Here are some lowlights from CAIR’s article………..
Israel’s Dangerous Pursuit of Total Security
By Alaa Bayoumi
Alaa Bayoumi is director of Arabic affairs for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
The Bush administration’s one-sided support for Israel’s governments has ended the peace process. We have supported Israel’s unilateral withdrawal form the Gaza strip, its refusal to negotiate with any Palestinian partner, and its brutal siege on the Palestinian civilian population. Today, our core Arab allies, such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia, are shying away from even talking about the peace process.
More dangerously, the current Israeli government under Ehud Olmert, a shadow of Sharon who is trying to build an image among his people and in the Middle East as a tough military leader, is pursuing a strategy of total security that could lead to an open multi-national war in the Middle East.
Israel, the only nuclear power in the Middle East and the owner of the most powerful conventional military in the region, has launched an all-out war on two peoples in response to the kidnapping of a handful of its own soldiers. Israel itself holds thousands of innocent Palestinian and Lebanese people, men women and children who have been in Israeli jails for many years.
If our government does not act to stop Israel’s aggressive actions, America will lose the support of the great majority of the Arab peoples and governments.
What we need now is an immediate cease-fire and an international conference to which all major parties to the conflict and world powers should be invited. This conference should work on establishing a new security system for the Middle East.
Wild Thing’s comment……
I don’t know if I should laugh or be angry. Laugh I think HAHAHAHA
Poor CAIR they just can’t stand for Israel to have total security. Well total anything is almost impossible but Israel certainly has the right to try to have security and so does the USA.
Our Veterans fought for our freedom and security, our troops today are doing that as well. But apparently God forbid Israel fights back for their freedom and security of their country. And to make all efforts at getting their soldiers back from the terrorists. For shame! (NOT)
CAIR once again shows the world who’s side they are on, the side of the enemy of America, Israel and the world.
Every time CAIR has a chance to show the world there are so called moderate Muslims they prove those of us right that moderate Muslims simply do not exist.
And for you CAIR…..IF there was such a thing as a moderate Muslim, let’s say the ones living in America. I need to hear how outraged they are at what has been happening to the Jews in Israel and their soldiers, how you are fed up with the attacks on Israel who has done everything they could do follow the peace agreements and the pulling back, leaving Gaza etc.
I am waiting……….. or should I say………Bueller?????………………………….
Still waiting……………….Bueller???…………………
Good news for CAIR! No conference necessary. A *New Security System* is being established as we speak.
But hey, dang good idea on your part–thanx….
Col.Jerry heh heh good one.
Cair is an enemy of America and the American people and should be labled as such by all people that care about peace. You will notice this vile animal mentions the kidnaping of a few soldiers as if it means nothing and there lives are of no value. Then he lies about Israel holding thousands of innocent women and children. You can be sure if Israel is holding anyone they are not innocent. These vultures use our very own precious freedoms won with the sacrifice of American blood and perserved with even more American blood against us.We have yet to come to the point where we understand we need the Unamerican activities committee back.
CAIR calls themselves Arab-Americans. There is nothing American about them.
Jack excellent, well said. CAIR should be shut down as soon as possible if that could just happen, please oh please, before it does even more damage then they are doing and have done.
Tom…….AMEN you said it!!!!!