Solana: No sufficient data to include Hizbullah in terror organizations’ list
Yasser Arafat’s old pal Javier Solana, now working for the United Nations, says the UN is unable to determine whether Hizballah is a terrorist organization:
YNet News
The United Nations High Representative of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) Javier Solana said during a press conference with Minister of Foreign Affairs Tzipi Livni that the UN has no sufficient data to determine whether the Hizbullah can be included in the list of terror organizations. He also added that the issue at hand is legal, not ethical. (Ronny Sofer)
Just a few samples of major Hezbollah Acts of Terrorism and Violence:
* Bombing of Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia killing 19 U.S. servicemen (1996)
* Bombing of Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires killing 96 (1994)
* Bombing of Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires killing 29 (1992)
* Abduction, torture and death of CIA Station Chief in Lebanon (1985)
* Hijacking of TWA Flight 847 killing one U.S. Navy diver (1985)
* Bombing outside U.S. Embassy annex in Beirut killing 24 (1984)
* Car bombing of U.S. Marine Barracks in Beirut killing 241 U.S. servicemen (1983)
* Car bombing of U.S. Embassy in Beirut killing 63 people, including 17 Americans (1983)
* Car bombing of French military barracks in Beirut killing 58 French paratroopers (1983)

Hezbollah Television:
Hezbollah maintains its own television station, al-Manar (“the beacon”), which broadcasts Hezbollah’s messages of hate and violence worldwide. Hezbollah owns and operates the station, staffing it with members of Hezbollah and directing its programming and communications. Founded in 1991 and funded by Iran, Shi’ite communities abroad, and, reportedly, Muslim communities in Europe, the United States and Canada, the station is now a major satellite network transmitting in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa. It broadcasts 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Hezbollah in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip
Hezbollah has developed a well-entrenched presence in the West Bank and Gaza. It is believed that Iran and Hezbollah officials in Lebanon began to recruit Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza and Israeli Arabs following Israel’s withdrawal from southern Lebanon in May 2000.
Iran and Hezbollah are accomplishing these goals by sending money, weapons, weapons technology and expertise to the area and by providing Palestinian terrorists with access to Hezbollah terrorist training camps in Iran and southern Lebanon.
Hezbollah in South America
established presence in the lawless, corrupt, drug-ridden triple border region of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. Hezbollah uses the area as a key locale for raising and laundering money, drug trafficking, weapons and people smuggling and document and currency fraud.
Fundraising for Hezbollah is done through legitimate businesses, charities and shake-downs. U.S. officials believe that at least $100 million is funneled through the tri-border region each year, with Hezbollah receiving a large share of the funds.
Hezbollah in Canada
According to Canadian intelligence, Hezbollah raises money, recruits terrorists, purchases military supplies, and forges travel documents in Canada. Money is raised through credit card scams and counterfeit rings. In two cases, alleged Hezbollah agents wanted for terrorist activities overseas were found hiding in Canada. Hezbollah theft rings have stolen luxury cars in Canada and sent them to Lebanon for use by senior Hezbollah officials.
The North Carolina Hezbollah terror cell was part of a larger Hezbollah network that raised funds and procured dual-use technologies for Hezbollah. The Canadian part of the network was allegedly run by Mohammed Hassan Dbouk and his brother-in-law Ali Adham Amhaz, who allegedly received money from Hezbollah officials in Lebanon and engaged in credit card and banking scams in Canada in order to finance the purchase in Canada and the U.S. of military items which were then smuggled into Lebanon.
Hezbollah in Europe
Hezbollah is known to maintain terror cells and a terror infrastructure throughout Europe. In particular, the organization uses Europe as an operational launching pad for Hezbollah operatives to enter Israel in order to conduct attacks, assist other operatives already there, or conduct surveillance and collect intelligence on Israeli targets. Operationally, traveling from Europe provides Hezbollah operatives with “cover” and a European logistical support cell provides operatives with information and resources for travel, including fraudulent travel documents.
Germany has been identified as Hezbollah’s main fund raising center in Europe.
Hezbollah in the United States
Hezbollah maintains agents and sleeper cells in the U.S. ready to attempt terrorist attacks should this become an objective of the group. The organization is considered to have an operational capacity in the U.S. similar to that of AI Qaeda. Detroit has been cited as the main center of Hezbollah’s fundraising activity in the U.S.
“Hezbollah demonstrated twice in Argentina that it has global reach and can turn so-called support cells into action cells to carry out its trademark catastrophic bombings,” said Tom Diaz, co-author of the forthcoming Lightning Out of Lebanon: Hezbollah Terrorists on American Soil. “It is absolutely clear that Hezbollah has similar cells in the United States right now. It is fully capable of making those cells operational if and when Hezbollah’s or Iran’s leaders decide to flip the switch.”
The U.S. designated Hezbollah as a foreign terrorist organization in 1997 and listed it as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) in 2001. Three members of Hezbollah – Imad Mughniyeh, Hasan Izz-al-Din, and Ali Atwa – are on the FBI’s “Most Wanted Terrorists” list for their role in the 1985 hijacking of TWA Flight 847 during which a U.S. Navy diver was brutally murdered.

Yep that;s right, I just don’t get it.
OH I get that the UN and this terrorist lover Javier Solana will stand by their terrorists.
But what I don’t get is……. with all the facts out there for anyone that wants to search for them, and all we know because we might have all our crayons in the box, unlike the Democrats/leftists that are missing almost everyone crayon, how does this Solana even have the nerve for such outrageous lies, blatant lies that others SHOULD laugh him right out of the room and into orbit. How did anyone in the room sit there with a straight face, how did a person here this trash piece of flesh Solana and not meet him out in the parking lot and a-hem set him straight like the boys with no necks and smashed noses might do. You know what about stepping hard on his toes while you tell him he is full of it and why doesn’t he go live with his sand flea infested Hezbollah????? (shaking my head)
Saddam Hussein taught us recently to follow the money, this is another Islamist funded puppet inside the organization doing their bidding. UNWRA is the official arm funding Palestine but who’s funding the rest of the members vote? Is it Saudi Money or Iranian Money that buys the votes against the West’s interests within the UN, there are three other major players with the wherewithal, Russia, China and France and all have longterm ties and what about Indonesia?
Your so right Jack….follow the money.