STOCKHOLM, Sept. 5 (Xinhua) — Danish police have arrested nine people suspected of planning a terror attack, reports reaching here from Denmark said Tuesday.
The nine, who had got materials to make explosives in connection with the preparation for a terror attack, were arrested during a police raid overnight in heavily immigrant-populated neighborhood of Vollsmose, a suburb west of Odense in central Denmark, the reports said, citing the country’s intelligence service.
The suspects, whose identities were not disclosed, were all aged under 30 and would face a custody hearing later Tuesday, said Lars Findsen, head of the Danish Security Intelligence Service.
Findsen gave no details on the target of the attack, saying that the arrests would not prompt Denmark to raise its terror alert.
Denmark has raised its terror preparedness after the London terror attacks last year and disputes earlier this year over cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad which was first published in a Danish newspaper.
…”Little Sheet Heads”,should have seen that one coming…coffee everywhere..((((-:}…now fancy pants Ms England is warning the “WEST”..and what’s up with this nationalist Turkish lawyer..you will probably be getting a subpoena to appear in court for attacking “Sheet Heads”..know any good “Sheet Head” lawyers..I have run across a few in my time..just let us know where to send the cig`s and pork skins…..Rob…
Rob_NC hahahahahaha
I am not a big fan of Turkish anything.
Where did you get this image? If it is yours, may I use it?
Eric you can have it. I found it at Google so I have no idea who did the original.