Egypt primes children for jihad
Egyptian cleric tells children’s TV show: Come on to the jihad, encourages child-soldiers to join holy war
Yaakov Lappin
An Egyptian Islamic cleric working for the state ministry of religious endowment has used a children’s television program to encourage young children to strive for holy war.
During program, made available by the Arabic translation service MEMRI , the cleric told a story about Muslim children in history keen to “sacrifice” themselves and kill “infidels” for the cause of Islam.
“Let’s listen to a very beautiful story to learn about the courage of a child, and how, when a child is brought up in a good home, and receives proper education in faith, he loves martyrdom, which becomes like an instinct for him. He can never give it up,” Sheik Muhammad Nassar told children on the program, which aired on the Al-Nas television channel.
“This story, my friends, is a beautiful story. Abu Qudama was the commander of the army of the Muslims, when they fought the Byzantines. The Byzantines had a very, very large army, whereas the Muslims did not have many fighters. So Abu Qudama walked down the alleys and streets, among the poor, calling: ‘Come join the Jihad,’ ‘Come join the Jihad,'” Nassar said.
‘Take my boy to the jihad’
He continued: “A woman said to him: ‘Abu Qudama, I have a boy. I will give him to you. Take him with you to war.’ He asked: ‘Is he still a boy?’ She said: ‘He is 15 years old, and his father was martyred in the previous war. Since his father’s martyrdom, he sits day and night, praying that Allah grant him martyrdom.'”
The Muslim commander is described as “praising Allah” for receiving the child-soldier from his mother.
Describing the participation of children in jihad, Nassar said: ” Sa’id shot the first arrow, killing one (infidel). With the second arrow, he killed another infidel, and with the third, he killed a third. Then he was hit by an arrow, and fell to the ground as a martyr. He achieved the martyrdom for which he yearned. A little later, he drew his last breath. Sa’id, the 15-year-old child, was martyred for the sake of Allah. He died happy.”
On a previous broadcast on Egyptian television in 2002, a three and a half year-old girl was asked to describe Jews. “They are apes and pigs… our God said so,” was her reply. The girl’s answer was enthusiastically received by the program’s host. “Allah be praised. May our God bless her. No one could wish for a more devout girl. May God bless her and her parents,” the host said.
A couple thousand smoking sandals (Adult Size) would be a beautiful day in that neighborhood.
Here in America we take our kids to church but in the Middle East they take their kids to Jihad. We Americans will never be able to comprehend that for the radical Islamists that is their religious salvation. Where a Christian believes they get to heaven through Jesus Christ, the radical Islamists believe they get to heaven through a holy war. They have to have a Jihad against something or someone or they go to hell.
As long as Israel is there they will have a Jihad and as long as America and Europe is free they will have a Jihad. What the poor Europeans don’t realize is they are at war with these fanatics and they don’t know it.
The 911 it is a tragedy but which it is made by you american.Every life is
precious which is for your people’s and arabic’s. For those innocent person
who were killed by your bombs which are made in usa are undeserved.But they
can’t do anything without any help and also they were just a misfortune
civilian casualty numbers in your american’s process of “salvation of the
world”.Only thing american care about is themslef and their profit which
means even sacrifice others.In your standpoint what american thinks rights
are right and what american does do right which only arrogantly make you
like God to judge whatever you like.The families,friends and those love of
these innocents who are killed by you “mercy justice great proud americans”
have the right to revenge for their beloved one if there is a righteousness
on the heaven it will grant their wishes for justice.The 911 is the
punishment from the heaven to comfort the piteous souls.How many people died
in 911 I don’t know the exact number but there is one thing I am sure is
there were 100times more children you have killed than people died in
911.So face your faults before hate others and blame them to get forgiveness
from heaven you kind must to make a peccavi.You american may keep on do the
same killing but remember this these down trodden one will raise against you
and fight to their last breath for their beloved ones.You americans have the
advance on science and technology but this world is progressing so fast
what you have other will have too.They may never win a war on the general
warfare but eventually they will have nuclear weapon and will nuke you
kind.With nuclear power they have you will not win even die with you for
them it is a victroy.So change youslef is change others,help others is help
yourslef,think others is think for yoursleve and love others is love
yourslef.That is all and thank you for your regard.
