Wild Thing’s comment……..The New York Times has teamed up with the death cult of Islam. Yes folks time and time again the NYTimes shows the world whose side they are on. What they have been donig is TREASON and there is no other word for it. No flowering it up to excuse it away. What the NY Times has been doing is putting the lives of Americans in danger and our troops in more danger as well. The NY TImes does not care about America they want it destroyed. And they have been working overtime to prove this to us and to the world.
We should demand this be treated for what it is TREASON! There MUST be consequences and I am sick and tired of our government allowing treason to continue either from a newspaper like this or from people like Kerry, Murtha etc.
Leaks and the Law
The case for prosecuting the New York Times.
Weekly Standard
CAN JOURNALISTS REALLY BE PROSECUTED for publishing national security secrets? In the wake of a series of New York Times stories revealing highly sensitive counterterrorism programs, that question is increasingly the talk of newsrooms across the country, and especially one newsroom located on West 43rd Street in Manhattan.
Last December, in the face of a presidential warning that they would compromise ongoing investigations of al Qaeda, the Times revealed the existence of an ultrasecret terrorist surveillance program of the National Security Agency and provided details of how it operated. Now, once again in the face of a presidential warning, the Times has published a front-page article disclosing a highly classified U.S. intelligence program that successfully penetrated the international bank transactions of al Qaeda terrorists.
Although the editors of the Times act as if prosecution is not a possibility, not everyone concurs. One person who is still mulling the matter over is Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Asked in late May about the prospect of prosecuting the Times and others who publish classified information, he by no means ruled it out. “There are some statutes on the books,” he said, “which, if you read the language carefully, would seem to indicate that that is a possibility.”
Unsurprisingly, given what is at stake, even that tentative opinion elicited a fire and brimstone denunciation from the Times. An editorial on May 24 dismissed as “bizarre” the attorney general’s “claim that a century-old espionage law could be used to muzzle the press.” It has long been understood, added the newspaper, that the “overly broad and little used” Espionage Act of 1917 applies only to government officials and “not to journalists.”
But this interpretation, even if it were accurate (which it is not), is entirely beside the point. The attorney general did not mention the 1917 Espionage Act or any other specific law. But if the editors of the paper were to take a look at the U.S. Criminal Code, they would find that they have run afoul not of the Espionage Act but of another law entirely: Section 798 of Title 18, the so-called Comint statute.
Unambiguously taking within its reach the publication of the NSA terrorist surveillance story (though arguably not the Times’s more recent terrorist banking story), Section 798 reads, in part:
Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates, furnishes, transmits, or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person, or publishes, or uses in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States any classified information . . . concerning the communication intelligence activities of the United States . . . shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both [emphasis added].
This law, passed by Congress in 1950 as it was considering ways to avert a second Pearl Harbor during the Cold War, has a history that is highly germane to the present conduct of the Times. According to the 1949 Senate report accompanying its passage, the publication in the early 1930s of a book offering a detailed account of U.S. successes in breaking Japanese diplomatic codes inflicted “irreparable harm” on our security.
PLEASE go HERE to read the entire article. Thank you.
* Michelle Malkin
Write to the NY traitors:
fax (212)556-3622
Letters to the Editor
The New York Times
229 West 43rd Street
New York, NY 10036
Forget jail and/or fines. Prosecute, convict, and publicly hang them.
I agree razOr, I want them to be executed for their crimes. They can go through the court stuff but the final solution has to be execution.imo
I’m glad we have this law. the trouble being that, like so many laws, it will not be enforced. We do not enforce the immigration laws. As a result, what started as a trickle became a surge, then a flood. Will sedition in this war by the media also reach flood proportions? As they cater to a diminishing audience I think the media may attempt to show their “importance” by becoming even more radical
Tom your point is exaclty right on target. I was raised that laws meant something, rules meant something and one needed to obey them and follow them.
When our own government treats our immigration laws the way they have it has me very concerned if any other laws will also be snubbed/ignored/disrespected. So far I have not heard much of anything in disgust by those that would have enough pull to start something happening regarding these treasonous citizens. I really am disappointed!!!!
Thank you Tom!!
What can we expect? We have traitors in the media, they know nothing will happen because they have protected one in the Senate for years. Laws be damned, the best we can hope for is some long overdue street justice.
Jack yes they sure have protected one in the Senate, your right. I still can’t accept that I even type that, to have that going on and nothing done about it. I will never get used to it, never understand it.
Computer MAGIC as usual!
“long overdue street justice”
…Jacks been reading my mind again.
Thanks for publishing the law … very interesting and the photo is stunning. 🙂
Hi Beth, thank you so much.
they need to forget the espionage act.There are career prosecuters that are now looking at title 18 Chp 115,Sec 2381 and Sec,2387. Here is where you will get the most bang for the buck and best chance of conviction and more likely to be upheld on appeal.
OH wow Jack that sounds hopeful. I pray they get convicted. Thank you Jack.