I LOVE it! Thank you Bush!

President Bush was in no mood for diplomatic niceties at the G8 summit, judging by remarks made to Tony Blair as the leaders of the world’s most powerful industrial democracies sat down to lunch today.
Unaware that a microphone at the summit was switched on, Mr Bush, chomping a piece of bread, used the opportunity to suggest a way out of the latest criss in the Middle East.
“See, the irony is what they really need to do is to get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this s***,” he said.
Mr Bush also hinted that Condoleezza Rice, the US Secretary of State, would take a bigger role, and appeared to express frustration about UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.
Click HERE to Watch the Video of Bush
Wild Thing’s comment…….
They say what President Bush said is going to make a few waves. Well wave this you freaking terrorists. I want waves, waves of support for Israel, waves of standing tall and NO more PC bullcrap. Soooooo to you Hezbollah and Hamas and the rest of you terrorists………..WAVE THIS!
And I thank you President Bush for what you said!
* Michelle Malkin ( thank you for the link to the video of this)
That’s the Cowboy coming out in Bush. Time to play Cowboy and Arabs.
Hi Bob, it sure is heh heh.I like that cowboys and Arabs. giggle Go get em Cowboy.
Isn’t that what he also thinks of Helen Thomas at WH news conferences? I believe if he said that to her, his poll #s would go up 20 points!
I just love it when the prez speaks in the vernacular, there isn’t any misunderstanding or doublespeak. I watched Fox’s Hannity and Colmes where Komrad Colmes was beside himself about the Palestinians and the Lebanese dying because Israel was ‘attacking’ them, he thinks every dispute can be resolved by diplomacy. He neglects the unprovoked attacks against Israel since 1948, Maybe, it’s time to send Alan Colmes over as the peace negotiator, one thing is for certain he has never been on the receiving end of a rocket attack and I doubt seriously he’s sacrificed anything personal beyond lip service for this country. Godspeed Israel!!!
You are a brainless idiot, and what is more disturbing is the fact that your addled brain thinking seems to be shared not only by George Bush, but also Tony Blair.
Do you think Syria (or Iran for that matter) are some kind of mafia organization that click their fingers and order hetrogenous, disparate paramilitary groups around the Middle East to attack or not attack Israel? The relationship between Syria and Hezbollah in particular is surely far more complex given the very complicated nature of Hezbollah in Lebanon.
If Syria are solely responsible then why doesn’t Israel just attack Syria?
Do you think it is in Israel’s long term interests to be a state that bombs the infrastructure and civilians of it’s neighbours, as group justice for crimes committed by a militant minority of it’s population? Is that the route to peace?
Often, truth is usually spoken in simplest terms. No eloquence is needed to convey it and it is usually delivered with brevity. The left will get their panties in a bunch over the delivery, but it doesn’t change the truth of the statement.
Jack lol good idea. YOU are so right about Colmes. Alan Colmes would last only long enough to board the flight over there.
Read a book – PLEASE!, you poor thing. It must suck to be you, on the wrong side and all.
razOr exactly, I agree.
The left will be making all their oh a President does not say such things yadda yadda.
“Thank you Bush!”
That sounds like something I said to Merri last night.
Read a book guy, go away before I slap you in the face with Deb Frisch’s cock.
Read a Book suffers from the mental affliction common to all lefties. Arrogance and vanity combined with a 25 Watt brain. No one with a shred of humility or intelligence would write such a post, and then prevail upon his readers to Read a Book. What an asshole. I’m surprised he could spell “book”.
Your second paragraph is tendentious bullshit. The answer to the first question, you slobbering moron, is “yes”. The answer posed by your second dimwitted remark is….Answer it, for yourself dipshit. You read books; let us know. Typically, in the mouth-breathing, snarling fashion of all your kind, you pose a question and suggest by that question that you know what the f**k you’re talking about. What are the complexities, asshole? I’m waiting.
Your fourth paragraph. Answer the question yourself, pinhead. I could tell you, but you know the complexities, don’t you? Let’s start here. Learn the proper verb tense, idiot, and second, when you load your remarks with assumptions, such as “solely responsible” you just expose yourself as a lying, stupid numbskull who isn’t mentally available for discussion.
Fifth paragraph. How about you? Do you still jerk off every afternoon? Or beat your wife? Is that the road to intelligence? Go read a book.
Correction: “Fourth” should read “Third” and “Fifth” should read “Fourth”. Read a Book. I’ll expect you to harp on the typo. It’s all you’ve got.
The more I study Read a Book’s post, the more fascinated I become with the kind of derangement that can produce something like it. All his/her thinking is self-generating lunacy and a drain hole for personal venom. Also, it becomes more clear that Read a Book is Suricou Raven.
First sentence, second paragraph. Amazingly, strikingly stupid. I think Read a Book is striving for a big word, like “heterogeneous”, which would not describe Hizbollah anyway, but he ends with “hetrogenous”. Read a Book, read a dictionary.
Then he/she goes on to employ the word “disparate”, which conflicts with “hetrogenous”, and implies that the entire Middle East is the deployment area for these groups, yet is completely unaware that we’re talking about Gaza and southern Lebanon. Read a Book is clearly struggling here. She’s special in a special way, in need of help.
Third paragraph he attaches an assumption to WT, that Syria “are solely responsible” (a British usage), while earlier stating that Iran could also be responsible. Nice thinking, RAB. Sparkling intelligence on display.
Then the contorted thinking in paragraph four, in which Suricou…I mean RAB, sets up the conditions under which the question posed can only be answered in ways that satisfy the assumptions set by RAB. This is stupid, obvious, and expressive only of RAB’s tiny little anvil of a brain. You can hammer on it, but you only get one tone.
Hi Rhod, excellent, thank you so much.