September 23, 2006
NY Post
— World leaders can rant all they want at the United Nations – as long as its diplomats continue to spend big bucks here, Mayor Bloomberg said yesterday.
“If the U.N. left, from an economic point of view, it would be a disaster,” he said on his weekly WABC radio show.
“Tens of thousands of people would lose their jobs. The trickle-down effect – stores, restaurants, builders, real-estate prices – would be devastating for this city.”
The mayor also refused to join the chorus of bipartisan critics of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
Wild Thing’s comment……
So what, get rid of the UN, put other things there that are money makers for New York. The NY RHINO Mayor is short sited I think. Think of the extra crime they could get rid of too if they got rid of the UN on property in NY. OH well just a thought anyway.
I sure am getting really sick of the RHINO’s.
Bloomburg is a Democrat. He just changed to Republican because it was best for his ambitions. He holds hardly any Rep values.Crap on the UN I am with you Chrissie.
Mayor Bloomberg has obviously bumped his head. Real estate prices??????? You have gaaaaahhhht to be kidding me? You would need howitzers to keep developers away from that property. That Is PRIME Manhattan, Center of the World real estate.!!! Yesterday, a townhouse sold for 29 million dollars, which is not unheard of in Manhattan. The newsworthiness of the sale was that it was above 96th street. The UN is on 42nd for crying out loud. On the River !!!!!
I was raised in NY. NY is a pretty resiliant place. You could get rid of the UN and quadruple the income generated by that useless organization. As a benefit the loudmouthed tin horn dictators of the world could spend more quiet time at home in their miserable little countries.
Tens of thousands would lose their jobs??? C’mon.!!!! Between the Freedom tower and redeveloping the UN property it would be a rebirth of NY.
How about making it the Anti Global Terror Headquarters? Or better yet, “The Office of Foriegn Aid and Subsidies for Third World Countries Who Think They’re Tough”
Let them shoot there mouth off there and see what they get!!!
Geeesh, am I in a movie? This isn’t real is it? C’mon tell me it ain’t real. Pinch me…anybody….?
That is the problem right there. America is not willing to take a stand if it “might” inconvenience someone. Damn, that is short sighted. We have overcome so much with effort and hard work in the past but now “we can’t risk having to adapt to change” what a crock.
Jack H. your right, I think a lot of Democrats have run as Republicans. augh!
Billy, hahaha yep it is a real. Good one Billy it sure is amazing to hear excuses like Bloomburgs.
Robert it sure is and this that you said…….”We have overcome so much with effort and hard work in the past”……….so true!!
The RINO Bloomberg would rather steal private property under the latest eminent domain ruling by SCOTUS for increased taxes than excise that Communst Cancer in Manhatten. Not to just blame Bloomberg we have to look at what New Yorkers prefer, Hillary and Chuckie are two more Marxist examples of their preferences for leadership. Like most Democrats, Bloomberg is bought and paid for by the U.N.
Jack they deserve each other, New Yorkers and the people they vote for. My brother-in-law lives in NY, is a Democrat, big time Clinton fan and hates Bush. Typical and it shows in his personality too. Icky does not begin to describe my B-I-L.
He says Nick and I are right wing war mongers, stupid and thinks Clinton was the best President we ever had. hahahaha
UN building, Trumph Towers#2, win win…