Oriana Fallaci
Writer facing jail for mosque threat
The Italian author Oriana Fallaci, who once wrote that Muslims “breed like rats”, may be facing up to three years in prison after she vowed to blow up a mosque.
Ms Fallaci, 75, who has cancer, is due to appear in court next week charged with the lesser offence of vilifying Islam, punishable with a £3,450 fine.
But after her latest outburst in the New Yorker last week Muslim leaders are demanding that she be tried for inciting religious hatred, which carries a three-year jail term.
The former journalist, who has said she will not attend Monday’s hearing in Bergamo, told the magazine that she intended to destroy a mosque being built at Colle di Val d’Elsa, near Siena.
“I do not want to see a 24-metre minaret in the landscape of Giotto when I cannot even wear a cross or carry a Bible in their country, so I blow it up!” she said. In a trilogy of books published after the attacks of September 11, Ms Fallaci lamented the Islam “invasion” into Europe.
Judge Armando Grasso ruled in a preliminary hearing that Ms Fallaci had made 18 statements “offensive to Islam and Muslims”.
Following her most recent comments, Adel Smith, the president of the Italian Muslim Union, said he would press for the sterner charge of inciting religious hatred.
Wild Thing’s comment……
Here are some quotes by her from the past that I have saved. I think she is aweseome!
“But we cannot escape.
We can confront the monster with honor, with courage; and by remembering the
words that Churchill said to the English when he went to war against Hitler’s Nazism. He said “We will pour out tears and blood.” Oh, yes: we too will pour out tears and blood. We are at war: do we or do we not want to get this through our heads !
And in war, you cry ! Period.” – Oriana Fallaci
“Resignation leads to apathy. Apathy leads to inertia. Inertia leads to indifference. Indifference paralyzes the instinct for self-defense, that is, the instinct to fight back.”
“Can anybody guess how many cemeteries of Allied soldiers there are in Italy? More than sixty. And the largest, the most crowded, are the American ones. At Nettuno, 10,950 graves. At Falciani, near Florence, 5,811. Each time I pass in front of it and see that lake of crosses, I shiver with grief and gratitude.”-Oriana
The West better get it’s act together, drop this political correctness crap and get real about who the good guys and bad guys are. Ms Fallaci is a prophet trying to save this same blinded West. Western culture is free and open, but that does not mean replacing cathedral organs with daily calls to prayer or replacing crosses with minarets.
Europe is so damn pussified as to be more of a hindrance than a help in this War with islam. Americans saved Europes ass at great cost in two world wars, now we are carrying the burdan for a third time. And beacons of light in that European misty muck, like Oriana Fallaci, are being skewered by the very idiots whose children will be destroyed by the moslem cult.
I suppose Oriana Fallaci should have used a more politiclly correct term instead of “breed like rats” and stated that the Muslims are family oriented where men often have multiple wives bearing them children who will extend their bloodlines and religious beliefs.
Oriana Fallaci is a lone voice telling us the truth, look no further than the Netherlands or France for proof of their intentions.
We are going to let the Islamists silence the messenger because we and the British don’t have the courage to speak out.
Tom your right, Oriana is a beacon of light.
I agree Jack, and how sad and scary to see that to speak out should even have to take courage like that. It should be the way it is not the exception. You are so right.
Nazis? Right! I also have an impression that we are rushing in the direction of war! But sorry it looks like we’ll be the Nazis (and to some extend we already are).
The problem is that some people are just incapable of abstract thinking. They heard something of the Nazism and the horrific results of anti-Semitism and they are convinced that consequently the haltered for Jews is dangerous. However, if instead of “Jews” we say “Arabs” and they will never realize that we are talking about the same phenomenon.
And Oriana’s courage? Believing that this woman is courageous must be actually a nice feeling. Recently, we heard so many aniti-islamic not to say islamophobic comments more or less offending and radical that if someone assumes that these are the voices of courageous people, he can enjoy the fact that there are millions of them.