been hi-jacked by a bunch of fools whose ideology
Stopped forming about 200 years before Fire…They are total stone age
And nothing short of Neanderthal…If Ethnic cleansing could ever be
Justified they would the reason…
Tom that would be perfect. Send his ex-wife to N. Korea. loving it!
Billy that is how I felt too. I loved that he created the 24 hour news network, that was brillant. Then I also liked his idea of having a channel that showed all the old movies I love to watch. That too was a plus and I though who the heck is this guy that likes old movies and loves all news like I had wished had existed for a long time.
Then I started to find things out about him and it made me sick and angry. He is a commuinist through and through. Then he married Hanoi Jane and that was it, the end of any good he could have done. Then more comments came out from him and more information that proved he is not on the side of America at all.
Good one Billy!
Jack H. I agree I think he is insane, an insane communist or is that the same thing.
Jack thank you so much for the quotes. Excellent and I appreciate it!!!!
Tincan Sailor – Jack is quoting Ted Turner to show hoe leftist Turner is.
Well I missed the quotation marks thats a fact
but what I said needed to be said,as for Turner
isn’t worth the time of day.The less press he
gets the better,does any one remember Angelia
Davis?does any really give a rats ass,no press
gone from sight…
First off Tincan I resent the tone of your comments, if you had read my comments you’d fucking see that they were Ted Fuckin’ Turner’s comments that I quoted. I’d accept your tirade if I had made those moonbat statements.
I agree with all you said about what this country has done for a bunch of useless fucktards that think we owe it to them to feed, clothe, shelter and defend their sorry asses, then when we bend over to pick them up we take it up the ass. This goes for all foreigners and all those worthless motherfuckers on welfare in this country. It’s OK for us to defend every wothless country like those fucking frogs that we’ve bailed out twice, but we’re condemned by our own and the world if we raise a finger to retaliate after they’ve killed 3000 Americans on our soil because of Islam. The fucking Saudis are about to fall because they’ve suppressed the Arabs for 60 years and only the Royalty get rich, the remaining Arabs are getting just enough welfare to keep them from revolting. They have nothing to offer but hatred, resentment and death because, like you iterated they are stuck in the stone age, worshipping a fucking moon god. The UN is a Communist fabrication to further Communism, their ideals are to make the world dependent on the UN for their health and welfare and protection. Like all Communist regimes they are too fucking greedy to not line their pockets at the expense of others and have subverted themselves into a despotic controlled body. Palestine is nothing more than a flock of dissociated and exiled Arabs who flocked to Palestine in 1948 for the spoils of a failed UN partition, they’ve been subsidized and funded by the UN through UNWRA ever since against Israel. My sentiments still stands, Ted Turner is a fucking Communist loving idiot. Ethnic cleansing? You sure as fuck don’t want me in charge, that nuclear stockpile we have would be put to good use. I hope I have clearly expressed my self this time.
Thank you TomR for the obvious.
My apologies to Chrissie for the vernacular.
Don’t get your panties in a bunch, if you take
the time to read my last post “I SAID I MISSED
YOUR QUOTATION MARKS” and I thought you were
laying down a line of bull-s##t so thats how it
stands and if thats not good enough for you, you
“The less press he gets the better,does any one remember Angelia Davis?does any really give a rats ass,no press gone from sight..”
Tincan Sailor, you have a point about this. But let me share with you the reason I post about people like Turner, the Muslim running for office (Ellison), Clinton, Osama, Ahmadinejad, Annan etc. is because they are all my enemy.
I can say yes they would get less coverage if no one posted about them, but they still would be doing things against America.
Here is an example of why I do this.
Danny Glover was spewing his love for Castro and communism. Thousands of us emailed MCI and told them we would never use MCI as long as Danny Glover was their spokesperson. It was years ago before I had a Blog but just from a forum I went to joining together and sending emails, phone calls etc. We changed something that without knowing about it would have just stayed as is. The same with Whoppie Goldberg and her comment about President Bush. She was taken off the Slim Fast commercials. The owner of Slim Fast is a Democrat but he is not so stupid as not to make money and our voices told him he would not if he kept Whoppie Goldberg as a spokesperson.
So sometimes, not always, getting the word out can inform, make changes, and make a difference.
Can I change what Ted Turner is about to do and has been doing. No, sadly I have no voice in that. But I want to know what my enemy does, says and is up to. I get a lot of emails from cowards of the left too afraid to spew on here so they write to me how stupid I am, how I am wrong, how I should take down my Blog, take down my website as well. I am getting to them by what I am doing and that please me no end.
One of the times I came back from Vietnam, a Nam Vet told me how he was unable to attend a college in my hometown. I had no pull about it but my Father had the power to get them to listen. I told my Father about it, he made a phone call, had a meeting and the school took a different attitude and allowed Nam Vets to attend from then on.
So sometimes just knowing and getting the word out can get to a person that can make a difference, a person that might have pull or connections.
I am of the warrior spirit in my soul and come from a long line of Marines, paratroopers, Infantry, Navy Seals, defenders of our Freedom. I cannot let wrongs against my country go without at least trying to speak out about them. It is not always a popular road to take but I take it nonetheless. Nick and I both have lost family members because our stand for our military and for Israel as well. Honestly that used to hurt but only for a little while. My true family are my Veterans, my brothers and nothing can be better then that.
The reason I dropped the hammer on good old jack
was the fact I missed the “”””” marks and I thought the spew was his and re reading my post
it spits in the face of every thing Turner said.
Victor Davis Hanson writes about the problems
of the Arab world and the west can’t be blamed
for their stupidity, its theirs and theirs
alone…as for Ted Turner he stands for one thing and that alone, Ted Turner. nothing else
pure greed,my wish for Ted is a good case of
West Nile…And WT don’t ever stop what your doing…
Take a look at Ted’s face it tends to remind
one of a senator named Ted,same lost what
the hell happened look and Gin Blossoms…