Americans murdered on a bridge in Falluja by followers of Islam
And this…………………

the heart of Major General,
USMC (Ret) Richard Cooke
I often mention in my posts a little
Mexican restaurant that I frequent here in San Diego that goes by the name of
Las Quatro Milpas, which serves the best authentic Mexican food in San Diego. I
mention it today, because of what has changed when I stand in that long line in
the heat down on Logan Avenue waiting for those 5 dear Mexican women to serve
the hundreds of us who show up before I melt in the hot sun.
The line outside of Quatro Milpas is a
place to meet new friends, reunite with people you have not seen in weeks or
months, but happen to get that same desire for that Chorizo at the same time you
did, so that every time you show up again, you can restart your friendship as if
it never stopped. Everyone has a story about how long they have been coming to
Quatro Milpas or how they discovered it, or how long was the longest line they
have stood in waiting to get to their food.
What has changed, is that this week, instead of the jovial mood in the line, I
was struck with the thought of what would happen to this place if someone were
to walk into the line, and get into the restaurant, around say 1300 hours, at
the height of the lunch rush and blow about 100 people to hell in the name of
As I thought about this, I wondered what it must be like for the people if
Israel, who no matter where they go, have to consider the possibility of
terrorism, and that their next steps out into society might be their last. I
thought about what it must be like for a little Israeli schoolchild on a bus
heading from school when someone gets on the bus in the middle of summer wearing
a large overcoat.
I have an anger that will not go away this morning, as I watch the media try to
tell me that Israel is the aggressor, that they are wantonly killing civilians,
and that they must agree to a cease-fire with people who have sworn to kill
them. I wish I could say I cannot imagine how we got to this point in society,
where a portion of our society would side with the very monsters that have
killed both Israelis and Americans, because of a fear of violence, but the
reason is all too clear.
The free world has been too tolerant of the non-free world. We have allowed them
to be portrayed as victims, and to assume the moral high ground at the same time
that they cut the heads off innocent people and film it for worldwide
consumption. Okay, that is the nice way to put it. The honest way to put it is
that we have lost our nerve. When a society of radicals can drag a dead American
through the streets of their towns, and hang their bodies from a bridge as a
collective finger flashed at America, and our response is "patience"
we have lost not only our nerves, but our balls as well.
I get a sense from the older veteran friends of mine in this city that our
problem is that we have it too good, and do not remember what was done on our
behalf to make things this good. Have we forgotten that for every time we can
leave our homes, go stand in line at our favorite restaurant, and NOT think
about the possibility of someone bombing the place, which someone many years ago
gave their very life for that freedom we enjoy? I think the young people in line
at Quatro Milpas and wonder how many of them would have volunteered to fly with
along side Doolittle on his way to Tokyo, knowing they had not the gas to get
Omaha Beach,anyone? I understand that these days, in Marine Corps boot camp, a
recruit can call a "time out" if he is feeling too much stress. Is our
State Dept. running the Marines now? This, I find disgusting.
But no more disgusting then those who seek a cease-fire in Lebanon this morning
after civilians were killed after their building collapsed from the concussion
of a bomb dropped near them that was targeting the site of where rockets were
launched into Israel resulting in the deaths of 18 Israeli civilians. It is as
though these Israeli deaths do not matter at all. Especially when you stop to
consider that this conflict began with Hezbollah coming across the Israeli
border, ambushing and killing 8 Israeli soldiers and kidnapping two more.
Cease-fire, my ass!
To every person who believes that you
can reason with these animals, I must ask you where your mind went.
It is the weakness of the free-world’s
NON-response that has allowed the terrorist threat to grow into a movement that
threatens our very existence. When a U.S. soldier can be dragged through the
streets of Somalia and our response is to LEAVE, when 280 Marines can be bombed
in their sleep and our response is to LEAVE, when after terrorists kill Spanish
civilians on a train, and their nation’s response is to elect capitulating
socialists who order the immediate retreat of their soldiers from Iraq, and so
on, and so on, what are the terrorists to think, but that the free world has
become a pussy?
The fact that a majority of Americans think this nation needs AN EXCUSE for
going after terrorism after 911 scares the hell out of me.
It suggests that we as
a nation will eventually fail to produce the men and women who every day, stand
between freedom and tyranny.
Yesterday, San Diego had its Gay Pride
Parade. Oh, the joy.. It was billed as the largest ‘celebration’ in the cities
history. THIS city. (The City I grew up in
during WWII! md) The very city where sailors
came home to after fighting in Midway. The city that trains half of this nations
Marines, hosts the USS Ronald Reagan, the USS Nimitz, the former Fightertown
USA…our largest celebration is for the GAY…PRIDE..PARADE. Ponder that with
me, will you?
We are at war.
I want Israel to continue, even escalate their attacks on Lebanon. I want them
to ignore the media, ignore the pundits, and ignore even the weak among them who
want to find a peaceful way out of this current conflict.
teaches us that until a bully is beaten, the bully keeps coming.
