Iran’s defense minister on Thursday vowed that his country would “use nuclear defense as a potential” if “threatened by any power.”
Speaking following a meeting with his Syrian counterpart Hassan Ali Turkmani in Teheran on Thursday, Iranian Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar emphasized that Iran “should be ready for confronting all kinds of threats.”
Teheran has denied accusations by the US and its allies that Iran was seeking uranium enrichment technologies in order to develop nuclear weapons, saying its program was only meant to generate electricity.
Meanwhile, Turkmani told reporters that Syria and Iran’s “policy is the policy of strengthening resistance and tackling the threats of United States and Israel.”
He added that he wouldn’t give details of joint defense plans against Israel, although the plans were “not secret.”
Answering a question regarding a newly-developed Shahab 4 missile, Najjar said that research activities were underway. Iran would continue production of “different missiles and research,” Najjar declared.
The most recent Iranian missile was the Shahab 3, and Iran recently claimed to have followed it up with the development of the Shahab 4.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Iran’s definition of a threat is the continued existence of Israel and the United States. So much for their claims of not having Nukes in the Works!
This is an interesting situation… preemptive strikes against Iran probably mean war. War with Iran is impossible as long as Iraq is unstable. Hmm…
Even with some recent extra inteligence (Idiot terrorist! Leaving a membership list just lying around), thats going to take some time. I think Iran is counting on the delay to give time to produce the required nuclear weaponry to set a MAD situation – you attack us, we nuke .
If Iran was dumb enough to mess around with
their nuke toys,just how long do you think
they would last or better yet would they ever
get to pre launch status…Out in the Arabian
sea sits the most powerful weapon known to man,
in less than 10 min. Iran would be a somking
hole in the Arab world!!!SSBN-726 class FBM submarines can carry 24 ballistic missiles with MIRV warheads that can be accurately delivered to selected targets from almost anywhere in the world’s oceans. Earlier FBM ships carry 16 missiles. A cylindrical pressure hull structure of HY-80 steel is supported by circular frames and enclosed by hemispherical heads at both ends. The pressure hull provides an enclosure large enough for weapons, crew, and equipment with enough strength to enable the ship to operate deep enough to avoid easy detection.
Suricou Raven it always amazes me how and leaders like Iran has love to make threats. Like a bully on the playground. Then when someone fights back they whine, moan and complain they are being picked on.
Tincan Sailor I agree, if they try anything they are totally stupid and have a death wish for sure.