Hezbollah whore……MY Title of this photo!
A Lebanese woman watches her husband count U.S dollar bills they received from a Hizbollah member, at a school in Bourj el-Barajneh, a southern suburb in Beirut, August 19, 2006. Hizbollah handed out bundles of cash on Friday to people whose homes were wrecked by Israeli bombing, consolidating the Iranian-backed group’s support among Lebanon’s Shi’ites and embarrassing the Beirut government. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard (LEBANON) Email Photo Print Photo

This is just a little from the article, it makes me too ill to put the whole idiotic thing here, sorry…………….
A Path To Lasting Peace
The writer is the Secretary of State
Looking ahead, our most pressing challenge is to help the hundreds of thousands of displaced people within Lebanon to return to their homes and rebuild their lives. This reconstruction effort will be led by the government of Lebanon, but it will demand the generosity of the entire world.
For our part, the United States is helping to lead relief efforts for the people of Lebanon, and we will fully support them as they rebuild their country. As a first step, we have increased our immediate humanitarian assistance to $50 million. To secure the gains of peace, the Lebanese people must emerge from this conflict with more opportunities and greater prosperity.
Wild Thing’s comment……
This is NOT good imo, but I have nothing to say about it so bye bye tax dollars to the Hezbollah! What the hell else did they think would happen? That the Hezbollah would say, ah no we don’t want the money, give it to the Israeli’s or to those living in Lebanon that are the few and far between non Hezbollah.
Let’s see, we give money to the Hezbollah while they are burning OUR Flag, saying they want us dead along with all the Jews in Israel. Sure that makes a whole lot of sense to me. NOT!
And another thing…..grrrrrr, you know the tons of photos a person sees or can see online of Muslim women, weeping, gnashing or is it knashing their teeth, whatever, with their few rotten teeth they have for the camera’s, the faces they make of such pretend grief at the loss of a loved one that was killed in the war instead of as a suicide bomber that would have made them rejoice?????!!!! Well the wailing and gnashing stops when the bucks show up don’t they. The next freakin thing we will hear out of the vile mouths is they “ want to go to Disneyland” God help us!
Since Russia has armed Iran and Syria then in turn they armed the Hezbollah and Hamas which issued orders to take IDF hostages and trigger the war. Let the damn Russians pick up the entire tab.
Why do you keep on blocking my comments??? Is this what you call FREEDOM??? DEMOCRACY??? You are a Coward! Yet another sign of American Double Standards! Your country’s so-called War on Terror has resulted to nothing but the loss of many innocent civilians! was it hard for you to accept that FACT? You americans are the true Menace! you Kill, Torture and Murder the innocent! You Shall Pay Dearly! America will be wiped off the map I assure you
Strange… Hez is still in terrible financial trouble, they can barely pay their own people. They must really be struggling to come up with this money to buy support.
Why in the heck are we giving money when Iran and Syria are forking out $$$$. Isn’t it about time we let the Arab nations take care of each other. We only need to be concerned about Israel.
Isn’t it funny how were so willing to hand money to foreign nations but won’t fund college for our own citizens.
Israfil let me explain to you about a blog.
This is called a blog that you are commenting on.
I designed from scratch the little picture at the top of the page of the bear at the desk.
Every month I pay a certain amount of money for a place online to store images, photos, graphics for this blog. (think of these things as furniture in a home, paintings etc, kind of thing)
Every month I pay money for bandwidth that this blog uses online and a server for this blog. (think of this as a little home online or an apt.where this blog lives…the blogs home online)
So in knowing these things I feel I have the right to not let someone in my front door if I don’t want to. I let you in for fun, like a toy to play with for awhile.
Your very first comment on this blog you stated this in all caps….DEATH TO AMERICA! Now Israfil that was not nice was it. And yet I let your comment be posted which was really nice of me. Do you go to peoples homes and their countries and yell out death to their country? You didn’t even bring a bottle of nice wine or flowers when you visited, nope you just came in yelling death to America.
I will let your commments be posted when I feel like it and if I don’t they will be deleted, simple as that. Just as I would either let you in my home or not depending on my choice.
None of this has anything to do with the Freedom our Veterans and our troops today fought for, nor our Democracy. It has to do with who will I allow to enter my home and that is personal.
Now Israfil………….as to your comment in this post titled U.S. Aid to Lebanon. I see nothing in your comment about what this post is about. A-hem!!! Shaking my head!
