Wilson (CIA leaker and braggart):
I will sue anyone and everyone for not stopping ME from telling Novak, ‘Who’s who’, the French Embassy, and anyone else who might have been remotely interested about my wife. They should have stopped me. And now I need the money for her Armani dresses.
Novak’s original article and others mentioned that Joe Wilson’s visit actually bolstered the Bush administration’s claim that Iraq was trying to purchase uranium.
Privately, Wilson admitted that Iraq WAS trying to buy uranium. Publicly, he lied.
The Bipartisan Senate Report about this matter so discredited Wilson that Kerry dropped him from his presidential campaign staff.
That report stated that Wilson had to actually bolstered the Bush administration’s case about Iraq trying to buy uranium. Privately, Wilson confirmed what Bush said.
But publicly, Wilson told another story altogether.
Clearly, Wilson is a liar and the entire reason for this made up outrage about Valerie was to take away attention to the fact that Wilson was caught lying about a very important reason why we went to war in Iraq.
Back up to links that Wilson lied about whether Iraq was trying to purchase uranium (they were).
This whole episode was cooked up as an attempt by an anti-Bush elements within the CIA to discredit Bush’s case for war with Iraq. This anti-Bush cabal included Plame. She was the one that recommended her husband for the “mission” to Niger. The intent of the mission was for Wilson to come back and claim no evidence for the yellow cake story. He never had any intention of doing any real investigating at all.The whole trip was bogus from the beginning.
When Wilsons claims were quickly dismissed and the story failed to hold water the anti Bush cabal came up with a plan B as it were. They changed the focus from Wilson to his wife and went all out with the alleged “outing” of an undercover officer who we now know was never deep cover at all.
The lazy anti Bush Washington press corp ate it up with a spoon without ever doing any real digging. The enitre CIA needs to be cleaned out post haste.