CAIR to Host Dinner for Former President of Iran; Khatami to Speak on ‘The Dialogue of Civilizations: Five Years After 9/11’
Contact: Ibrahim Hooper of CAIR, 202-488-8787 or 202-744-7726, or ihooper@cair-net.org
News Advisory:
On Friday, Sept. 8, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) will host a dinner for former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami at the Marriott Crystal Gateway in Arlington, Va. The theme of his address at the CAIR dinner will be “The Dialogue of Civilizations: Five Years After 9/11.” Khatami will be in Washington, D.C., to take part in an event at the National Cathedral.
WHAT: CAIR Hosts Dinner for Former President of Iran
WHEN: Friday, Sept. 8 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. (A private reception with President Khatami, including a photo opportunity, will precede the dinner at 6 p.m.)
WHERE: Marriott Crystal Gateway, 1700 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, Va.
COST: Dinner only: $250 per person; private reception and dinner: $500 per person
CONTACT: R.S.V.P. by Tuesday, Sept. 5, by calling 202-742-6409 or 202-488-8787 ext. 6052, or e-mailing irahman@cair.com
Not only that but also this…….
Former President of Iran Invited to Speak in D.C.
Despite a looming diplomatic showdown with Iran over its nuclear program, the Bush administration has agreed to issue a visa to former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami to give a public address at the Washington National Cathedral next month, according to the Rev. Canon John L. Peterson, director of the Center for Global Justice and Reconciliation.
Khatami would be the most senior Iranian to visit Washington since Iran’s 1979 revolution and the 1979-1981 takeover of the U.S. Embassy, which led Washington to sever relations with a country that had been one of its two closest allies in the Middle East.
The State Department said yesterday that it had not yet approved a visa for Khatami because he has not yet formally applied, which he must do outside Iran.
The White House decision to allow a prominent Iranian reformer to visit comes at a time of mounting tension with the new hard-line leadership in Tehran. Iran is expected to give its official answer today to a U.S.-backed package of incentives designed to get Tehran to give up uranium enrichment, a process in a peaceful nuclear energy program that can be converted to develop a nuclear weapon.
Undersecretary of State R. Nicholas Burns said Friday that the United States is ready to push for new international sanctions on Iran at the United Nations if it does not accept the undisclosed package. Burns’s office made the decision to grant the visa, according to the cathedral.
The Rev. Samuel T. Lloyd III, dean of the cathedral, said, “It will be an honor for the cathedral to provide a platform for President Khatami.” He added: “President Khatami’s commitment to a dialogue between civilizations and cultures is an important component in the peace process. This is much needed in the world today.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Khatami is a BIG supporter of Hezbollah’s Nasrallah. Perhaps CAIR could invite Osama over for dinner as well.
Remember this quote from CAIR:
“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith but to become dominant.” — Omar Ahmad, CAIR chairman of the board, July 4, 1998.
Undersecretary of State R. Nicholas Burns, why are you allowing this guy into the US?
Another maddening event. Oh, it would be great if America had strong leadership. But, we have confusion.
From what I have seen of the National Cathedral, it is a beautiful place of worship. But Muslims should never set foot in it. If Khatami is a buddy of Nasrallah, then that means he thinks Christians are infidels and pigs. It is sacriligious to have that anti Westerner in a church.
He and CAIR will invigorate each other on US soil while our leadership looks on smiling. George Bush should have to watch a beheading video every day. Maybe it will seep through to him that this cult of islam wants to destroy and enslave us.
What is the Bush doctrine? We won’t negotiate with terrorists!!! But it’s alright to have them come and speak to our home grown terrorists though, a full third of which reside in Dearborn. We can’t show any Judeo-Christian tendencies or express our faith in public, that is reserved for our Muslims, their rights guaranteed under the First Amendmendment,enforced by CAIR and the Michigan ACLU as legislated by their judge Anna Diggs Taylor. I’ll bet the State Department hand carried that Visa to Khatami.
Does this mean that as soon as Fidel gets back on his feet he’ll be the honored guest speaker for the DNC at the November election, it’s his First Amendment right too you know.
All proceeds go towards re-arming Hezbollah
You think the place will be bugged? I sure hope so. Talk about being “in your face blatant.”
I hope someone slips him a pork chop.
Crissy, to you think people will ever learn? We’re facing the destruction of what we’ve worked to become for over two hundred years. This country used to be the bastion of freedom and a light to the world, but those ideals are under attack from those who would set humanity back thousands of years. Our very way of life is being threatened and that destruction is being supported by those who wish to “keep the peace” with those who seek that end. How did it come to this?
Tom there is confusion, you are right. Too many times our leadership takes one step forward and two steps back. Tons of confusion going on.
Jack hahaaha about Fidel. Probably!! Good point!
Jeff bet that is what will happen too.
Greta it better be bugged at least that. Good idea.
Gregor, I hope people will learn but right now I have my doubts. Great post Gregor!
The enemy within is very real and we have so many RHINO’s in leadership. It would take a massive overhaul to clean house. That sounds negative but I am sick of weakness. I want our country strong, and to truly mean with us or against us to be for real.
Gregor, back during the Cold War the leftists would say “Better Red than Dead”. Now they say “Better Muslim than Dead”. The weak and fainthearted will always “bow the knee” to the adversary rather than stand and fight.