27 Jul

UK Company Mr Modchips Takes The Terrorist Side

An Israeli customer had ordered some computer chips from a company in
the UK called MrModChips.……..the following is the true story……………….
Asaf Linden decided to order some computer chips for his games console from a company with a UK web site. He put in his credit card number, got a confirmation e-mail and waited. Little did he know that he was now marked as a war criminal.
After a few days he checked in with the site and found that his transaction was now “VOID”. So he wrote a perfectly reasonable e-mail to ask why.

I’ve ordered a Qoobchip Pro and the order’s status is currently VOID, why is that?

Imagine his surprise to get the following reply:

You are viewed as a fraud risk and it is company policy not to support people whos government kill innocent civilians and children.
Thank You

Asaf didn’t pull his punches with his reply:

1. I never killed anyone in my life.
2. I am a British passport holder (and would be happy to send you a photocopy of my passport).
3. If we are being political, I seem to remember a few children dying in Iraq and the United Kingdom fighting there. Right?
4. Israel was attacked first by Lebanon but I don’t seem to recall when the UK was last attacked by Iraq or am I forgetting something?
Mixing your business with politics is not a good idea, I presume you made a mistake and regret that but if not, tell me about it and I will pass your comments to the British Department of Trade and Industry.

Ma’ariv have tried to contact the company, which is actually in Thailand but to no avail.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Here is their email addres if you would like to email the company.

* Seawitch ……thank you for the heads up on this
* Friends of Micronesia

I wonder what the BBB would think of this one???

Wild Thing says:

Hi Greta, I have a feeling there will be more of this too.
I know someone could say if I had a company I would not sell to the terrorists and I agree 100%, I would not either. But not selling to the terrorists and not selling to those the terrorists want dead is comparing apples and oranges.
Thanks for commenting.

raz0r says:

I’ve mod’d game consoles in the past. Guess I won’t ever be doing business with them.

Wild Thing says:

razOr wow, I don’t have a clue about that stuff. hahahaha
But I sure do agree with you, I would not do business with a company that did something like what they did. Thanks razOr.

Tyler D says:

That sounds like one angry employee rather than the ENTIRE Company. Regardless, I’m going to make sure I don’t order any from them.

Jack says:

Maybe this company can sell their chips to tourists visiting Thailand .. if they keep on going there, that is.

Wild Thing says:

Hi Tyler, it good be, I had not even thought about that. If it is just one terrorist loving employee they better fire his butt. The emails sent to the company are in the hundreds.

Wild Thing says:

Jack good idea!!