The free world paid for our freedom in
blood, and if blood is what it will take to keep it, then lets just have at it
now, shall we?
Let Iran and Syria attempt to aid Hezbollah. Let Israel attack them. Let it
escalate until we are forced to fight at Israel’s side. Then, can we for the
last time, just kick some ass until it is over? Every generation must pay this
price, as long as there are those who seek to force us to follow a dictatorial
ideology. Radical Islam says, "Agree or die." In response, we should
stop asking them, if there is a middle ground to be reached. We should be
saying, "Fine, but it is YOU that will die."
Israel, I see you fighting not just for your freedoms, but also
for the world’s. I trust that if you continue, the free world will be forced to
side with you, even if it means that a few of us die in the process. The time is
now. It is time for THIS generation to prove itself worthy of those that came
before us. It is time for us to say NO MORE to the terrorist threat, to find
them and kill them.
Do not stop fighting, Israel.
Make the free world help you put an end to this
madness. In doing so, you might help us find the courage and moral convictions
that made us free to begin with, so that one day, little Jewish children, and
old lovers of Mexican food in America can
go about our daily lives with the freedom that others died to give us.
I am adding this comment from
5 (VN 69-70)
is also a Retired Police Officer of 30 years
15 of those years on a Swat Team
comment is: do we as a united Republic have what it takes? I am truly worried
that we don’t. Because as a people of ONE country/nation we are not united,
and as he says we have it to good. Many can not fathom what could happen.
I sometimes wonder if it is just me that
feels this way. I have shed blood for this Country on more that one occasion and
I hate to see this happening here, the divided country, the arrogance of those
that think “it will never happen here”. It means that my friends that I lost
and that what I have done is for nothing. Sometimes that’s just the way I
feel. The new breed does not care what the earlier generations have done, it’s
all for knout.
many relatives on both side of my family have given their all for this country.
Almost every war except Korea. One was one of the first Sheriff’s of the NW
Territory. So I have deep loyalty to the Republic, and become upset with those
that don’t.
Thank you John and thank you Major General Cooke and thank you to all Veterans and our troops today.
I have no doubt that America will prevail. The picture is more bleak for Europe, where unimaginable bloodshed and mass deportations are in the future. About 40% of Europeans (at the moment), across the board, are serious enough about the Muslim threats from the 8-10% of Muslim immigrants there, that a flashpoint is predictable. Statist societies compress violent energies rather than relieve them…there are terrible times ahead for Britain and the Continent.
We also can’t underestimate the habit ME Muslims have for sectarian killing, and their centuries-long potential for wiping each other out. This is their great shame, their most degraded and perverse tradition, and their great weakness. If a drooling dickweed like ISRAFIL (CAPS to attract his attention, the asshole) represents the thinking class, then we’ve already won.
Sunnis across the Middle East will soon have to decide if Israel and The West are their natural enemies, or the rabid and vicious Shi’a. The answer is clear, even now. No enemy as confused disorganized, and consumed by hatred as radical Muslims is a threat on the ground. Nukes are another matter, and we’ve already decided what to do about that. We just haven’t done it yet. There’s no doubt that Iran has been notified through back channels that we have Tridents with “Ahmadinejad” and “Khameini” written on the side.
Hi Rhod, I agree we sure will prevail. And ISRAFIL will be throwing temper tantrums of disappointment along with many others.
Thank you Rhod.
I’m wondering what your Muslim troll has to say about this but I think we know his response.
Great writing Rhod, it give me some hope. I would like to see that 40% in Europe grow, and I think it will. The crazies seem to have had several major attacks thwarted in Europe this month. I think it means they may be planning some type of terrorist offensive in Europe. Piss off another 10% or more of the Europeans and maybe some retaliation may begin.
Events leave me running hot and cold in my outlook. Two weeks ago I thought Hezbollah was going to take a major drubbing and Southern Lebanon was going to become a sedate buffer for Israel. I don’t know what really happened. Did the Israeli forces come up against tougher foes than expected, which I doubt, or did the Israeli leaders back off? Bush and Condi surely showed no stomach for an Israeli coup de grace. Failures to go the distance by our leadership worry me.
WT strange vibrations, every time I went to
post I would get this error message, “NO
NAME AND e-mail ADDRESS”I thought one of our
Muzzie friends put a mojo on my PC… Anyway
you need to get the link to LTC.White’s
Graduation address its mind bogling and right
on point…He would make one hell of a team
if he was paired up with LTG Russel Honor’e
You look at these 2 and then you see the
Perfume poster boy Gen Wesley Clarke and it
makes you want to puke,arrrrrrrgggggghhhh!!!
The Muzzy troll Israfil’s words speak volumes for the Muslim world’s attitude, they have a tradition of taking by force instead of earning their keep, subjugation by murder, mayhem and intimidation. Respect begins with self respect and showing respect to others, a trait sorely lacking amongst them. What is happening in Lebanon is a repeat of 1982 where the UN gave the perps a free walk. If nukes are used in this battle the very first one should be dropped on the UN. Thanks for the article WT, it’s information like this that keeps us free.
