Excerpts from transcript of CNN’s ” Live Today”, Thursday, June 8th,2006
CAROL LIN, CNN ANCHOR: Fred, one of the most vocal critics of troops in Iraq is Congressman John Murtha. He — last November, as recently as last November, asked — called for U.S. troops to be withdrawn. He joins me now live with reaction to this death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Congressman, it is a pleasure to have you, an outspoken critic in this war, but a very big day for this administration. Is it fair to say that this attack and the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi wouldn’t have happened if U.S. troops were not on the ground?
REP. JOHN MURTHA (D), PENNSYLVANIA: Well, I’m not sure about that. I’m not sure it was a bomb that killed him from the air. So I’m not sure about that … There’s no question we can’t win this militarily … I think the intelligence came from the Iraqis, as I understand it. Now, this is the early reports. And it came to the security forces and the Iraqis and then passed on to the Americans. So this was a key element. Whether they could have done this themselves in this isolated area, I don’t know.
And this if from Wolf Blitzer on CNN, The Situation Room
Let’s turn now to a strong critic of the president’s policies, Democratic Congressman John Murtha of Pennsylvania. He’s joining us live from Capitol Hill.
Congressman, thanks very much for joining us.
Your critics are already saying, you know what? If we would have listened to John Murtha, we would have never gotten Abu Musab al- Zarqawi. What do you say to that?
MURTHA: Well, let me tell you, Wolf, they too it from the air.
And the encouraging thing about what happened today is, you had information from the Iraqis go to the Iraqis, then go to the Americans. Now, this is a significant event, there’s no question about it, to have gotten the top leader of al Qaeda.
You have got to remember, though, al Qaeda is a very small part of what is going on in Iraq. And you have got to be careful not to overestimate the impact this is going to have.
Naturally, we’re delighted to get him. But, even more importantly, they announced the defense minister today. They announced the interior minister today — and that intelligence flowing through the Iraqis to the U.S. forces. They could have done this from outside, just like I have — I have been — been suggesting right along.
The air came in and knocked it out, from every report that I have. So, you know, this is a significant event. I’m pleased. I compliment the troops about the way they handled it. I compliment the Iraqis. But we have got a long ways to go.
BLITZER: What does it do to your strategy, your recommendations, recommendations that the United States begin an orderly what you call redeployment from Iraq? What does today’s event do…
BLITZER: … if anything, toward your thinking?
MURTHA: Well, it doesn’t change my thinking a bit.I have said right along, we have become the enemy.
Wild Thing’s comment…..
Murtha is just without concern for the troops. It is his way or the highway. I believe Murtha and the rest of the leaders of the Jackass Party want failure. It makes me sick to my stomach to think these people put their Jackass Party above our great Nation.
Great photo of Murtha, WT. He looks like Cheetah in a cheap suit. It’s time for a head-measuring contest with Ted Kennedy.
Great analogy Rhod and you said it with much more grace and kindness than I could have. Pvt. Kennedy was an MP too, but then again Hitler was a Corporal. It is a great embarassment to me that I have to share the same veteran status with the likes of Kerry, Murtha and McCain. The singular difference being that I and many of my fellow veterans have never collaborated with the enemy nor accused a fellow soldier of a war crime for serving this great country in any war declared by the United States president and sanctioned by the Congress and Senate.
Just like Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader), Murtha was taken over by the Dark Side. At one time, both Anakin and Murtha fought for good, served the Republic, and were loyal but both were overcome by evil in their lust for personal recognition. Both felt they were unappreciated; Skywalker by the Jedi Council and Murtha by leaders in congress. Young Skywalker was seduced by the evil Emperor and Murtha was seduced by the evil John Kerry and the DNC.
Face it, till he shot off his mouth recently, nobody outside his district ever head of Murtha. He was nothing congressman from Pennsylvania but now he’s a household name throughout the land
With his low opinion and condensing attitude towards our military, it’s hard to believe that Murtha once wore the uniform of a Marine Colonel.
Question: Do you think being a congressman had anything to do with Murtha making “Bird” Colonel?
Jack & Bob:
I wasn’t a Marine, and even with the normal rivalry, I’ve great respect for the Marine Corps even though the ones I met in VN were a little whacky, as a rule. The Corps has produced extraordinary men, and now women, but even the Marine Corps can produce a glory-hounding bullshitter like Murtha. When you have three different stories about one commendation, it’s time to shut up and fade away. But no…
And Bob’s absolutely right. Murtha came out of the Corps the same as he went in. A non-entity hungry for celebrity. He was a nothing, Nobody Congressman until, I think, Pelosi crooked her finger at him and provided face-time. (Was Murtha a full bird or an LTC?)
I detest Murtha’s views, but he’s entitled to them. What he’s not entitled to is interference on the field of battle, and the encouragement he offers to our enemies. Has Murtha lost his GD mind?
I like what Emperor Misha at The Anti-Idotarian Rottweiler calls him: Murthafu_k_r.
OH wow Rhod I that is a great way to put it!
Bob you know what, that is sooo true. I had never ever heard of Murtha before. You are so right, but when he started to bash our troops then he became my enemy immediately.
Good one Bob, I had not even thought about it like that.
I heard on Sean Hanity today that Murtha may challenge Nancy Pepsicola for Democrat leadership in the House.
Bob that will be interesting, thanks for the information.
I suppose I’m not a very good Quaker for saying this, but the world would become a better place if John Murtha bloodied the nose of the next little twirp who calls him a “coward”.
Geeez, You call yourself Americans. I bet you won’t print this. Carl Rove has never served in the military, yet you believe his words like absolute truth. He created the Swift Boat ads and repeats phrases like ‘cut & run’ and you old farts follow his lead like the weak minds you have. Just remember, Democrats & Liberals name call too. GOP means Spend & Bend (spend tax money while cutting taxes and bend the rules for their own pockets). – A Fart
BS, it is no big deal for me to allow your stupid comment to appear. You poor thing, how pathetic. You are just a humor break on a busy day.