David Rolde, Secretary and Administrative Committee member of the Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts
This last Friday, the Muslim American Society held a protest, the “Justice for Palestine and Lebanon Protest” at Boston’s City Hall Plaza. Seva Brodsky was there with his camera, and the results are posted at Solomonia blog.
There are many photos and video of what took place.
Just an example of how vile these Hezbollah supporters are:
More people joined the melee, shouting and threatening me. Unfortunately, by this point my camera was off, so I did not capture what had transpired then. One man told me that the police would not help me, as they were going to hunt me down and kill me (he can be heard on the video repeatedly commanding me not to take pictures)
Please go HERE, and read what happened. Thank you….Wild Thing
Wild Thing’s comment……
I love our freedom of speech, our Veterans served and fought to make it possible. Our troops today are fighting to make sure we stay the land of the free.
But I don’t think that freedom of speech means to threaten our security, to defend and promote those planning on destroying this Nations citizens, our way of life and as the terrrorists have repeatedly said…..”Islam will dominate the world”.
When people that are enjoying the freedoms we have and then set out to take the side of the enemy it should be a cause for great concern. To our government and to all that live in America.
The Muslims have been given chance after chance yep chance after chance to show us they are outraged, and that they want to be loyal Americans. But they can’t, it is impossible and it will never happen. IMO, Muslims belong only to Islam and it does not matter where the heck they live. The cult of Islam is their country and they will never really understand what America is about.
Time and time again we hear their whine of their dislike for profiling, how they are being picked on, how we as a country put them in the same category as the ones that attacked on 9-11. Wel DUH! They are! Prove us wrong then freakazoids! But you can’t and won’t!
* Something….and Half of Something
* Solomonia Blog
It just breaks my heart to see what my Home State has come to.
I’m just down the road in Connecticut. We’re just as bad down here, maybe worse. Both our states have produced this vermin for years, even long before the 1960’s. It’s a byproduct of our prosperity and the local university systems. The Islamist nonsense is just free Viagra for these testosterone-free males, and testosterone-enhanced females. It means nothing. It’s a way for the radically unattractive to find mates.
It will change, though, because the social arrangements are changing so drastically all around us. CT and MA losing population each year, immigrants redressing the balance, businesses leaving, gated communities and enclaves eventually surrounded by restive underclasses. Everything works itself out.
Defend the Hezbollah Rally in Boston
Of Znet Anarchists and their attempts to take advantage of the terrorist situation throughout the world. These people are very active in our school systems as they try to work their message in through the impressionable youth of America. You need to kn…
Acceptance starts in our schools that have been hijacked by the uber-left, facilitated by the NEA and this carries on into graduate schools where the likes of Ward Weaver and Kevin Barrett are allowed to practice their perversions on the formable minds of our youth. This is manifested in the concept of free speech, but only for those who have the “right thinking” and follow the tenets of the left and their agendas, any others are violently opposed. It will take an uprising like the one in Skokie where the ACLU and the NSPA sided with the Nazi’s march in the Jewish community to right the scales of free speech. The same agenda is being pushed down our throats by the same factions this time it’s for us to accept Islam. With that said here is a simple request: Permission to Fire!!!
I hope Rhod is right about everything working out. My pessimistic fear is that it won’t work out. As America becomes more and more a country of many minorities, including Whites in many areas, we will Balkanise. It seems as tho every group of three people or more has/have oranization(s) to demand their “rights” and more. Every municipality has ghettos of people who do not want to partake of the mainstream entity.
And those in public power, our leaders, in politics, academia and media do nothing to unite us. Instead they play to our divisivness and at the same time take excellent care of themselves; no sense of sacrifice in these circles.
I am glad I have no kids. I am the last living member of my family. It would be nice to think that I have tried to live a lifestyle of being responsible, honest and charitable and aspiring to the American Dream, and that is the attitude that will prevail nationwide. Not trying to change that dream to suit my own selfish purposes. They say republics last about 200 years, then collapse from the inside. We seem to be heading toward that implosion. Hope I am wrong and this wonderful ship America will right itself.
I hate to sound pessimistic here but just exactly what is going to change there? are schools suddenly going to start teaching kids about the constitution? and real US history? quit glorifying che guevara’s murders and disregard for human life in general? start teaching how mahatma ghandi thought the allies were wrong to defeat hitler?… nope.
take part in their local school board?…nope
are parents going to take the time (away from the TV) to be with their offspring? and teach them the Love of God? and the love of life?… nope.
be content to raise utterly stupid children who have no self repect, or respect of others, or respect of truth and would rather support murderers who would gleefully kill them should the opportunity ever arise (like the example above)?… yep.
change needs to start in the home
Those people should be brought up in front of a firing sqaud
Time and time again we hear their whine of their dislike for profiling
Meanshile they profile themselves when they attack only Jews and those who support them.
I don’t think the working-out process will be peaceful. Leftism is a retrograde historical force. Where they’re in charge, you find dysfunction of all kinds, and Massachusetts is losing population faster than any other northeastern state. Boston has been called a “childless city”, the same kind of demographic dead-end facing Europe. This generation of lefty swells will be about the last to have significant power in this area. The entire social arrangement is changing, again in ways similar to Europe.
Massachusetts was also the primary infection that ruined Vermont, and is now effecting New Hampshire. Vermont is a Green Tyranny, with incoming lefties and the local beaded-curtain crowd opposed to development and industry of any kind. The state is also losing population, and as a poor state, the poorest are penalized by the precious tastes of the better-off. The income distribution between rich and poor towns is so extreme that lefty pols passed a law which required the richer towns to equalize the fund discrepancy in poorer towns. There’s no such thing as local education in Vermont. The egalitarian fantasy of the left come true.
I’ll make a prediction. The Northeast in twenty-five years will be poorer, more ethnically troubled, more crime-ridden and more decayed than even the old industrial Midwest. People with energy, values, ambition, drive and good sense are leaving by the thousands, moving to more conservative parts of the country where the quality of life, as compared to the Northeast, is like a diamond compared to a chancre boil.
This is what I mean when I say it will work out. Leftism is a death-force; it kills everything around it and then itself. Let them chant and posture. Their day is coming. Everything old will be new again when they’re gone.
You know what this country has been through in
the last 200 plus years makes todays problems
pale by the likes of Civil war, depresion
Labor riots ect,ectMy Dad told me when I was on
a rant about how hard times were “Vietnam”,He
said kid you don’t know what hard is,hard is
a hamburger and a cup of coffee cost a dime
and you went hungry,you shove barbed wire down
a rabbit hole catch his fur and pull him out
and kill and eat him,now thats hard times…
So folks its ours to lose or keep,how bad do
you want it,by the way I saw and heard the reason I left california for Idaho,we were at
the rodeo sat.night and heard and felt 4000
folks sing the star spangled banner,something
I soon won’t forget…
Am I a “Red Neck” I never was but I’m sure as
as hell one now!!!!!
Tincan Sailor WOW I wish I was there, how awesome that had to have been.
“the rodeo sat.night and heard and felt 4000
folks sing the star spangled banner….”
Love ya Red Neck, I think I must be one too. hahahha