Israfil read your comment again. Do you see threats there said by little ole you???
Here is one of your threats..
“You Shall Pay Dearly! America will be wiped off the map I assure you”
Do you want to know why I let your comment be posted today?
Because it shows when I say Islam is a death cult, it is about death and destruction all over the world. You are proving me right.
When I say there are no moderate Muslims once again you a proof of that. Are you one of those moderate Muslims? You know the ones that say they are not out there flying planes into buildings, placing IED’s in the way of our awesome troops, not letting your child be a suicide bomber????? You see even if you are not doing those things, you still are saying them as an armchair, keyboard wanna be terrorist.
Naughty boy!!!
Suricou Raven the Hezbollah should not be getting one cent from the USA. They should get their vile money from Iran or Russia or someone else that kisses their ass.
Bob, it made me furious when I found this out. I agree why in the heck are we giving them money.
The American taxpayer dollar. No Condi, it is not the answer to everything. Condi has disappointed me immensly in the last several weeks. Dittos for Olmert and Bush. I had great hopes that Southern Lebanon would be cleared of Hezbollah.
Hamas and Hezbollah are not kidding. They are always serious. We also need to be. Backing off from the attack, working “deals” and throwing $$ toward the enemy does not win the war.
Tom I am disappointed and angry that we would do this. Everything you said I agree with.
You do know that the IRC was in there supporting Hezbollah during all this too, makes me feel real charitable about now.
Why do you keep on blocking my comments??? Is this what you call FREEDOM??? DEMOCRACY???
BTW Israfil, the owner and proprietor of this blog has opened the door to her domain,(Home) (البيت) for her guests, it might be customary to come into one’s home in the Middle East as a guest and defile the home, defecate on the floor, wipe yourself on the first available object, fornicate with the children, badmouth the host when you leave then complain about not being welcomed back. Consider getting some manners Israfil, Americans don’t treat their hosts that way, even when they visit in the Middle East. Maybe that’s how you run your own home but it isn’t Kosher here. This blog is like her home, if you want to have a blog you can get one, they are free and you can defecate, spread your hatred and fellate your camel there, it will be your place, just for selfish little old you.
I seriously doubt you have the courage Israfil to get your own blog, you’d rather crap on someone else’s rug as the heathen that you are than demonstrate you are capable of reasoning. Stay at the year 632 where you belong. You’re welcome Israfil.
Israfil, you must realize that we have standards in The West. Standards of truth, standards of decency and standards of intelligence.
Because you come from a degraded, dying and perverse culture, adept at strapping suicide belts on children, oppressing women, distorting history, persisting in poverty and ignorance, slaughtering each other for religious reasons, and emigrating at the first opportunity to The West…where you perch without gratitude, like cuckoo birds, among your superiors, hating those who exceed you in every way, you can react in no other way.
I understand that, Israfil. You’re entirely too primitive, too stupid and vicious by nature to comprehend your own problems.
Death to Israfil and his world. We don’t even have to do cause it. You’re killing yourselves. And when the oil is gone, the sands will bury what’s left of your disgusting culture and it will vanish, finally, from the earth.
One more thing. You will NEVER defeat America. You have no industry, no universities worth a damn, no technology not stolen or provided by The West, no militaries worthy of the name, no social arrangements worth preserving, no creativity, no ambitions and no means of controlling the demented bloodthirstiness of your cultures.
American will grow richer and stronger, and you will grow weaker and weaker. You will wipe yourselves off the map.
Israfil, you just showed yourself a typical Muslim in that when you can’t get your way, you start screaming death threats. Your really doing a lot to change our perception of Muslims.
Who’s to say he didn’t make the money in his
garage last night…She sure as hell didn’t
turn it by saying Me soooo hornnnniii G!!!
me boom boom u long time,then again Israfil
and the hottie have a thing going…You just
never know about that ol goat Israfil,I
would call him a pig but don’t want to insult
the pig, knowing that they are smarter than most
Muzzzziiiieeess…Say Israfil sounds like Israel
don’t you think…I doubt he is a muzzzie anway
Just a troll lib trying to stir the pot…
Just wondering ISRAFIL! do you take a bath more
than every other month???
Tincan Sailor – you took the words right out of my mouth – you just don’t see that many fresh crips American bills like that together. I bet they are counterfeit.