Lieberman Concedes Defeat In Senate Race
11:22 PM EDT, August 8, 2006
By JON LENDER, ELIZABETH HAMILTON And DAVID OWENS, The Hartford Courant U.S. Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman conceded defeat just after 11 p.m. in the bitter Connecticut primary.
But Lieberman pledged to continue his candidacy as an independent in the general election in November.
And this………..
Rep. Cynthia McKinney has lost a runoff election for her district’s Democratic nomination to attorney Hank Johnson, a former county commissioner.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
I always feel dirty when I watch Dems for an entire evening. ugh! Thank God for bubble baths.
Did you see the “Hannity Sucks Ass” sign at the Lamont headquarters inadvertently shown on Fox? I love Sean Hannity and he pretty much kept a straight face.
The Democrat Party is peeling back a few more of the layers of skin of their onion. And it once again isn’t pretty. Lamont is the poster child for the Soros camp which speaks volumes as to where the Dem party is digging it’s heals in with a vengence.
And as for slugger McKinney, it looks like the terrorists will have to find a new Congressional Representative. Oh wait there are a lot of others to pick from in the Democratic party.
The lack of support for Lieberman could cost them dearly if he runs as an independent and it splits their ticket, then again they’re herd animals like a herd of Wildebeest when a Lion is amongst them all blindly going the same direction. If they’re into self immolation I’ll for sure furnish the matches. Two wrongs don’t make a right in Georgia, this should wipe that smug grin off her face, but neither will represent anything but government giveaways.
Both of these election results show the democrap Party is in turmoil.
However, not to gloat. If the Repubs don’t get an immigration bill passed very soon, and get a handle on their spending, we may see a Repub revolution in ’08.
Jack it will be interesting to see just how much support Lieberman will get as an Independent.I am curious. You are so right about it spliting the ticket.
Tom I agree, we don’t dare really gloat about how far left the Dem party has come, we need to get rid of the many RHINO’s and get a strong immigration bill passed.
Except for his support of the war, Lieberman is still a liberal of the same stripe as Kerry, Kennedy, and Clinton.
Terrorist won’t have to go far to find a new Congressional Representative as there are many Democrats standing in line to represent them.
Hi Bob, your right the terrorists have a lot of support from the Dems.