Times Online UK
and also FOX News USA
IRAN is seeking to import large consignments of bomb-making uranium from the African mining area that produced the Hiroshima bomb, an investigation has revealed.
A United Nations report, dated July 18, said there was “no doubt” that a huge shipment of smuggled uranium 238, uncovered by customs officials in Tanzania, was transported from the Lubumbashi mines in the Congo.
Tanzanian customs officials told The Sunday Times it was destined for the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas, and was stopped on October 22 last year during a routine check.
The disclosure will heighten western fears about the extent of Iran’s presumed nuclear weapons programme and the strategic implications of Iran’s continuing support for Hezbollah during the war with Israel.
It has also emerged that terror cells backed by Iran may be prepared to mount attacks against nuclear power plants in Britain. Intelligence circulating in Whitehall suggests that sleeper cells linked to Tehran have been conducting reconnaissance at some nuclear sites in preparation for a possible attack.
The parliamentary intelligence and security committee has reported that Iran represented one of the three biggest security threats to Britain. The UN security council has given Iran until the end of this month to halt its uranium enrichment activities. The UN has threatened sanctions if Tehran fails to do so.
A senior Tanzanian customs official said the illicit uranium shipment was found hidden in a consignment of coltan, a rare mineral used to make chips in mobile telephones. The shipment was destined for smelting in the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan, delivered via Bandar Abbas, Iran’s biggest port.
“There were several containers due to be shipped and they were all routinely scanned with a Geiger counter,” the official said.
“This one was very radioactive. When we opened the container it was full of drums of coltan. Each drum contains about 50kg of ore. When the first and second rows were removed,the ones after that were found to be drums of uranium.”
In a nuclear reactor, uranium 238 can be used to breed plutonium used in nuclear weapons.
The customs officer, who spoke to The Sunday Times on condition he was not named, added: “The container was put in a secure part of the port and it was later taken away, by the Americans, I think, or at least with their help. We have all been told not to talk to anyone about this.”
The report by the UN investigation team was submitted to the chairman of the UN sanctions committee, Oswaldo de Rivero, at the end of July and will be considered soon by the security council.
It states that Tanzania provided “limited data” on three other shipments of radioactive materials seized in Dar es Salaam over the past 10 years.
The experts said: “In reference to the last shipment from October 2005, the Tanzanian government left no doubt that the uranium was transported from Lubumbashi by road through Zambia to the united republic of Tanzania.”
Lubumbashi is the capital of mineral-rich Katanga province, home of the Shinkolobwe uranium mine that produced material for the two atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.
The mine has officially been closed since 1961, before the country’s independence from Belgium, but the UN investigators have told the security council that they found evidence of illegal mining still going on at the site.
In 1999 there were reports that the Congolese authorities had tried to re-open the mine with the help of North Korea. In recent years miners are said to have broken open the lids and extracted ore from the shafts, while police and local authorities turned a blind eye.
In June a parliamentary committee warned that Britain could be attacked by Iranian terrorists if tensions increased.
A source with access to current MI5 assessments said: “There is great concern about Iranian sleeper cells inside this country. The intelligence services are taking this threat very seriously.”
So many countries asking for a bombing… I am sure Iran would have a few new craters by now if the political fallout from the Iraq instability didn’t render further war politically difficult. Afganistan is holding up fairly well, but still has its fighting. Israel is blowing up a sizable chunk of Lebanon in its attempt to kill Hezbollah, and doesn’t seem to mind who gets caught in the crossfire. And always North Korea is in the background… quiet, peaceful, non-threatening, but very suspicious and ready to rush back to the top of the list at short notice.
The US is war-fatigued, Europe is too hesitent to act without the UNs encouragement, and the UN – while it does get things done eventually, it takes years to get round to doing them.
Just go on thinking the U S is war “FATIGUED”
if the right button is pushed far enough I
really feel sorry for the pusher,I belive the
term is a smoking hole in the sand!!But one can
always hope for a good out-brake of “Bird-flu”
What does the UN get done eventually?? Other than getting humanitarian funds into the bank accounts of dictators and politicos.
And “Israel doesn’t care who gets caght in the crossfire”?? I guarantee Hezbollah cares. They want civilians in the crossfire and plan it that way.
War fatigued my ass Raven!!!
You fucktards in Europe have sucked up your gonads so far you slide around on your asses like you have swollen goiters. The United States and NATO have provided for your protection since 1945 while you set around and carp about the poor oppressed Muzzy’s and Israel defending it’s homeland. You’d be walking around in jackboots and sporting a black mustache doing your Sig Heil’s right now if Americans had war fatigue.
When you show us where you have contributed to world peace instead of appeasment let us know, meantime we’ll cover your six.
What have you contributed to the war against these butchering bastards, Euro’s to the UN to fund Hamas and Hezbollah? Give the Muszzy’s their welfare and no expectations for their self sufficiency.
