Here’s the church and here’s the steeple. Open the doors and here’s the people.

“I shall protect you from GWB my little camel monkee!”
Hugo’s speech
UNITED NATIONS – Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez took his verbal battle with the United States to the floor of the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday, calling President Bush “the devil.”
“The devil came here yesterday,” Chavez said. “He came here talking as if he were the owner of the world.”
Wild Thing’s comment…..
I am incredibly angry that they we allowed this worthless POS and the Iranian nutjob to even enter our country. He wants the UN to move to another country? That is the only thing he said that I applaud.
* HOT Air …Thank you for the Video
Afterwards, they attended a Village People revival and clutched without wearing any pants.
I know you don’t do caption contests, WT, but the second picture begs for a caption. Something like “Oh, Mahmood, you mad, impetuous fool. Your left hand is magic”.
I love Caption contests and your right this one begged for it.
I agree – the photo just begs for a caption.
“and then they broke out in song:
…Just the two of us
We can make it if we try
Just the two of us, just the two of us
Just the two of us
Building castles in the sky
Just the two of us, you and I…”
“You know I love ya, Hugo Baby. But, phew! You gotta stay away from the Bean Burrito and egg salad combos”.
“Is that a spent fuel rod in your pocket, Mahmood, or are you just glad to see me”.
“Hugo, so that’s what you meant by offshore drilling. Allah Akbar!”
“Caracas AP. President Hugo Chavez congratulates President Mahmood Ahmadinejad on his winning recipe for Rat’s Head Casserole at this month’s Great Iranian Five-Second Meals Cookoff”.
“Caracas Reuters. President Hugo Chavez and Iranian President Mahmood Ahmadinejad have been successfully conjoined at the scrotum in a successful operation Thursday. The two men share the same brain”.
“Teheran AP. President Mahmood Ahmadinejad, who recently had his right hand amputated for compulsive masturbation, is promised continued manipulation by Venezuela’s President, Hugo “Sock-It-To-Me” Chavez”.
“New York AP. Professional wrestlers, Hugo “ButterBean” Chavez and Mahmood “Cavity of Depravity” Ahamadinejad, playfully tussled in the UN Security Council Men’s Room today. Newsmen were jostled and rushed from the scene.”
One more.
“New York AP. A good-natured Hugo Chavez arrived in New York for medical treatment today. The President is sufferring from a malignant, festering 150 lb tumor, which protrudes from his chest”.
Yankeemom…..hahahahaha good one!
This is fun I love reading these captions.
Rhod, OMG I love all of these.
This is fun to read these.
Arrgh!!! There was one good suggestion. Move U.N. headquarters to Brazil.
Like the Vatican City is an autonomous state in Rome,Italy for Catholicism, the U.N. has become the City State in New York for the world’s Communists and Despots, this isn’t what Jefferson had in mind 230 years ago at the founding of the nation, a Communist body, cancer if you will, inside this nation dictating our sovereign policy. Democrats love the UN.
Perhaps one good aspect of allowing these despots and “holy” men into America to showboat at the UN, is the fact that it drums home just how crazy and screwed up much of the World is. We see how much a lot of the World despises us, how dangerous some leaders are and how ineffectual and anti-American the UN is.
Jack that works for me, make it just like how the Vatican is set up as an autonomous state.
Put it far away from being on our land. I would love that to happen.
Tom it sure is, I also hated it when our tax dollars had to protect the evil visitors from Iran like that ex-President of Iran. grrrrr
Damn Hugo those are size 18 shoes you have!!
and Amigo, your hands, they are so big!!!
Tincan Sailor Hahahaha
oh wow hahahha