Media Campaign in US to Dispel Islamophobia
Arab News
A survey conducted by Cornell University recently found that around half of Americans have a negative view of Islam and would like the US government to curtail the political activity of Muslims in the US.
Addressing a press conference at the headquarters of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), Paul Findley, a former US Congressman, said that the cancer of anti-Muslim and anti-Islamic sentiments was spreading in American society and requires corrective measures to stamp out this malaise.
It was also announced that the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) would be launching a massive $50 million media campaign involving television, radio and newspapers as part of its five-year program to create a better understanding of Islam and Muslims in the US.
Referring to the anti-Islamic sentiments in the US, Findley said that the campaign was being spearheaded by a tiny but influential section of society, including some politicians, academics and opinion-makers.
Findley commended CAIR’s initiative that he said could go a long way toward improving the image of Islam and Muslims, which has been badly dented in part due to the events of Sept. 11, 2001.
Speaking on his interaction with the US media, Ibrahim Cooper, spokesman for CAIR, said that his own feeling was that American journalists are receptive to issues affecting Muslims. For this reason, nearly all American newspapers, print or online, refrained from reproducing the caricature of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that were at the center of a controversy earlier this year. He said CAIR took advantage of the issue by distributing DVDs free of charge, bringing out a book on the Prophet, and launching an awareness campaign.
“All of this had a positive impact,” said Cooper.
Parvez Ahmed, CAIR chairman, spoke on what he described as the most “vicious attacks on Islam” he has ever seen in recent years, adding that the campaign is being orchestrated by a minority fringe element in the US seeking to drive a xenophobic wedge between Muslims and non-Muslims.
He said a minority of Muslim extremists helps perpetuate anti-Muslim sentiment in the US, but that it is wrong for Americans to rush to conclusions based on these groups that have distorted or misinterpreted Qur’anic text. He compared it to making judgments on Christians based on the Crusades.
Elaborating on the CAIR campaign to dispel misunderstandings of Islam and Muslims, Nihad Awad, CAIR executive director, said that his group proposes to spend $10 million annually for five years in a media campaign. He said that CAIR would also recruit volunteers and produce educational material as part of its initiative.

Wild Thing’s Comment……
So there’s this RHINO named Finley and a group called CAIR (death cult fans and terrorists huggers), and then the Media (communists, socialists, military haters, lefties twisting the truth and supporting the cult of Islam)…….and they want to attempt to brainwash this other half of America ( that is you and me) that think for ourselves, don’t need a brick to fall on our heads to know that we are at war with Islam and not just at war with some little sporadic groups of radicals having a bad hair day wanting to kill us!
Gosh do you think we might not have liked the dancing in the streets on 9-11 by the followers of Islam? Ya think? And when they attacked the USS Cole, and when they tried to blow up the World Trade Center before, and when they blew up the Marine barracks in Beirut, and when they attacked the Khobar Towers, and……. No outrage from you CAIR when those things happened. Do you think we might be ever so slightly pissed off ladies and gentlemen that every step of the way we have to hear the media, the politicians, the ACLU, CAIR and other groups, spew their military phobia, and watch them er ah forget to mention how great the troops are doing and all they have accomplished? Ya think?
I bet if a person would add up every minute since 9-11 the statements made that are negative about this war, about our being in Iraq, in Afghanistan, negative statements about our troops, how many deaths in our military, cut and run bullcrap by our government officials and others, kill your ‘officers and we will support you’ anti-war protestors…… the negative would so outweigh the positive and put on a scale of the world this earth would be spinning.
Fine CAIR you freaks, bring it on! Bring on your most expensive ads, keep proving to those in the know how radical (your word) YOU are! Keep bending over and praying 5 freaken times a day farting to the wind your chants to moon god Allah.
All your akbars belong to us, with every whine you make, every propaganda BS statement we have to see, read and hear about, you only make our fighters stronger, our troops more deliberate and deepen our embedded resolve that we will never let you win! NAKBA to anyone that is NOT against Islam and their goals against humanity.
Remember CAIR and Finley you did say HALF of America! I’ll take that half and raise you another dead Muslim! The ENEMY is here! And, a mortal enemy it is!
Quote from article above…………. “A survey conducted by Cornell University recently found that around half of Americans have a negative view of Islam and would like the US government to curtail the political activity of Muslims in the US.”
One of CAIR’s friends

I’m with you Chrissie. There are far more examples of islamic facism and brutality than their so-called religion of peace. Their actions speak so much louder, candidly, and truthfully.
$50 million doesn’t undo 9/11, one subway bombing. one beheading. Yes, there are some brain dead peaceniks who may think Islam is a peaceful movement, but the rank and file of America knows better. Islam is self-explanatory thru it’s actions.
One of these days the islamists will do something so drastic that a lot of Americans will say “enough”. Then we will see the value of the 2nd Amendment as American citizens do what our government doesn’t have the collective guts to do-drive these insidious bastards out of America.
Enough!!! If it looks, acts, speaks, supports and behaves like a terrorist, do ya reckon that the son of a bitch might just be a terrorist, out to impose it’s fascist rule on you?
Beware of any politician that supports Cair, keep an eye on the Barak Obama’s out there, they can and will negate your vote.
As for the 2nd Amendment it was created just for events like this when government anarchy is the rule and defending oneself from enemies that the government will not.
Those candy assed politicians who suck up to these ragheaded butchers to garner their vote, I hope they all burn in Hell.
Love the dude with the yellow head band,yeah
he thinks he’s a bad ass,now if he would just
pull the mask,well mabey but I doubt he has
the Cajones for it…Damn all theose dumd ass
fools running around with mask,what can you say
but Chicken S$%t little bastards…As for the
clown with the yellow head band,one shot just
under the chin with a barrett 109, no head no mo!!
razOr you are right, there actions sure do speak very loud as to what they really are.
I agree Tom, 50 million doesn’t even come close.
Jack I do too, I have had it with these politicians that work right along with the terrorists.
Tincan Sailor hahahaha love it. That guy is a cowards hiding behind his scarf. Good one TS
Did you hear that CAIR complained the the FBI about LGF? HAHAHAHA! I’m jealous!
Awesome rant, Chrissie–and I’m totally stealing “all your akbars belong to us!”
I agree with Beth – awsome rant Chrissie. I’m digging the “terrorist hugger.”
Hi Beth, thank you. OH goodie yes please use it. heh heh
That is something about what they did to LGF.
Hi Greta, thank you. giggle I would love to meet up with one of the CAIR jerks and tell them what I think.