Rightroots is a broad coalition of conservatives joining together in support of a solid slate of Republican candidates for the US House and Senate. Properly funded, these candidates represent our best chance to retain control of Congress and to enact a conservative agenda.
The bloggers and groups listed at the right have come together to support this slate, and together with ABCPAC.com and your generous support, will expand our conservative majority in November.
John Hawkins
This is the plan…………….
In order to do that, we’re going to need a lot of help from the blogosphere and talk radio, which is why I’m contacting you.
What would we like you to do?
#1) We’d like you endorse the list. (Endorsements will be listed on the Rightroots page)
#2) We’d love for you to link the list today. The bigger start we can get right off the bat and the more buzz we can generate, the better.
#3) If you’re part of any big Republican mailing lists, forums, or know any big name conservatives you could pass this onto, it would be great!
#4) It would be fantastic if you permanently link the Rightroots page, preferably in a prominent spot.
#5) Usually with a blogosphere story, you link it once and go on. In this case, we’re hoping that people will link this list once or twice a week from now until the election. That’s the key factor that will really keep the money rolling in.
Now, what if you don’t feel comfortable endorsing the list or promoting all the candidates?
No problem! If you just support a candidate or two on the list, feel free to send your readers over to the Rightroots list to donate to them. On the other hand, even if you don’t want to do that, there may still be some news value in comparing what this list raises to the liberal list.
The more people talk about us and link to us, the better for the slate of candidates — and for you. Keep in mind that this is a project that has the potential to benefit the whole right side of the blogosphere. You ever wondered why Democratic politicians pay so much attention to liberal bloggers? A big part of the reason is because they raise money for them. If we do a good job of fund raising, it will raise our prestige level and profile. Make no mistake about it, if we can raise more money than the left side of the blogosphere over the final three months of the campaign, it will get politicians and journalists talking about the influence of the right side of the blogosphere — and that’s good for all of us!
Read more about it at Right Wing News, and at Mary Katherine Ham’s Townhall article and at Lorie Byrd’s post at Wizbang, and PLEASE, y’all, go over to the Rightroots/ABCPAC site and give it your support.
And you can find graphcis for this to use at your blog HERE.

Wild Thing’s comment……
We can complain till the cows come home and it won’t make a difference. Action is what makes a difference and the left has always been better at this then we are on the right. We have watched PC take over step by step, inch by inch and then wonder how America has become soooo PC. Well PC began way back when I was in grade school and it has proven one thing.
The left is good at winning one battle at a time. They know they cannot win the war in one move so they choose to win one hill, one battle and then the next. We as Republicans like to win the whole shabang at once and that is one of the things that cause us not to win anything.
The left is paid to protest the right is NOT, we do it because we believe in our causes and do not expect to be paid for it. We have jobs and the left, well many do not and insted they get money from the vile leftie groups to do nothing more then protest and push their agenda of destruction to America.
I for one will not be one of the ones that is only a keyboard patriot, I want action and will do what I can to make a difference.
Please send this post out to all you know that love America. We CAN make a difference but it takes an effort. Let’s not let the left win this next election on anything. They do NOT love America.
* My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
* Blue Star Chronicles