N. Korean Authorities Urge Civilians to Evacuate Near Site of Possible Nuke Test
Reports from Seoul Korea, (daily newspaper Joongang Ilbo in Seoul) via the Japanese Jiji press agency, that South Korean intelligence has intercepted radio messages/communications in North Korea, which were aired last month, to civilians in the Kilju County, Northern Hamgyeong Province area of northeastern D.P.R.K., to evacuate.
PDF file Map of area
“By late April 2005 there were reports that North Koreans were constructing a reviewing stand and filling in a tunnel, both signs that an underground nuclear test was imminent. Tunnels for underground nuclear tests are different from regular mines, since they have to be plugged up to contain the blast. Satellite imagery reportedly indicated the North Koreans were “stemming” the tunnel, taking material back into the shaft to plug it up. Satellite imagery indicated that North Korea was shipping concrete and grouting to the site, possibly to plug the tunnel. Although there were signs of continued activity near tunnels in the Kilju area, there was disagreement among intelligence agencies as to whether the recent activity indicated an impending nuclear test.
Other reports indicated that the satellite imagery showed the North Koreans had dug and refilled a significant hole at the suspected test site. The hole was said to have been dug in a manner consistent with preparations for an underground nuclear test, but there was no conclusive indication as to whether the North Koreans had deposited a weapon inside. These reports indicate that the shaft is a vertical shaft, rather than a horizontal tunnel. Imagery also detected frequent truck movement bringing cranes and other equipment. The presence of cranes is consistent with a vertical shaft, but not a horizontal tunnel.
Imagery was also reported to show recent construction of an elaborate reviewing stand for visiting dignitaries a few kilometers from the suspected test site. The reviewing stand was considered a significant indicator of a possible nuclear test. American intelligence had overlooked the reviewing stand built prior to the 1998 Taepodong-1 missile launch. The North Koreans had visitors from other countries invited to watch the launch.
The source in the South Korean government said “our interpretation is that following North Korea’s underground nuclear blast test, they wish to head off any escape of radiation that would be a threat to the nearby civilian population and are evacuating as such.”
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Since when did North Korea care about the welfare of its citizens? I would not be surprised if there were a technical delegation of Iranian nuclear scientists and purchasing agents staying in one of the major Pyongyang Hotels at this very time, or maybe in a DPRK government guest house.
Could a North Korean nuke test be Ahmadinejad’s August 22nd announcement? Just wondering.
Here is our MOAB test off of Florida……….VIDEO
I hope they misjudge the size of the boom and the distance to the reviewing stand. They may do to themselves what we need to do to them. Bet the Japanese are sweating this, and maybe the Chinese and Russians. They is all in the neighborhood ya know.
Tom (smiling here) that might happen.
What the idiots in Beijing are going to get, before long, is their worst nightmare….a nuclear Japan and a nuclear South Korea.
Rhod, I bet the Chinese would shake in their flip-flops if you mentioned a nuclear Vietnam. The Viets hold a several centuries grudge against China, and whipped some Red Army units in the border skirmish of the 70’s.
Tom. I recall. Hasn’t Vietnam also put friendly feelers out to us? I never thought we “lost” the war, but maybe we will clearly “win” in the end.
It looks that way Rhod. Vets, and younger civilians, who have visited Vietnam say Americans are very well liked by both young people and the older folks who remember our presence there. It is for sure a commie government, but if you remember the average Vietnamese was prety independent of authority. With the Internet, a very young hard working population and lots of guidance from ex patriots in the West, I think we may win the Vietnam War very soon.
I give my support to the proud and industrious people of North Korea. Despite a number of critisms which merely originated from the U.S. ALONE, DPRK is acting in good faith in a sole purpose to preserve and defend their homeland from external pressure and influence. the United States should be more respecful in recognizing other country’s right to defence.
and no, a western leaning vietnam can only happen in a dream, otherwise the sacrifices made by the heroic vietnamese people to free their land from Imperialist grasp will be put to vain. You cannot change the fact that America lost the war in Vietnam, it is Fact that shall remain written in history.
Israfil wrong again! You should meet all the people from Vietnam here in America that love our Veterans for what they did. They are some of the strongest supporters of our troops.
Our military won every battle in Vietnam.
Hey Israfil, are you a brother to Jane Fonda or John Kerry? Like a distant relative on the Islamfreakazoid side?
Israfil is the product of Islamist educational systems. He thinks North Korea, one of the most brutal, oppressive, personality cults on earth…in fact starving its population, is a proud and industrious nation.
If we don’t assume that Israfil is just an inbred moron, which is probably the case, we have to assume he’s a vicious, horrifying piece of human garbage, in thrall to cruelty and wickedness.
My guess he’s probably both. Israfil, continue killing each other. It will save us a lot of time.
Rhod hahaha he probably is both. hahaa