UN rights council sets up probe of Israeli attacks in Lebanon
The UN Human Rights Council voted to set up a commission of inquiry into “systematic” Israeli attacks on civilians in Lebanon, despite fears that it could upset diplomatic moves to end the conflict.
Twenty-seven countries in the 47-member Council backed a resolution submitted by Islamic Nations, including China, Russia and South Africa, setting aside concerns that the resolution was one-sided because it failed to tackle attacks by Hezbollah in northern Israel.
Eleven countries, mainly European Union nations and Japan, voted against. Eight more abstained, while one was absent.
The draft resolution proposed by member states in the Organisation of Islamic Conference “strongly condemns grave Israeli violations of human rights and breaches of international humanitarian law in Lebanon.”
It called on Israel to “immediately stop military operations against civilian population.”
The Council decided to urgently dispatch “a high level commission of inquiry” composed of experts on human rights and humanitarian law to “investigate the systematic targeting and killings of civilians by Israel in Lebanon.”
The United States, which is only an observer on the Council, believed that the session was “potentially counter-productive to the Security Council’s efforts” to deal with the conflict, ambassador Warren Tichenor said.
The vote also ignored a warning by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour, who said that an inquiry must also cover rocket attacks by Hezbollah on northern Israel and the alleged use of human shields by the group.
“The independence, impartiality and objectivity of such an inquiry must be guaranteed not only by the credibility of the panel members, but also the scope and methodology of their mandate,” she said.
However, Arbour said a balanced probe was necessary and insisted before the vote that the crisis “demands a firm and meaningful response from this Council.
“There is a clear and urgent need to bring clarity to a situation in which facts and allegations are now given the same credit but without the benefit of systematic, independent, thorough and credible scrutiny,” she told the special session.
Negotiations between the OIC states and Western nations to try to modify the text failed despite an added call for all parties to refrain from violence against civilians.
Israel, which is not a member of the Council, rejected the resolution was one-sided.
“It is painful and regrettable that the Council made a distinction between the sufferings, the blood and the deaths, and this failure will forever be written in the annals of that body,” said Israeli ambassador Itzhak Levanon.
Arbour had earlier told the Council that “Israeli attacks affecting civilians continue unabated,” while Hezbollah’s “indiscriminate” shelling of northern Israel was “unrelenting.”
Indiscriminate attacks and human shields are prohibited, she warned while advance warnings of bombardments did not relieve the warring sides of their legal obligation to spare civilians.
The UN rights chief underlined that those in “positions of command and control,” could be held personally responsible for those breaches and face war crimes charges.
“I reminded all belligerents that war crimes and crimes against humanity may be committed even by those who believe, accurately or not, that their combat is a just one and their cause a worthy pursuit,” she added.
In Lebanon, more than 1,000 civilians — nearly one-third of them children under 12 — have been killed and nearly a million have fled their homes.
About 120 people have died in Hezbollah rocket attacks in northern Israel.
Human rights groups including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the International Commission of Jurists said an inquiry should be set up by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan or the Security Council.
Wild Thing’s comment….
The hate for Jews is strong, and seeking favor with the Hezbollah is growing among the left on all levels. This is outrageous and should anger everyone that realizes we are at war with Isalm.
The U.N. Human Rights council has only one goal in mind – to destroy the good names of Israel and the United States. They use the cover of “human rights” to give us a black eye and further impose their idiotic ideals on us.
They can say all they want, but this world would be hell on earth if the US and Israel weren’t the stalwart protectors of freedom and innocence on this planet. The UN can kiss my tookus.
A Soldier’s Perspective
HI CJ nice to meet you. Your right, exactly right! Thanks for commenting on this.
As long as we do what the rest of the world does-do not take the UN seriously, instead, use it for our purposes. If the UN does something that helps our cause, go along with the program. If it is against our interests, just walk away. If we are going to pay $$ to this body, then use the damn UN, selectively. It is all one big phony game.
Tom it sure is you said it better then I could. Thanks
I kind of expect the UN to turn against the Israeli’s, I don’t think the UN keeping the peace (that’s a joke) in south lebanon is going to be a good thing
Mark I agree with you, I don’t see it either and like you said, the UN keeping peace is a joke.
To add to TomR. We pay the lions share of the UN budget. If they won’t go where we want them to go, reduce payments, or withhold it altogether. Get our real allies to do the same. Reduce the number of troops we commit for UN purposes as well. No Americans there to cover their cowardly backsides. That’ll get their attention in a hurry.
razOr good idea, wish that would happen.
We pay 22% of the entire UN budget, and there are 192 member states. Talk about disproportionate!!
The United States is a generous supporter of key UN programs, funding:
* 51.4% of the World Food Program budget to help feed 72 million people in 82 countries.*
* 17.1% of the United Nations Children’s Fund budget to feed, vaccinate, educate and protect children in 162 countries.*
* 14.1% of the United Nations Development Program core budget to eradicate poverty and encourage democratic governance.*
* 25.8% of the International Atomic Energy Agency budget to ensure safe and peaceful application of nuclear energy and prevent the illicit use of nuclear material for weapons.**
* 22% of the World Health Organization core budget as well as significant voluntary resources, helping to prevent and control epidemics and to improve standards of health.**
* 25% of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees budget to help protect refugees and facilitate their return home or re-settlement in another country.*
* 25% of the International Civil Aviation Organization budget to ensure safe, efficient and economical air travel.**
* These programs operate strictly on voluntary contributions.
** These programs operate on a combination of assessed and voluntary contributions.
Taken from http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/rls/24236.htm
Thank you CJ and thank you for the link too. This really makes me sick and angry too.
I really want the UN out of here.