Kofi Annan is on TV this morning,:
Yes there he was blaming Israel for the war in Lebanon and demanding that aggressor Israel withdraw so that the brave UN troops can bring peace to Lebanon, a country that was at peace before Israel’s dastardly invasion, which has hurt thousands of civilians. Israel’s use of “excessive force” is to be condemned. The International Red Cross (which refuses to recognize the existance of Israel, by the way) must be allowed to come in and take control along side the brave Blue Helmets. And this too…… Hezbollah must be scolded for sending rockets into Israeli cities, but it should not be punished or disarmed.
Kofi Annan Emperor-of-Terrorists, Rapists, Slavers and Murderers:
I never cared when Islamic missiles murdered Israeli women and children. Who cares?
I never cared when Islamic terrorists murdered people in America, England, Spain, France or India. Who cares?
I never cared when UN personel raped little girls in Africa. Who cares?
I never cared when Islamic terrorists enslaved hundreds of thousands of children in Africa or anywhere else. Who cares?
I never cared about slavery, rape by my officers, or any form of corruption.
Why? Because without terrorism, slavery, rape and graft and my trophy wife, I am nothing.
Please, please change the line that reads, “I never cared when US personnel raped little girls in Africa.” It was the UN troops, not US.
Robin E. Roberts thank you so much. I had a typo and a bad one, I do appreciate your correcting my error. Thanks for commenting.
Kofi is just the biggest fly on the pile at Turtle Bay. Any organization that elevates a half-witted, amateur like Annan above the level of doorman, is an organization dead at the limbs and rotting at the middle.
Every age has its frauds and spectacles, it’s buffoonery and lie-factories. Ours is the UN. Its every incarnation, from its day as the League, when in 1923, it first dealt with the issue of Israel and Palestine, has failed to drain the infection from the Islamic sore.
It never will. The UN is corrupt in intention because it harbors and normalizes evil states; it will never be any different. It’s a cancer in the civilized world.
Here is the cruel joke about the UN.
The UN Charter reads:
“Membership in the United Nations is open to all peace-loving states which accept the obligations of the Charter and, in the judgement of the Organization, are willing and able to carry out these obligations.
The admission of any such State to membership in the United Nations will be effected by a decision of the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.”
Article 4, Chapter 2, United Nations Charter
Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia are charter members.
Saudi Arabia — (24 Oct. 1945)
Syrian Arab Republic — (24 Oct. 1945)
Iran (Islamic Republic of) — (24 Oct. 1945)
Lebanon — (24 Oct. 1945)
Why was UNWRA established? Yeah, I know “humanitarian aid” for the Paliswinians’s.
This is another end run to hand the terrorists another victory through UN intervention with Kofi as their mouthpiece and they’ll surely want the US to be their police force.
Rhod, haha great casting with Annan.
“It’s a cancer in the civilized world.”…that is exactlty what it is.
Jack those are great facts, thank you so much.
Let’s quit financing this org, send them to Europe, (they’d fit in better there anyway, and the real estate they’re taking up in manhattan could be put to better use), and tell them to piss off.(a much more rude comment came to mind, but I’m honoring my host with courtesy)
all it is is a bunch of tyrants and dictators patting each other on the back anyway,and the politically correct crowd supporting them (insert another nasty rude comment here)
Mark lmao you did good, but honest it is ok. Sometimes a rant calls for just the right ingredients like cussing. haha
I agree completely I want the UN off our land ASAP and never to come back. I want the USA out of the UN in every way. Even shutting it down would be ok with me.
Thanks for your comment.
UN sucks, true, but who can be send there in Lebanon ? Otan ? mouahah they will kille more civils than Hezbollah and Israel. US Army ? mouahah they’re not able to protect their own citizens in their own country. So leave them killing each other, until they will nobody alive in this part of this world.
The solution ? come back in the past in 1946 and prevent the creation of the country Israel. That ‘s the solution.