Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on Thursday called on Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld to resign, hours after excoriating him at a public hearing over what she called “failed policy” in Iraq.

CLICK HERE , for the C-Span coverage (in Real Player).
Scan to 1:45:40 for Hillary’s remarks and to 1:50:45 for Rumsfeld’s response. (If you make the window wider than the default, precise scrolling is easier.)
Wild Thing’s comment……
Hillary is the one who ought to resign. She has a lot of nerve to question anyone about anything. She is disgusting beyond words. She belongs in a dungeon with no food or water for the rest of her sick commie life.
Rumsfeld was at the hearing at the specific insistence of Hillary and a few other Dems. It was not essential, the Generals could have handled it, but they insisted. Then they launch their attacks. Just a pathetic, planned media ploy that gave Rummy a chance to put all in their place.
Leadership is something the Democrats will never be accused of having. Everytime they have an occasion to tuck-tail and run, they do so. They can always be counted on to talk a lot but not do a damn thing. Democrats are such “pattern people”…no good for playing chess or poker, that’s for sure.
For sure, for sure, how about that time honored vampire cure. Now where’d I put that mallet and that wooden stake?
Jack hahahahahahahaa
Love it Jack!!!
Anything Hillary does, she does for press coverage. Also, how many times in the past 6 years have you seen the famous Clinton’s together? Seems that they define the phrase, “keeping a distance”.
Tom your right, and I wouldn’t want to be around either of them YUK!