Wild Thing’s comment
This is what I think about all of this. I have thought long and hard to put into words to try and express how I feel. It has not been easy believe me. I am beyond angry at the left, and I distrust the enemy with all their lies. But I do know I believe in our troops and I have to have solid proof before I will even consider they did anyhing wrong. I stand behind them 100% if you don’t then you are in the wrong place.
I have done 4 parts to this.
Part One tells about Haditha and what it is like there
Part Two tells about Blood money and the money for lies
Part Three tells about Miguel Terrazas’ father and what he has to say about all of this
Part Four and this one which is my comment just an opinion of a girl that has never served our country but adores our troops and appreciates what they and our Veternas have done.
Let’s look at Murtha’s track record his MO regarding pulling out troops shall we.
Murtha…. He’s been a pull-out artist for years. After terrorists attacked our troops in Mogadishu, Murtha asked President Clinton to pull U.S. troops from Somalia.
“Our welcome has been worn out,” Murtha said on NBC 9/93, a month after 4 troops were killed in Somalia by an IED.
But he said more: After 18 Rangers were killed in Mogadishu, Murtha visited Somalia and then told the world the 18 deaths had ruined the Rangers’ morale. “They’re subdued compared to normal morale of elite forces,” Murtha said. “Obviously, it was a very difficult battle. A lot of Somalis were killed, but it was a brutal battle.” Murtha then added,
“There’s no military solution. Some of them will tell you to get Aidid is the solution. I don’t agree with that.”
Sound familiar? Last week he said,
“the U.S. cannot accomplish anything further militarily. It is time to bring the troops home.”
Clinton took the advice and Osama Bin Laden loved it. He said in a ’98 interview on ABC (John Miller),
“Our people realize more than before that the American soldier is a paper tiger that runs defeat after a few blows…and left dragging their corpses and their shameful defeat.”
Murtha has appointed himself judge and jury instead of letting the Pentagon complete the investigation. Due process has completely gone out the window when it comes to Murtha, Clark and others. What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? The more I find out, the more I am coming to believe there was NO “war crime” nor “Mistake” but simply an act of war. And act that is being reshaped and spun by terrorists and their Domestic Political lackeys to be something it was NOT.
Murtha has decided to convict his brother Marines before their trial! Murtha is an abomination to the Marines, to Congress and our entire country. I cannot believe he was a MARINE. I cannot believe he was in our military! He should be ousted from the Corp. ASAP!

So when did this war become a normal war?? What the heck is a ‘normal’ war’ anyway. What the hell does humane war mean? This is a war with Islamic fascists.
War is hell. We have all heard that, read that and been told that by Veterans and our troops today. Many movies and books have tried to show us how gut wrenching it is to be in combat, to loose a brother in battle, to be expendable when returning home or even when still in country and left behind as the POW’s have been in wars. Damn straight it is HELL!
Someday you should watch the films of the Marines on Iwo Jima who took a measure of vengeance against some of the Japanese Soldiers who had killed so many of their buddies. It was brutal, but understandable. To those that have experienced the “thrill” of combat only you would know how you might react in these circumstances.
How many politicians, anti-war chanters, and reporters have been issued a rifle and experienced a few firefights where they are actually desperately fighting for their life before they make any decisions regarding combat Marines or any of the branches that has seen combat? Terrorists routinely use women and children as human shields. There in lies the difference, the enemy and OUR troops. It happened in Nam often, it happens in today’s war fighting Islamic fascists. Women, children, bicycles, dogs you name are being used to kill our troops. IED’s strapped, hidden, carried you name it by all I just mentioned as well as other things used to hide IED’s. If they don’t want their women and children killed in firefights, don’t hide behind them to attack us.
Funny. All day long our Justice system makes sentencing judgments based on “Extenuating Circumstances.” But let the guys doing the absolute worst job in the world under the worse situation in the world make a mistake and the SAME people who cry for “Mercy” for every thug and street hood suddenly want to hang the Marines out to dry.
I will give you a for instance. Arab culture is intensely tribal. So terrorists often meet to conduct business in their homes with their families around them. Drop a bomb on them it is “Collateral Damage”, A Marine Team accidentally kills them in a firefight and arm chair lawyers want to hang the 20 year old Marines out to dry as “War Criminals” Funny….NOT! All this angst about “Damage to our Country” yet the New York Times, News Week and Time have done FAR more damage by falsely reporting NSA secrets and phony “Flush the Koran” or other atrocity nonsense. Yet the SAME people gunning for the Marines do NOTHING to punish REAL criminal behavior by the “News Media”. And why our government does not take a strong, firm stand on politicians or anyone speaking out against our military in war time shocks and is something I will never understand. What they are doing is treason and there is no other word for it.
Given the enormous damage Murtha, Kerry and other politicians, News Week, The Washington Post and others have done with wholly fraudulent reporting or slander and hateful comments about our troops, what measure of atonement/punishment can we expect our Civil Authority to impose on them? They have been actively aiding enemy propaganda in a time of war for years now. “Flush the Koran” The Phony CIA Prisons story, “GI raping Iraqi women” and dozens and dozens of other fraudulent stories. To those interested in “Justice” regarding these Marines, I ask you, when do we get Justice for this that I mentioned, that is doing FAR more harm to our war efforts?