I agree with Tincan’s assessment and revulsion of Wesley Clark(Shudder!!! How many more like him are lurking in the shadows?). I wonder, are the Clarks, Wesley and Ramsey, related?
Just a thought again on Israfil. He was obviously some testosterone-challenged little crank in a Muslim majority country.
I should have asked him which sect he belonged to, whether he was Arab or some subgroup, and what he thought of religious militias.
Israfil, if you’re out there. I know you’re stupid. I know you’re a coward. I know you never had an original thought in your disgusting life. I know you would rush to The West if you could.
Next time you show up, be prepared to answer some questions. That’s the way we do things in America. Save your lectures for your goat.
And Tom, I believe bloodshed in Europe is nearly inevitable. All the attempts to unify The Continent, from the early Common Market on down to the EU, have been designed to suppress nationalism and impose sameness on disparate peoples. It’s simply a reinstatement of feudalism, and its success has been purchased by broad welfarism, full refrigerators and American defense dollars.
The welfare system is in steep decline, American defense is flickering out, and the full bellies are dependent upon the work efforts of unassimilated and resentful minorities. What would be the outcome? Even without an external/internal threat, such societies will reassert themselves in violent ways.
I think it’s going to be very nasty, especially in France.
All I can say that its been far worse before
and we are still here,the thing about Americans
they take a hell of a long time to go off,but
when they do there is hell to pay and some
nasty folks are going to die…Some how Dubya
has to get his Cajones back and as much as I
hate to say it ,RUMY has to go,NOW…
HI Bob, your right we can pretty much guess what the local troll would think. He is a mental mess. hahaha
Tincan Sailor wow I wonder why it did that when you tried to post, how odd. I am so glad it is ok now.
Good to see you.
Hi Jack, and I thank you. heh heh

I hope it’s soon. And you’re right. I like the way Victor Davis Hanson put it…he said that Western armies can act in ways worse than any Islamic fantasy…and that was praise.
What Islamists need, beside killing, is severe humiliation. I’m effing sick of these bastards, especially Ahmadinejad, who’s claimed we’ll bow down to him. No American every bowed down to some dirty Middle Eastern fascist. Never. This guy needs to dies soon and painfully.
I was watching this program on how hard it is to
dig out the terrorist and how the G Is did it in
W W 2 the missing link “FLAME THROWERS” It did
job then and it would do it now,man couldn’t
you hear Human rights watch scream and ol Kofi
would wet himself, Damn I love the smell of
napalm in the morning…
Thank God, someone sent me an e-mail with Major General Richard Cooke’s (USMC ret) posting. I googled and found this site. I was beginning to think that my family was the only family that felt the way the “posters” on this site do. I am a fourth generation American and proud of it. The first immigrant from our familty to come to this country was from Norway, and the first thing he did was join the Union Army to fight in the Civil War. Since then, we have been represented in every war except the First World War. We had no men of the proper age at that time. Even now, with the “all volunteer” army, we are represented in Iraq and have been for over two years now. I am a woman and am handicapped (since the age of 8) or I would be serving too. (of course I am 62 years old and they wouldn’t take me) I had four family members in WWII, an uncle in Korea, two cousins in Viet Nam and have a cousin in Iraq now. My brother and my husband served four years each in the Air Force during the gap between Korea and Viet Nam that had my husband standing guard over his bomber at a remote runway during the Cuban Crisis. I am surprised that people my own age do not know how close to war we were when Russia was sending missles to Cuba. We were close enough one fall evening in 1962 to have all Strategic Air Command bases emptied of their armed bombers and scattered all over the country so that, if attacked, we COULD and WOULD respond. My first job in California was working for a retired Naval Commander who was captured with the crew of his aircraft carrier and was a Japanese prisoner of war. After the war, he served our country further by being an advisor to the joint chiefs of staff in Washington. When I worked for him, he was an administrator for the University of Southern California. When he walked in to the office, he received RESPECT. He deserved it. I might add that this was during the height of the campus unrest during Viet Nam. Still, when Capt Hilton spoke, we all listened. He paid his dues and deserved the best we could give him. I think that the Israelis have the right idea. EVERYONE should serve for at least two years and be trained whether we are at war or not. We all need to pay for our freedom, whether it is by flying a plane, tramping through the jungle or supporting troops by moving paper. WE OWE IT TO OUR COUNTRY and our ancestors. I am wondering if my great grandfather would be ashamed of those Americans who take our lifestyle for granted. We seem to want everyone else to do our work, whether it is outsourcing our jobs or having someone else worry about our freedom while we watch TV or wonder who will be the next American Idol or complain about the price of gas. Shut up and do something about it. God Bless America! and don’t you forget it!
s. lenke thank you for commenting.
God Bless America and our troops.