LONDON, England (CNN) — Nearly five years have passed since the September 11 terrorist attacks, yet Osama bin Laden — the world’s most-wanted terrorist — remains a dangerous fugitive, his words and actions inspiring jihadists across the globe.
Bin Laden has been given permission by a young cleric in Saudi Arabia authorizing al Qaeda to “use nuclear weapons against the United States … capping the casualties at 10 million.”
Wild Thing’s comment……
What makes the cleric so special? He’s the one who can count to 10 million.
Killing 10 million americans would be right, killing 10,000,001 would be morally wrong.
nice to know these spiritual leaders believe in moderation.
Christiane Amanpour is an English born Iranian Dhimmi raised in Iran since birth who with her parents fled back to London in 1978 during the uprising in Iran. She is married to former President Clinton’s assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs and Chief Spokesman for the State Department James Rubin, both live in London. The policy of CNN bashing anything American, berating the United States and lauding our enemies, exposing troop movements and tactics then passing United States security leaks along to the enemy through their broadcasts has aided Bin Laden in his ability to avoid capture. The fact that Christiane Amanpour is a ‘journalist” for the Communist News Network, is married to a leftie politician and is of MiddleEastern extraction and plays by the CNN bash America handbook taints her credibility in my book. She and her colleagues are the main reason this murderous terrorist is free and that the world’s terrorist organizations are so well informed on what, when, where and who to strike next. Journalism my ass, she’s just another useful idiot supplying state secrets of both the United States and England to the enemy.
Christiane Amanpour is as much the enemy as Osama Bin Laden is, the same as the driver of the getaway car in a fatal armed robbery, the blood of Americans and Brits is on her hands too.
Mark great way to put it.. “moderation”.
Shaking my head at the whole Islam thing and it’s sheep followers.
Jack she sure is, I truly can’t stand Christiane Amanpour. Everything you said is absolutely right on target about her. Thank you Jack!
While mentioning Saudi clerics, I would love to see Saudi Arabia, and it’s many Wahabi clerics and oil sheik palaces be one of the first targets for nuclear retaliation by America in the next terrorist attack. Let the World snivel and whine over the loss of oil for awhile. Maybe then we would open up our reserves to drilling.
Tom I would agree to that, yep.
I am no fan of Saudi Arabia at all. They have their Sadui schools here in America and no one can convince me that they are not teaching students to hate America etc.
And I agree with the rest of your comment too about the oil.