Hamas Gunmen fire on the I.D.F. while hiding in a crowd of children
CAIR Says Targeting of Gaza Infrastructure a ‘War Crime’
A prominent national Islamic civil rights and advocacy group today said Israel’s targeting of the Palestinian civilian infrastructure is a “war crime” that should be condemned by the Bush administration.
Following a Palestinian attack on a military post, Israeli warplanes fired missiles at the Gaza Strip’s only power station, cutting electricity to most of Gaza. Israel also targeted three Gaza Strip bridges. Palestinian officials say the cut in power will impact water supplies and health services.
In reaction to the Israeli strikes, a White House spokesman said: “In any actions the government of Israel may undertake, the United States urges that it ensures that innocent civilians are not harmed, and also that it avoid the unnecessary destruction of property and infrastructure.”
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said in a statement released today: “Mild rebukes for the deliberate targeting of civilian infrastructure in Gaza will not stop Israeli missiles. The Bush administration should condemn these war crimes and demand that Israel stop using American taxpayer- funded weapons to carry out attacks that will only serve to intensify the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.”
Wild Thing’s comment…….
What the WH spokesman should’ve said was, “To the IAF pilots who fired the weapons: nice shooting.” The Israelis are actually exercising restraint in their target selection.
By the way, they (CAIR) still refuses to denounce bin Laden. At a time, in 1998, CAIR explained bombings of American embassies in Africa as a “misunderstanding of both sides.”
CAIR calls Sudanese Islamic government’s enslavement of black Christians as “intertribal hostage taking.”
CAIR calls for replacing the American government with a caliphate, and warns that America will crumble unless it “accepts the Islamic agenda.”
Shut up, CAIR. Americans don’t need the opinions of a terrorist front group like you.
So much for CAIR and their goals:
“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth”
–Omar Ahmed, Chairman of the Board of CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations), San Ramon Valley Herald, July 1998
Qur’an 8:12 “I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.”
Hey CAIR, you’ve yet to apologise or condemn the attacks of 9/11, and you haven’t even mentioned the latest kidnappings and murders of innocent Israelis by your friends in Gaza.
You tell, Wild Thing! She took the words right out of my own mouth. Why don’t we just elimate the ‘problem’? It’s about time we went to war. I know we are supposed to be at war, but I do not like the idea of our men and women ending up with long jail sentences or even changes while the other bastards continue to chop off heads. Forgive me if I don’t get it.
Rosemary, I agree a big ditto to what you said. Good to see you. Thanks for all you do, love your blog.
CAIR members should be deported to the islamic country of their choice.
One, they would refuse to leave America, Two, there is no assurance even other moslems would want these losers.
When will there be a general uprising and run these murdering bastards out of our country? I for one have no treaty with them or any Muslim for that matter, all my dealings with them have been unfavorable, I have worked with and associated with them in the oil business for nearly 20 years and can count on the fingers of one hand the ones I trust and still have four fingers and a thumb left over.
They want to live here but refuse to accept our way of life preferring only to destroy it. They will never assimilate nor support what any other immigrant has.
Let’s look back at a couple of well known celebrities, Elvis Presley, he stopped in mid career and served his country, then resumed to become a well loved American Icon.
Just the opposite there was Cassius Clay, he refused to serve his country, joined the Muslim religion and changed his name to Mohammed Ali, sure he was a great boxer but he lost a great following, me included, when he let his country down. Where is he now? He’s a has been who’s only contribution to the nation was anarchy.
Then there is the great British singer named Cat Stevens, born Stephen Demetre Georgiou , who joined Islam he changed his name to Yusuf Islam, started an Islamist school and sent money to support Palestinian terrorist groups. His actions and attitude have alienated even his staunchest followers. He has been banned from entry into the United States.
Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said his organization wants a better explanation for why the singer was denied entry into the country.
It’s simple CAIR, you support and nurture the terrorists, you are apologetic to them and their followers and as such you cannot be trusted any further that we can trust Osama Bin Laden or the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
The bottom line is this: If you look act or behave as a terrorist, or you openly support, defend or protect terrorists then you are a terrorist. You are free to leave and do your business in that fabulous magic kingdom where only you true believers belong. So pack up your tents, your camels and hustle your goat smelling asses back there.
Tom they should be I agree. They do not help this Nation of ours at all. CAIR might just as well advertise they are here to help the enemy.
Jack, yes I agree 100%. GREAT post Jack, thank you so much.
Remember when Marge Schott of the Cincinnati Reds said the Hitler (NOT bin Laden) had done some good things at first?
But I do wish, in Dear Marge’s case, they’d first tried drug therapy and a tight gag.
Oink I sure do remember her. That really angered me when she said that.
Poor ole Marge — raised to be a boy, the only friend she had in the world was that big dog — open mouth, insert foot. Tight-assed with her players, but didn’t rip her fans off at the snack bar. ($1 hot dogs!?)
Bob & Tom on their morning show, had “Smoke ’em if you got ’em, Honey” with raspy voiced ‘Marge Schott’ & her guest, an appalled ‘Martha Stewart’. You had to pull over; it wasn’t safe to drive and listen.