The Vice President of CAIR, Eric Meek, who told students, “If Jesus were here, he’d be a Muslim” at the University of North Texas. It was the Saudi-Wahhabi front group known as the Muslim Student Association that held an event.
In the spirit of promoting understanding across religious denomination lines, the Muslim Student Association hosted a lecture clarifying some of its religious beliefs.
“Christ in Islam,” held at 4 p. m. Wednesday in Wooten Hall, aimed to show NT students that contrary to popular opinion, Muslim beliefs could align to Christian ones, event organizers said.
Eric Meek, NT alumnus and vice president of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, was invited to speak to students on Islamic beliefs, especially those relating to Jesus Christ. “I think education will help everyone,” Meek said.
Meek, a self-proclaimed Muslim for the past 16 years, said his interest in Islam began when he was studying to become a Baptist preacher. He said he began wondering if Muslims were “confused Christians” or whether Christians were the ones who were confused. Meek said he was unsure of how to confirm his beliefs. “I started from the prospective that I wanted to study the Bible to convince people that it’s true,” he said.
As he started studying the history of the text, he said he began doubting the truth of the Bible. Meek said he compared the two religions and decided on Islam. “It’s more compelling, more attractive to me,” he said.
He now works as the president of the Islamic Association in Lewisville and said he enjoys speaking on the topic of religion. “Islam is totally more convincing,” he said.
Muslims affirm that all people are born Muslim, and they can either choose to embrace the teachings of their creator, Allah, or convert to a different religion, Meek said.
“If Jesus were here, he’d be a Muslim, and he’d say what I’m saying,” he said.
Wild Thing’s comments…….
OK listen up you Muslims that read this blog everyday. Your Allah was nothing but a moon god. Got that? !
And your Mohammad = terrorist, rapist, pervert, pedophile etc.
From what Meeks said, it sure shows how desperte Muslims are to try and enlist people in their cult.
Another example of their perversion.
Converts to the islamic cult prove to be the scariest. Even those not recruited in prison!
New Pope Shows Spine
Islamonazi CAIR Is Not Impressed
http://www.terrorfreeoil.org/videos/MS091506.php – video
Please Call The Vatican Embassy In Washington, DC at (202) 333-7121 to Express Your Support!
Jack it sure is. Honestly they remind me of our media and left how they lie and just figure there are enough sheep out their that will believe them.
Tom, that is true, Maybe converts have more to prove or something, not sure.
Terrorfree, thank you for the information and the link to the video.
This is another part of the broad-ranging attempt to change the terms of the debate. When this fool can explain “jihad”, and vigorously condemn Islamofascism while praising other religions, then we can talk.
Rhod, I would love for that man to hear what you said. He would not be able to get away fast enough because like you said, he is a fool. Good one!
I sorta agree with the convert statement of extremist and brainwashing. I remember a convert from the university who dropped out of school cause she didn’t want to get student loans and pay interest. I mean, what is the point of it all? So you get loans, how else can some people pay for college, it’s expensive and some people (including myself) have no other option, yet she’s unemployed, has debt, and no one will hire her cause she has no education. What a fucking moron. Muslim-born are no better, they spread their lies and constantly preach on topics that are irrelevant. You know what I think, they only advance in education, socially they are in the 2nd century! pathetic