President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday invited US President George W. Bush to a uncensored and live television debate. Ahmadinejad said:
“I offer Mr Bush to take part in a TV debate with me without any censorship so that we put forward our views on ways to come out of the current international crises”.
PressZoom – Ahmadinejad did not take any position to concrete topics like the atomic conflict the Iran. Ahmadinejad criticized that the USA and Great Britain used the UN, in order to force the world upon their will.
Ahmadinejad said: “I offer Mr Bush to take part in a TV debate with me without any censorship so that we put forward our views on ways to come out of the current international crises”.
Ahmadinejad’s condition: “This TV debate may not be censored for US public”.
During the television debate, he would like to discuss possibilities with Bush of diminishing the up-to-date existing tensions.
“We have proposals for resolving the international crises on the basis of justice, dignity and equality of human being,” Ahmadinejad added.
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Get this Ahmadinejad is ahead. WTF!
Bah! I’m sure President Bush has better things to do. Tell ya what, let me debate this lunatic.
I’m not a great debater; but I could kick his ass.
Bring on Cheney.
Linda that would be fun to debate the creep. haha
Stacy you sure could it would be fun to watch you do it too. giggle
Jane I love Cheney, he would make mince meat of terrorist Ahmadinejad. Good one!