17 Jun

Thank You To All Of You

A toast to
each of you
for coming to

Theodore’s World Blog
aka PC Free Zone Gazette

My blog started on September 21,2005 and I want to thank each one of you for your awesome support, kindness and friendships. You all mean so much to me! Thank you for your input, your comments, your joy, rants and tears as we talk about the good, bad and ugliness in this world.
We support our troops together as one and I love you for that too. Thank you to all of you that are Veterans, thank you for serving our country and even today going that extra mile as you get the word out on things happening that are against America and your sharing about politics, and the war.
Thank you for the pings, the trackbacks and support since day one of my having this little blog. It has all meant so much to me. I have met some of the finest men and women in the entire world from having this blog and I am truly blessed and honored.
Thank you to the troops, thank you for peeking in here and your emails letting me know how you are doing.
Our friendships will go on into forever and always live in my heart.
On this day, Theodore’s World blog aka PC Free Zone has hit the 100,000 mark.

I toast each one of you and there is plenty of champaign for each of you.
Thank you to my blog Mom Linda at Something…..and Half of Something for helping me set up my blog. And to my blog Uncle Vinnie at Vince aut Morire
Thank you
((((((( hugs )))))))
Wild Thing

Jane says:

100,001 !!!!!!!!!!!
Its our distinct pleasure Chrissie, you are one of the nicest blogfriends I have.

Congratulations to Wild Thing!

W00T! One of my sisters of The Cotillion, the lovely Wild Thing, hit the milestone of 100,000 visits on her blog today! Go over and congratulate Wild Thing. That is a big accomplishment! And, while you are there, check out…

Woo-woo! Get some, girl!

sierrahome says:

…and we all love you 🙂

annika says:

thank you honey!

TomR says:

Ya done well Wild Thing, and we love and respect you for your work.

jody says:

Congrats Chrissie! We love you! 🙂

Rhod says:

Who needs Bob Hope? We can drop by your digs every day. Thanks ’til the end of time, Chrissie.

Stepperg says:

Congrats Sweetie!
You have my heart and you know how Cuchieddie feels about you. Thanks for being there for our guys then and continuing to be here now.
All my love!

Delftsman3 says:

Congratulations, thats quite an acomplishment for a “new” blog..it shows that you do the highest quality work.
Thank you for all the goodies you’ve let me have over this past year.

raz0r says:

Congrats Chrissie!!! Party down in Sarasota!!!

Jack says:

Congrats WT. Thanks for all you have done and for all you are doing. A soldier or veteran couldn’t ask for a finer friend or ally, you are loved and admired for all you do. Give my best to the Old Salt and have an extra glass of the bubbly for me.

BobF says:

CONGRATULATIONS!!! 100,000 is only the beginning.

John 5 says:

Congratulations Chrissie, and thank you for all you do.

Beth says:

Congratulations Chrissie! Here’s a toast to a million more!

Vinnie says:

Hope to see you soon Chrissie! Congratulations!

Merri says:

Congrats, Chrissie! Way to go!!!! Keep up the great work!

CraigC says:

Here’s to the next 100,000!

Robert says:

Congratulations Chrissie

Robert says:

Murtha could not make a pimple on a real Marines
Butt my brother was a real Marine

Wild Thing says:

I love you all!!
((((( hug )))))

Wild Thing says:

Robert, I agree, I wish the Marines had a way of kicking him out as a disgrace and a traitor.

*Sob* They Grow Up So Fast

Blog-niece Wild Thing gets 100 large in the unique hits department.
Nicely done, kiddo, nicely done.

Jack Hamilton says:

Dearest Chrissie
Please forgive me for being late. I was in Nashvile getting some Medical stuff done.I hope you know how I fell about you and all that you have done for GI’s everywhere. You are with out a doubt a treasure of humanity a very special person and there is a place for you in my heart for ever.

DickB says:

Congratulations,Wild Thing! I have had you as a “must read” for months now. Thank you for your love and service to all of our service members.

Wild Thing says:

Hi Jack, welcome home. I have missed seeing you. I hope it all went well in Nashvile.
Thank you.

Wild Thing says:

Hi Dick, thank you so much. It is really nice to see you.

beth says:


Wild Thing says:

Beth thank you my sweet friend.

MajMike says:

…and many more. You are magnificent, thanks for all you do!

Wild Thing says:

MajMike thank you for your kindess. Thank you for all you do MajMike.