The United States Army was born out of the desire to defend liberty and proudly celebrates its 231st birthday on 14 June 2006.
Since 1775, millions have worn the uniform and lived the “Warrior Ethos.” Soldiers have always understood that the freedoms our nation guarantees are worth fighting for and America’s decision to put “boots on the ground” illustrates like no other action its continued commitment to these ideals.

From Kabul, Afghanistan, the Security Detachment Soldiers of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Afghanistan Engineer District (AED) wish all Soldiers and Civilians throughout the Army, Happy 231st Birthday. Through our construction and reconstruction programs, AED’s Boots on the Ground are making a difference in promoting stability and security in Afghanistan and the Central Asia Republics.

This year’s theme is “Call to Duty – Boots on the Ground.”

“To all of our Soldiers around the world, our thoughts are with you and your families on this 231st Army Birthday. We are humbled by your sacrifices and awed by your achievements,” said Secretary of the Army Dr. Francis J. Harvey.

Thanks to American Soldiers, freedom’s light shines as a beacon throughout the world.
The Army has courageously fought our country’s wars and served honorably in peace for over two and a quarter centuries. We can all be justifiably proud of The Army’s achievements—a distinguished history of service to the Nation. From our victories in the American Revolution through the trial of our Civil War, from the trenches of World War I to the beaches of Normandy and the island battles in the Pacific of World War II, from the frozen mountains of Korea to the sweltering paddies of Vietnam, from Grenada and Panama to the sands of Kuwait and Iraq, and now on the plains and in the mountains of Afghanistan, Soldiers have marched at the van of democracy and the cause of liberty.
We will never be able to tell you enough how very proud we are of you. Thank you for your service, for your sacrifices, and for your abiding devotion to something greater than self. God bless each and every one of you and your families, God bless our magnificent Army, and God bless America.
Happy 231st Birthday U.S.Army
Wild Thing, writing at Theodore’s World has a great happy birthday message to the United States Army. Go and read and tell her thanks. As WT says: We will never…
Happy 231st Birthday U.S.Army
Wild Thing, writing at Theodore’s World has a great happy birthday message to the United States Army. Go and read and tell her thanks.
We were all standing on the shoulders of the men who went before us. Maybe we competed with the Marines, the Navy and Air Force at times, but in the end, we all lined up together for the same purpose.
Happy Birthday to you and the United States Army, Rhod. I am ashamed to say that I did not know of the anniversary. To share the date with Flag Day is special.
HI DC, my server had a glitch for some odd reason. I went ahead and deleted your extra post.
It is really nice to see you DC. Thank you for serving our country.
Like Rhod said all the branches have the same purpose. I love how a day is set aside for each one so we as non military get a chance to say a special thank you.
DC was a Marine. Oh well….
Happy 231st Birthday Army
Today is the birthday of the United States Army. The Army was formed June 14, 1775 and has kept this country free for 231 years. We are all living in the most wonderful country on the face of this planet thanks to the selfless service of the men and …
Thank you for the wonderful pics and the post. Happy Birthday to you and yours. Godspeed.