“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.
We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream.
It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same,
or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children
and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States
where men were free.”
I just wanted to post this about Freedom. – Wild Thing
Reagan was so great at energizing us after the fiasco of the “national malaise” of that horrible Carter. The Great Communicator” was so adept with his words(and Peggy Noonan’s) at making us love America. I can’t forget how hated he was by the Left, and that blatant hatred led so many moderates to become Reagan Democrats because they loved Reagan.
Sadly George Bush is not as articulate, or Conservative, as Ronald Reagan. I hope we get another real Conservative to run in ’08 and again attract those Reagan Democrats. I am thinking John Bolton could be that type of candidate.
Tom, I hope and pray someone like Reagan comes along for the next election too. Those were special years when Reagan was President. I am so glad it was in my lifetime.
Love your comment, thank you.
How I miss that Guy.
the current run of presidential wannabe’s falls far short of his benchmark.
I’d kind of like to see Newt in that office, wouldn’t the leftie’s love him?
Hi Mark, I miss him too….a lot. I agree, I am very disappointed in the ones that look like they might run in 08′.
Ronald Reagan made us military folks proud to wear our uniforms. In the aftermath of Vietnam and during the Carter years, military personnel wanted to look more like their civilian counterparts. We tried to grow our hair longer and never wore our uniforms off base. Many of our service dress uniforms started looking like business suits and our senior leadership acted like CEO’s instead of military officers.
Then came Ronald Reagan. He put pride back in the Armed Forces. We became proud of what we were and what we represented. Unfortunately too much of the senior leadership, those who came in during the tail end of Vietnam and the Carter years were now calling the shots. Our service dress uniforms looked more business instead of military; especially the Air Force. But, the troops wanted to look military again. Military men started to wear their hair shorter than regulation limits. We wore our uniforms off base all the time. We wanted to look military again.
Even today that tradition of wanting to look military is prevalent in our young troops. In the Air Force the young airman refer to their service dress uniform as a “cheap leisure suit. They don’t like it. The AF senior leadership listened and a new service dress uniform is in the works. It’s a throwback to the General Hap Arnold days and it looks military. Here’s what it’s going to look like: http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?storyID=123020472
I firmly believe this all goes back President Ronald Reagan. The senior enlisted and officer leadership of today are the men and women who came in under Reagan’s watch. Boy do I miss President Reagan.
Bob I miss him too. Last night I was thinking about how I felt inside my soul when he was President. The peace I had that I could trust my President’s decisions and many other things.
I didn’t like that when Israel started to fight back when their soldiers were kidnapped that I had to be concerned IF our Nation would stand side by side with Israel. As an American I should have known without a doubt what we would do…..but I didn’t and that made me think of Reagan.
Bob I miss him too. Last night I was thinking about how I felt inside my soul when he was President. The peace I had that I could trust my President’s decisions and many other things.
I didn’t like that when Israel started to fight back when their soldiers were kidnapped that I had to be concerned IF our Nation would stand side by side with Israel. As an American I should have known without a doubt what we would do…..but I didn’t and that made me think of Reagan.
I hope another person cut from the same cloth arrives for daughters and their generation to vote for. Thank you God for providing the USA with Ronald Reagan. May he rest in peace.