With out oil and the West’s developement of their resources and the oil demand they would still be out in the desert stealing from one another, murdering each other and fornicating little boys and camels.
Instead they created OPEC, hijacked the worlds economy to fund their advance of world dominance under Islam.
You block every attempt to halt the advance of the greatest threat to mankind that it has ever seen. Your view of Korea is truly benovolent. Take a look at just Communism.
Communism and Islamism have a lot in common. Whether that commonality be the fanatical Nazi regime (Socialism – a mild form of Communism?) that killed over 6 million or the Soviet Union’s purges under Stalin (Communism) that took the lives of of just under ten million people. Or 14 to 20 million deaths from starvation during China’s Mao Tse Tung’s ‘Great Leap Forward’ where tens of thousands were killed and millions of lives ruined during the following ‘Cultural Revolution’ because they were “re-educated” to the” right way of thinking” .
Then there was the French Indo-China war that lasted from 1945 to 1954 that took the lives of an estimated 175,000 to 500,000 Viet Minh in the fight to impose Communism, then came the US involvement where the imposition of Communism cost North Vietnamese around 1.5 million North Vietnamese killed. South Vietnam a total of one million Vietnamese combatants and four million civilians were killed in the war, then there was the Sino-Vietnamese war where both sides lost over 120,000 Communists. Over 2 million Cambodians died under Pol Pot’s political executions, starvation and slavery. Have you seen what the North Koreans endure to keep that madman in power? All for Communism and the oppression that goes with it.
Britain has served admirably in fighting Communism and against the Islamic terrorists the rest of Europe sets back content to appease as long as someone else provides their protection.
Now why all this about Communists?
Raven, you can negotiate with Communists, but you can’t negotiate with Islamists.
Their goal is to destroy and replace Western civilization with Islam, replace your liberal government with Sharia law, replace your freedom to worship or not with forced Muslim worship or death, not an Arab -tough shit- you die. Now reason with that!!!
Back to the topic of war fatigue, the only fatigue is the political correct bullshit imposed by the Euroweenies and UN dickheads like Malloch Brown and Kofi Annan who think they can win a war with words alone, a mental state which has infected the liberal assholes in this country too, these are the ones who will interceed in a battle to prolong the inevetable, a repeat.
There are a few of us who have seen the Elephant, we are not war fatigued, we’re old, we don’t seek war but God help you if we have to take up arms again, I for one will not stop again – ever – until that rifle drops from my lifeless hands.
War fatigue — Bullshit!!! Dial up the BBC for some more. Nuff said.
“I am sure Iran would have a few new craters by now if the political fallout from the Iraq instability didn’t render further war politically difficult.”
Raven, further war is not politcally difficult at all if it were to happen with Iran, there are many dems and Republicans in office that would vote right now today with doing something about Iran.
“Israel is blowing up a sizable chunk of Lebanon in its attempt to kill Hezbollah, and doesn’t seem to mind who gets caught in the crossfire.”
Raven, Israel has warned and warned the citizens of Lebanon to get the hell out. If they chose to stay IMO it is their problem they get killed.The citizens and government of Lebanon should have done away with the Hezbollah long ago instead of catering to them even if it was from fear.
“And always North Korea is in the background… quiet, peaceful, non-threatening”
Raven good grief to have the word peacful and non-threatening in connection to N. Korea has me laughing so hard here at what you wrote. Maybe you need to read more about how the citizens of N.Korea that do speak out against their government are treated…oh wait they are dead. N. Korea is a threat don’t kid yourself. But up against the USA they are no match!
“The US is war-fatigued”
Raven you wish that were true don’t you. But alas that is not true. If anything we are even more determined and so are our troops. I speak of course for true Americans and not the traitors like Murtha and his ilk that are natural born cowards and if you want proof of his being a coward I can prove it to you.
“Europe is too hesitent to act without the UNs encouragement”
Raven….Europe ROTFLMAO Europe is a joke! Those countries across the water that kissed up to the Muslims and are now regreting it big time! And if they are not regretting it enough by now they will be in the future!
The USA is the most powerful country in the entire world and the youngest! And look at all we have done AS the most powerful country in the world….just a few things I will mention……
Nearly 23 million Taiwanese would be denied freedom if not for American protection. More than 48 million South Koreans would be living under a dictatorship if not for American protection.
USA action led to the removal of the Serbian dictator Milosevic ,who was responsible for the murders of hundreds of thousands of people in the Balkans.
The USA and Britain removed the Iraqi dictator Hussein, who was responsible for the murders of hundreds of thousands of people in the Middle East.
And we have also removed the terrorist Taliban government in Afghanistan.
America is sending $15 billion to Africa to help victims of AIDS. We were unable to find out how much France contributes, if anything. To be fair, Canada sends $270 million, which is substantial.
