Wild Thing’s comment……….
This last week Rummy was put through many questions from the Dems and Hillary in particular. There are polls all over on the internet asking should Rummy resign….should we get out of Iraq and on and on.
I am not afraid of any terrorist or nations who supports terrorist’s. Our troops pushed through enemy lines further and faster and with the least amount of people killed in the history of man kind. Our troops acted with honor and bravery. I love them and I am damn proud of them.
During WWII, the US Gloria was sunk by a German destroyer. We lost over two thousand Sailors that day. Where is our resolve today? We lost three thousand people on 911. I want our country to make sure the terrorists know not to come back over here with more attacks. I want to come down hard on our enemy and I think that is exactly what these people will understand. They worship a death cult, they have no respect for human life and most certainly not their own nor their children’s lives.
When in Rome thinking might very well be the way to go … and the Middle East is not Kansas.
I have been to D.C. and Gettysburg many times. I stood on hollowed ground at Gettysburg. I stood on a piece of ground where 2,400 Yankee Calvary Soldiers gave their lives for freedom in one day.
How long have we been in the heart of the Middle East? We are in the heart of a people who will burn our flag and hate our guts just because we support Israel’s right to exist? They want all Jews and Christians dead, here in America, Israel and the world. We have the posture to take out terrorist on their own turf.
We need to be patient enough to get through the tough times. Tough times never last but tough people do. We don’t need to be making knee jerk decisions and fire people because the Demorats and the media say we should.
IMO, the biggest mistake we can make in Iraq/Afghanistan is to lose our patients, then cut and run ala Murtha and most Democrats.
I want to just add this. Israel has been fighting, restraining, and fighting some more the same terrorists that we have been faced with only much longer then we have. Something like 57 years of it for Israel. I will stand by Israel always and I pray our country does as well. And any fool like France thinking that some agreement will be kept by the Hezbollah needs to get their brain examined. And I include our country as well if we insist on this to be done. Cease fire for Israel is one thing, cease fire for the Hezbollah is never going to happen in anyone’s lifetime.
The Hezbollah, Hamas and all terrorists groups need to be struck down with such a force that their children and their childrens children will tell stories of how the Jews and Christians said they had enough. How the non- Muslims of the world were NOT going to take it anymore and fought back with a vengence.
Respect comes in many forms, it can come from love and admiration, but it also can come from fear of one that is stronger. I may not be saying that exactly right so I hope you know what I mean. It is late here as I am writing this.
Pray for our troops for their safety and for our country and it’s leadership.
You have it exactly right.The fools wait around till Iran has a nuke they will not even test it on there soil or in the ocean. They will test it on Israel.It boils down to the fact that Iran is going to have to be nuked period that is the only thing that will stop these monsters that scare little children.Once the mullahs and the Iranian military is nuked then Syria will fall in line. There will be no more support for the terrorist in Lebanon or else where. It is going to have to happen that is the only thing that will stop these inhuman beast. I am sorry for the loss of innocent life in Iran but how long can Israel tolerate it? Or for that matter how long can we?
I want to say a few words about Donald Rumsfeld.The grilling he took from the politicians was despicable.He has overseen to wars of liberation while in the midst of completely revamping our military structure to a force that can deal with future coflicts that we will undoubtly will face.His love for this country is the only thing that would move a man like him to stay with and tolerate idiots like Hillary. But you could not blame him if he walked away.
WT and Jack have it exactly right. Radical Islamism is Darwinian. Something base and primitive has evolved in the Islamic world…a section of the human population which has forfeited it’s right to be called human. It must be killed outright. No negotiations, no persuasion, no more funding and soft consideration from The West. Kill it with such prejudice that successive generations will be horrified at the prospect of its resurgence. Just like German fascism. Faster please.
Cindy,Cindy are you in there,damn you look
so hot in that little black number!!!
Nuke Iran Naw way to messy,say does that water
taste funny to you??? kind of like peach pits
to me,Bio no fuss no muss…
We care more what “the World” thinks at times, than what the the radicals that want to destroy us think. These radicals also want to destroy much of that wishy-washy world whose opinion we worry about.
Even Israel at times seems to worry about opinion as she makes concessions. There are only a few nations actually fighting the war on terror. To have to fight the war and worry about the opinion of those who aren’t fighting is ridiculous.
This also applies to internal politics. It is sad, shameful and dangerous that we have political opportunists who will jeopardize the existence of our nation for their own personal benefit and reward. Hillary Clinton defines and personifies shame in almost everything she says and does. She WILL be worse than Bill.
Jack H. I agree what they put Rummy through was despicable.
Rhod your right, it is not easy to say and speak such things, it is more reality then I like but it is true. Every word you wrote is true.
When it comes to our enemy there is no way to flower it up, it is pure evil.
Tincan Sailor hahahaa …..Cindy Sheehan
Tom she sure will be!!! I honestly don’t think Hillary could win. It would totally shock me if she did. ( I pray I am right about her ..yikes)
I’m pissed, I put my rant on the post above, it still applies here.
When Rumsfeld became SecDef, he said it would take about 10 years to bring the military back to the level of readiness we had prior to the Clinton years. People are forgetting that Clinton decimated the military during his administration. Military funding was diverted to social programs and troop strength and morale was at an all time low.
Eight months into the Bush Administration the United States was attacked. Our military, under Rumsfeld, already in a weakened state, responded magnificently. 10 years to rebuild a military under perfect conditions is a monumental task but to have to rebuild under war like conditions is almost impossible but Rummy’s doing it.
Jack that was an awesome rant! I loved what you wrote!!!
Bob excellent, you are so right. It was horrible under Clinton in many ways and for our military it was the worst time for them.
Thank God for Rummy!
I wasn’t joking about the no nuke deal,it’s
a waste,Go with the yellow rain and you just
clean up the mess and go on,no 10,000 year
poison and its quite…