Jenin: 3 Hamas members killed while making bombs
Palestinian sources say three Hamas members killed after setting off explosives belt accidentally
Three Hamas members were killed by an explosion which took place Friday in the village of Dir Abu Daif, in the Jenin area. Palestinian sources say that the blast apparently took place because of a ‘work accident’ which took place while preparing explosives.
The AP news agencies reported that three Hamas members were brought to hospital, with the body of one in two parts. Palestinian security sources say he was likely a Hamas member who accidentally set off an explosives belt he was wearing.
Every group of even modest size has its share of idiots. In this case, they were the ‘lets connect their detonator up with the battery in!’ class of idiots.
I might cover these on by blog. I insult self-rightous morons, usually those of the US political type, but I should balance it with some self-rightous morons from another side.
Suricou Raven I didn’t know you had a blog. You should leave your blog url so I can take a peek at it.
Only three!!! Well it’s a start. What’s the word they use? Inshallah.!!!
Jack hahaha I love good news like this.
The ultimate “Oops”. This is the same mindset that in Iran wants nuclear weapons.
Tom it sure is I agree it is the ultimate oops.
Oh, its new, only a few days old. Im still getting the hang of it. My first three posts I got a little carried away, so they read like something a primary school student would make. I keep repeating things, making typos, simple mistakes. Basicly, I sound like a typical rambling idiot. But I think with practice I will improve 🙂
Its http://moronality.blogspot.com/ if you want to browse. Please be aware though that I have created it with the intention of being insulting – I make no pretense at presenting both sides of anything, its just a place for me to rant.
Suricou “insults” self-righteous political morons? Usually of the US type? Insults? Suricou, the people in question are probably not agonizing over your overripe acuity and rapier wit. Therefore it can’t be an insult. You’re just so predicatble.
It’s clear that your pose of objective cynicism and superiority is just that…a pose. You could balance your observations by critiquing your own posts. There are few things more self-righteous and moronic than a post from you.
Three more good terrorists.
Suricou Raven thanks for the link to your blog so I could see it.
One thing you won’t have to be concerned with, our side does not have trolls. giggle We have warriors.
HI RWR it really makes my day when they kill themselves and no one else. Too bad all their bombs don’t do that.
Oh, troll all you want 🙂 I didn’t create it for polite debate. I created it for ruleless, cheating, mud-slinging debates. Fun!