Adnan G. El Shukrijumah
There’s a $5-million bounty on the head of El Shukrijumah, who is being sought by the FBI and CIA in connection with a plot to detonate a dirty bomb–a conventional explosive laced with radioactive material. El Shukrijumah has been described as “the next Mohammad Atta” by American authorities. He is considered extremely dangerous and there are now at least two different sources who claim he will carry out a nuclear attack within the United States soon!
Aliases: Adnan G. El Shukri Jumah, Abu Arif, Ja’far Al-Tayar, Jaffar Al-Tayyar, Jafar Tayar, Jaafar Al-Tayyar
Date of Birth Used: August 4, 1975
Hair: Black
Place of Birth: Saudi Arabia
Eyes: Black
Height: 5′3″ to 5′6″
Sex: Male
Weight: 132 pounds
Complexion: Dark, Mediterranean
Build: Average
Remarks: El Shukrijumah occasionally wears a beard. He has a pronounced nose and is asthmatic. El Shukrijumah speaks English and carries a Guyanese passport, but may attempt to enter the United States with a Saudi, Canadian, or Trinidadian passport.
If you think you see him contact the FBI
TELEPHONE: (202) 324-3000
Wild Thing’s comment……
This is the man mentioned in the post below. I hope they find this person before he has a chance to do anything. I think they will we have awesome people working to find him and the word is out more then ever before on blogs too.
He was born in 1975 in Saudi Arabia, Adnan Shukrijumah has lived in the US for 15 years.
A fluent English speaker, he is alleged to have been involved in terrorist planning with al-Qaeda leaders overseas and scouted sites across the US which might be vulnerable to attack. He has been sought by the FBI since the interrogation last year of al-Qaeda senior planner Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
He carries a passport of Guyana, where his father was born, has many aliases and may be carrying Saudi, Trinidadian and Canadian documents as well. He has a pronounced nose and is asthmatic.
I have not seen this on CNN. However, if I do, I’d be willing to bet they use the middle picture, along with a parade of character references describing him as a peaceful man, loving husband and great father. After the attack, we’ll see those same people dancing in the streets.
Despite all the talk of all the freedoms we are losing in our “war on terror”, many people refuse to acknowledge the threats that are out there. Despite 911, this country is still too complacent, worried more about good carbs / bad carbs, tainted spinach and whether or not their home team will make the World Series. They refuse to believe we are at WAR.
Unfortunately, I’m afraid it will take another attack, like the one in your post, to wake people up again. Then, after a month ot two of “unity”, the same people complaining about the government infriging on their personal freedoms will be screaming “Why didn’t you do more”.
We need to hear more about the planned attacks and foiled attacks. It seems that if it wasn’t a successful atttack, it means nothing. There were four attempted attacks on our oil supplies in Yemen the other day. You hardly heard a peep about it despite the warning by Zawahiri just days before that it was coming.
The attempted attack on our embassy in Syria last week made the news but if you were to ask 1oo Americans where the latest attempted attack on one of our embassies occured, I’d be surprised if 10 get it right. To me, the system again seems to be “blinking red”. Though our government seems to be doing a “better” job at it, the country’s rank and file doesn’t seem to be “connecting the dots”.
I think alot of the fault lies with the media who seem to be on a mission to discredit this administration and the war on terror in a desperate attempt to regain power in Washington.
In the five years since 911 it seems sometimes that we haven’t learned anything. That’s sad, because it will cost more innocent Americans their lives.
Thank’s go to you and people like you for keeping us informed of the potential threats out there. Keep it up and remain vigilant.
Billy I think you are right, it is going to take another horrible attack. Even then the left might just blame Bush instead of the terrorists.
Have the FBI checked the McCain residence? John wouldn’t want to lose a constituent, maybe the guy just shuttles between John’s place and the Warner household, in their protective custody.
One thing for sure it will take another bloodletting before the left will take it serious, even then they’ll think it’s only a misunderstanding and it’s all our fault. I wouldn’t mind if they only preyed on the left but as the whole world knows they kill indiscriminately, even their own kind.
Jack……”Have the FBI checked the McCain residence” hahaha not a bad idea.
Looks like a job for Black Ops…Don’t know
what happened to him,he just tripped and fell
head first into the wood-chipper,Sorry!!!!
All of the terrorism experts say it will take more blood for us to take them seriously. That’s so discouraging.
Tincan Sailor, hahaha yes he just tripped and fell and a big oops. heh heh
Beth your right, it will take more. I really don’t like to think that way, but it sure seems to be true.
I don’t know, he looks kind of friendly looking , with all the bogus stuff coming out of the Bush administration, are you 100% sure this guy is a threat?