El nacional (Venezualan Newspaper) Internacionales Agencia internacional desmintió información de supuesta muerte de Fidel Castro
La agencia internacional de noticias EFE desmintió haber divulgado información relacionada con la supuesta muerte del presidente de Cuba Fidel Castro.
En horas de la mañana una emisora de noticias venezolana dijo citando a la agencia que el mandatario había fallecido. Es por ello, que EFE informó que en ningún momento ha difundido ese hecho.
La agencia dijo haber presentado su reclamo a la emisora que reconoció publicamente su error.
google translate…….
International agency denied information of supposed death of Fidel Castro The international agency of the news EFE denied to have disclosed information related to the supposed death of the president of Cuba Fidel Castro. In hours in the morning a Venezuelan transmitter of the news said mentioning the agency that the agent chief executive had passed away. It is for that reason, that EFE informed that at no moment it has spread that fact. The agency said to have presented/displayed its reclamation to the transmitter that recognized publicly its error.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
He’s not dead???? Then he just smells really bad. Well maybe, just maybe they’re pulling a “Weekend at Bernie’s” with Castro. heh heh
Thank you razOr for the story on this.
It certainly is hard to get any news out of Cuba, other than Gitmo. Maybe if we ask Jimmah how his blood brother is doing we’ll get the answer. I sometimes go to a Cuban news site but it is spotty and out dated, with questionable credibility. Two stories peeked my interest since they contrasted. Diplomat’s Home Desecrated this happend about a year ago. Then there is this about the N.C , Babtists building a retreat on the athiest island. Baptists are hardly all amassed in America’s Bible Belt. Since I was old enought to see the fall of Cuba and watch Fidel’s true agenda unfold I can only hope the aforementioned rumor is true.
WT – “Weekend at Bernie’s”! That IS funny. Maybe Fidel is a stiff and being paraded around, from a distance with lots of disenfectant.
Check out this blog, http://www.babalu blog.com
it has some good info
Jack thank you so much for those links. Your right about Jimmah. Good one!
I was even thinking that when he does die they may not even let the word out for awhile.
Tom giggle it could be. heh heh
Tincan Sailor thank you for the blog link.
That Weekend at Bernie’s was a very great comment Chrissie. LOL
razOr giggle….that movie was so funny.
I can’t wait for the day he kicks off. I’ll drive the 4+ hours to get to Miami to join in the celebration. A Florida native and I’ve never been to Miami, but on that day, I’ll go.