Rhod haha good one, it sure would.
“It’s a lovely day in the neighborhood,
A lovely day for martyrhood…”
Mister Rogers sings, as he leaves the Land Of Make-believe, strapping the C-4 explosive vest securely under his burqa…
Bob I agree, well said. If only more people realized that we might do better at keeping it from happening here like it has in some of the European countries.
And they mosalems jihad each other when there are no infidels, crusaders or non believers around.
db……..You wrote………….
“The 911 it is a tragedy but which it is made by you american”
“How many people died in 911 I don’t know the exact number but there is one thing I am sure is
there were 100times more children you have killed than people died in 911.”
“You american may keep on do the same killing but remember this these down trodden one will raise against you and fight to their last breath for their beloved ones.You americans have the advance on science and technology but this world is progressing so fast what you have other will have too.They may never win a war on the general warfare but eventually they will have nuclear weapon and will nuke you kind.With nuclear power they have you will not win even die with you for them it is a victroy.”
So db, do you feel better now? You just proved one thing. That are troops are doing the right thing, and that America is doing the right thing.
You use words like love in the same comments as you say that your side will nuke us and how you do not care if you or people on your side die because it will be a victory for you.
There again is the difference. We Americans DO care when one of our troops is killed or injured, we value the lives of our people.
Just keep it up db and believe whatever you want to, it does not make you right, or victorious or a Hero.
Thanks Tom, they sure do. Good point!
d b:
When you can explain why every notable conflict on the globe involves Muslims, when you can explain why Muslims slaughter Muslims in general, and African Muslims in particular, when you can explain why the Shi’a are considered subhuman by Sunni, and “lower” than Jews, when you can explain decapitation, female circumcision, encouraged child suicide, the state of the Palestinians without reference to the Jews, the Iranian use of hundreds of thousands of children in the Iraq War (Muslims killing Muslims), the failure to assimilate to even the simplest Western norms, and a thousand other dysfunctions in Muslim culture….
Then you can come here and lecture me with your bullshit. Dig the plank out of your own eye before you complain to me about the mote in mine. The West bothers no one who doesn’t want to be bothered in return. If you don’t like it, creep back into your mud hut and stay out of our way.
Oink….hahaha Amen and amen!
I guess this explains why after 56 Years of welfare provided by the UNWRA to the Palestinians that they are as backward now if not moreso than they were in 1948 with the only known Palestinian national product being – death!!! Provided by those simple minded enough to become martyrs for so called leaders who lack the fortitude to serve themselves up, preferring to use children in their place.
Quite a religion you have there, you need to enforce Islam upon the ‘faithfull” with the Muttawa by brute force and intimidation, you rob parents of their children to destroy themselves to do your bidding, they being of weak mind and unable to think for themselves are most willing to do your bidding. What would you have without brutallity? A mob of thieving, murdering brutes without the skills or wherewithal to join the 21st century. Yes you are best suited to the desert sands and rocks where you can beat your women, mutilate and murder your children and practice your heathen rites. May piss be upon you db.
Right on target, Jack.
Blind hatred, torturous murder, primitive living, overpopulation. And everything Rhod and Jack mentioned. Why would a rational human want to be a muslim(moslem)!
d b, your people move to the West in droves. Some obviously with the intent to destroy the West. Many others to get away from that wonderful islamic life style. And then they still don’t assimilate. I am sure they are on islamic hit lists for future vengeful retribution.
And how many Westerners flock to the Mideast, none! Even the wealthy sheiks have been known for years to slink off to enjoy the “perversions”
of the West.
Almost every aspect of your cult is sub-human and contradictory.
Damn right Jack. 50 years ago S. Korea and Hong Kong were similar to the Palestinians.
They should thank God that they didn’t the UN tit to suckle.