This is an interview NBC Nightly News managing editor and anchor Brian Williams did with Ahmadinejad
President Bush’s policies in the Middle East are “moving the world toward war,” Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday, maintaining that Iran was a peaceful nation that merely wanted to be left alone to “stand on its own feet.”
“The U.S. government thinks that it’s still the period after World War II,” Ahmadinejad said in an interview with Brian Williams, anchor and managing editor of “NBC Nightly News,” a mindset that led Bush to believe that he “can rule, therefore, over the rest of the world.”
But “the world has changed,” he said. “Nations are awakened now. They want their rights — equal rights, and fair ones. The time for world empires has ended.”
Ahmadinejad, who was to address the United Nations later in the day, did not attend Bush’s address Tuesday afternoon. Bush likewise avoided seeing Ahmadinejad during his New York visit, in line with the U.S. policy not to engage with the Iranian government until Tehran abandoned its attempts to enrich uranium, which Washington believes is the first step toward Iran’s development of a nuclear weapon.
“Why is the U.S. government so against our people?” Ahmadinejad, speaking through a translator, asked in the interview with NBC News. “They speak of war so easily, as if it’s on their daily agenda. We never speak of war.”
“We are against the atomic bomb,” he said. “We believe bombs are used only to kill people. And we are against killing people.”
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Put simply he is full of crap. He a very dangerous man who will become more dangerous with this appearance on the world stage. He can never be allowed to control nuclear weapons. Not ever!
This pud puddle is perfect proof that, as they say, “never trust a man who doesn’t drink”
The first thing wrong with the interview was it was with Brian the ‘Brain’ Williams, I quit watching that bobble head 5 years ago, Larry King has more charm and interviewing skills as well as more credibility. Neither ask the hard questions and pander to the guest, it was only face time for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, where he could speak his lies with out contradiction, sponsored by NBC and paid for by their sponsors. Ahmadinejad IMO is a puppet not only of Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei but also Vladimir Putin and Jacques Chirac. What the press doesn’t emphasize is the fact that bent in the head has vowed to destroy Israel and the United States, Putin and Chirac along with Merkel’s government are ensuring that this will happen.
Chirac demonstrated his duplicity in front of the world and the American people when he sided with Bush in a press conference just before going before the UN general assembly and slamming Bush in front of the entire world. Who is the axis of evil? Those who perpetrate the acts or those who aid them? We don’t need friends like France or Russia when they openly back rogue and terrorist regimes then arm them.
Thing is Jack, the Democrats will swallow his lies hook, line, and sinker.
Billy hahahaha pud puddle
Jack your so right about Williams.
Putin and Chirac, well maybe not Chirac, must know that the moslems want to destroy or enslave the entire non goat-fucking world. Not just America and Britain. I bet these guys are hoping for either the Anglo-West or islamic nations to destroy one or the other and the survivor to be too weak to be of importance. Then the axis of socialized nations will become the Worlds’ power.
I hope our next President treats these two scheming dirtbags with the disrespect they deserve.
Brian Williams had to resist the urge to give Imafart a full-scale Monica.
Let’s get something straight, and this is for the Iranian tool and the squeaking, bad-skinned rodent from Venezuela.
Over the long, arduous and melancholy trail from primitivism to modern civilization, American has spilled her blood and dispensed her treasure across the globe, sometimes in Imperial ambitions, but chiefly to sustain and uphold the magnificent traditions of The West. Personal liberty, free thought and expression, argument, Reason and the Rule of Law. We’ve died by the millions to defend these principles, and for the safety and benefit of our brothers and sisters of every race and creed, here and abroad.
We, the inheritors of the world purchased by the sweat, blood and wild courage of Bunker Hill, Valley Forge, Gettysburg (both sides), the Somme, Omaha Beach, the Korean Offensive, Khe Sanh and Hill 881, and Fullujah will never kneal, bow or lower our eyes for the vile, cheap, filth and undiscriminating cruelties and disfigurements of Islamists or their Latin collaborators. Never. Never. Never. And the cretinous ideas of The Left will end in the dead anonymity reserved for their kind.
We have never surrendered, will never surrender, will never submit in obedience to any Islamic or collective creed, to any vicious gangster theocracy or oil Mafia anywhere on the earth. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you forever. Come for us, you scraps of human garbage and you go down to the ignominious, humiliating defeat as have all our opponents. Your day is coming. Squeal and thrash at that collective international dung heap called the UN until your eyes cloud over. Your end is near.
This guys an idiot, it’s north korea all over again. “We are having a peaceful nuclear program” and few months later they test a missle? World leaders can’t help but lie about it, someone should just have the guts to say what they are doing. We are building nuclear weapons cause we want them too. But the iran guy is absolutely crazy, Liars, all of them 🙁
Well, Bob’s right about the Democrats, but if you’ve been watching the UN general assembly coverage you’ll notice there is no decorum, no decency protocol only cheering and laughter from the rank and file members as the despots bash the West and president Bush. Feckless bastards all!!! If I could I’d nationalize all of CITGO’s assets in the US, diversify them amongst the national oil companies, Conoco, Tesoro etc, not the international ones, for their refining capabilities. Put our subs on alert and any suspected shipments of arms, uranium or missles to or from Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Venezuela, Cuba or Korea would simply disappear at sea without a trace, never admitting to a thing.
Jack, heck with the subs. A Stealth aircraft with a 10,000 pound bunker buster would sink any ship real fast. With the Stealth, nobody would ever know it was there.
Can we nuke them all now? They declare we’re imperialists, let’s do our best to try and prove them right. The US could take over Cuba, Chavezland, and pretty much any and all of the Americas if we wanted. But we don’t, and no amount of sane discourse will change their minds, so nuke ’em already.