American action in Central America, Grenada,and Haiti has kept millions of people out of totalitarian regimes. Of course, all of this has cost every American taxpayer big.
And thousands of American servicepeople have lost their lives protecting people overseas.
It is insulting and dishonest for Europeans to condemn this country because they don’t like certain policies. Dissent is good. Slander is unacceptable.
The truth is that the USA has freed more human beings in 230 years than the rest of the world combined. France has freed almost no one. Ditto Canada.
America has a provable history of freeing oppressed people all over the world in fighting evil dictators. Europe ONLY follows are lead IF they join US in our fight. But we lead and don’t kid yourself.
“the UN – while it does get things done eventually, it takes years to get round to doing them.”
Raven the UN???? OMG hahahaha the UN is NOT what I would want to help with or about anything! It is a waste, a total waste and corrupt and if you read the history of the UN it has always had a Kofi Annan in charge and that person HAS HAD TO BE a Communist/Socialist. Go read about it and learn. The first Secretary General was the AMERICAN Alger Hiss. Alger Hiss served time in prison pursuant to his involvement in a Communist spy ring. The land for the U. N. building was provided by the Rockefellers. The UN’s Founders were known Communists
The UN was founded by Communists and CFR members whose common goal was a socialist world government. Sixteen key U.S. officials who shaped the policies leading to the creation of the UN were later exposed in sworn testimony as secret Communists. These included Alger Hiss, chief planner of the 1945 founding conference, and the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Harry Dexter White. The Soviet Union under Stalin and the entire Communist Party USA apparatus worked tirelessly to launch the UN. Since its beginning in 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has always worked for world government. The key CFR founder, Edward Mandell House, in his book, Philip Dru: Administrator, called for “Socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx ….” The CFR was an early promoter of the UN, and 43 members of the U.S. delegation at the UN founding conference were or would become CFR members.
No Raven the UN is NOT a problem solver it is a problem maker and not only is it not a good thing for America it is not a good thing for the entire world.
A long time ago I had it with the attitude of Europeans and their leftist agenda, their whinning and slander of the USA. But let something terrible happen and it is ring up the USA for help, give us money, send troops yadda yadda yadda.
Islam started this and we, the USA will finish it either with so called friend or not. If they are smart the other countries they will and have joined us. If they would rather have their citizens living in fear in the future for their very lives so be it.
This war with Islam is not a 6 day war, or a three year war. It is whatever it will be, and whatever it will take, and believe me… we as Americans, as the USA have it in us to get the job done.
Just look at what this country of ours has done from day one of it’s existence. We do not quit, and we hold our freedom as the most precious thing we have even more then our own lives.Fatigue? Not a chance, not even in your dreams. We don’t try we DO. We don’t beg for some country to come rescue us we rescue OTHERS. Our Nation stands tall above every country on this earth. And it is because of our Veterans and our military today that makes that possible.
Suricou Raven is the sharp end of the Q-Tip in this war. Multiply Suricou by a couple hundred million and you have the attitudes of most of Britain and Continental Europe.
Logical responses to her kind of moral insanity are useless. The vitality of Western Civ is dead in Europe, and what remains now is the slightly warm corpse that America transfused with her blood over the past sixty years.
We won’t be coming back, Suricou. One hopes the head scarf suits you. You deserve it. Something vital has been drained from your heart and soul; replaced by ennui, futility and fatalism.
Let me quote one of your soulmates. Sweden’s Minister of Democracy said recently in a radio discussion: “We must be open and tolerant towards Islam and Muslims because when we become a minority, they will be so toward us”. WTF?
Personally, I think the Swedes are trash, having willingly surrendered freedom and initiative for the public theft of socialism. They’ll become a minority in large part because they’ll be killed by Muslims. They too, will deserve their fate. America will survive. You won’t. I hope your passing is peaceful and painless, but I doubt it will be.
“And always North Korea is in the background… quiet, peaceful, non-threatening”
We haven’t forgotten about NK and neither has Japan. Perhaps a better explanation for the “quiet” out of NK is that China has asked (behind the scene) the other little madman to shut up. Seems Beijing might be a little uneasy about the Samurai sharpening their swords. Having rockets fired into your air space tends to make one gear up for war. And recent polls in Japan show strong support for a renewed militarization – the last thing China wants to see. I really don’t think the US will need to do much about NK. Japan will address the problem if China does not, and Li’l Kim does not want to meet the samurai on the battlefield.
You know I tried for a day or so to just let
this go!!!! “BUT” I wonder if that blotter I
was chewing on caused this,I ve seen fire Ive
seen rain and a white wabbitt dancing in the
flame,mirror,mirror on de wall is I da baddest
mother of all????
Tincan Sailor Hahahaaha
Do I hear an Amen? hahha