War is NOT the fantasy played out on your Movie screens were the good guys never make mistakes and only the bad guys die. Our enemies know this high-minded moralizing and try to use it against us. They claim “torture” and “atrocity” so all the self righteous types will fall all over themselves screaming at OUR side to “Be better then them”. After Murtha’s comments the attacks increased against our troops they did not lessen from fear of so called cold-blooded killers. “Iraqi Civil Rights Group” just breeze in and out of there, as they want? Seems they must be working with the terrorist’s permission.
We did not start this. Saddam did in Kuwait in 1991. And YES there is complete and total linkage between Iraq, Afghanistan and the war against Islamic fascists. Just because Left wing POS’s scream there “is no linkage” does not make it so. There is one real simple linkage. We are busy killing terrorists THERE so we do not have to kill them in your local elementary school like the Russians had to in Beslan.
Politically Correct politicians that don’t have the testicular fortitude to level the place and kill the enemy. People who actually bomb innocent civilians, kidnap and assassinate teachers and government officials, and ambush our troops, using women and children as human shields, are labeled by the same MSM, as insurgents. It is 3 times harder to fight this war against terrorists, when you also have to fight the US Media and The Democrat Party of the United States. …the enemies within! The left will always believe the worst take the side that puts our men and women in the worst light.
My gut instinct is they did NOT make a mistake. What if it is a terrorist “Staged Atrocity”. Sort of like what the Pals accused the Israelis of doing in Jenin during the 1990s. Only this time Al Quada actually massacred some civilians to set up the Marines. The Claims of “Civilians made to knee and being shot while praying” is pure Al Quada tactics. It could also be the legitimate collateral damaged caused by Terrorist hiding among Civilians is being stage managed as a “Massacre”. And yes, it is possible someone lost it. We don’t know. Neither do those screaming the accusations in the Junk Media.
What the Left seems unwilling to grasp is this simple fact. No amount of money, peace vigils or encounter groups are going to keep them safe from people who are convinced their god wants all Americans dead. There is no ground for “peaceful coexistence” with the Islamic Terrorists. We have three choices, kill them, convert to Islam or die. Since I have no desire for the last two, the first is my choice.
Now we learn that the U.S. Troops in Iraq are getting Ethics Training. Well what about mandatory ethics training for “Journalists.
Our troops deserve better then to analyze every breath they take, every move they make. The sick JOY that the left and Murtha and his clones take in this incident only shows me how VILE Murtha and his ilk are and nothing more.
Did any of our troops get hurt in what happened??? I care about THAT! You have read on here how the enemy lies, so it does not take a brain surgeon to realize that maybe just maybe the lies flow from the Iraqi’s just as they do from the Kerry’s, Murtha’s, Clinton’s and Kennedy’s of our country.
What the Left seems unwilling to grasp is this simple fact. No amount of money, peace vigils or encounter groups are going to keep them safe from people who are convinced their god wants all Americans dead. There is no ground for “peaceful coexistence” with the Islamic Terrorists. We have three choices, kill them, convert to Islam or die. Since I have no desire for the last two, the first is my choice.
They did this to the guys in ‘Nam, they will NOT do it to these men. Democrats and the Leftist better wake up. They are taping a vein of rage that has been festering in many Americans for some 35 years. Either at the ballot box or in a cell, there will be a reckoning for this time.
When you see a service member from any of the military branches, go up to them and thank them!
Thank you Marines!
* Mudville Gazette
Also linked at:
* Midnight in Iraq ( A Marine in Fallujah)
* The Gun LIne
* Blackfive
* Cat House Chat
* Michelle Malkin
* BIG DOG’s blog
W T,
an outstanding post, over at milblogs Smash and Grim have done the same… 1545 friday and time to rant a touch, First of all I feel we haven’t been hurt enough for John Q Public to come to grips with the GWOT… A great many people these days are of the Burger King Generation,We want it our way and we want it NOW!!! They want the war over just like on tv 4 or 5 episodes are enough…They haven’t a clue about Radical Islam and what it wants to do with the western world, they are too busy working 2 or three jobs to pay for the house, SUV, 2.75 kids, etc, etc…
The folks had best get a clue for our future depends on it, its far better to fight over there than here, but it still could come to that…As for Haditha, it smells to high heavens of a set up, kind of like fish left on the counter for three days… which brings to mind 1988 and the good ship The USS Vincennes, an Aegis-class cruiser which shot down an Iranian air liner, the only problem we have none of the
bodys sank… Experts said the were most likley dead (ie.)”CADAVERS” and the plane was sent out to get shot down and who had egg on their face?? the folks in Haditha are the same breed of cat Black with a white stripe from nose to tail… and what do we have but John Murtha, Cindy Sheeeehannnn and code pink, all good reasons for metal coat hangers!!!!!
Radical Islam wants to kill us…they want to rape and kill my daughter and yours too. They are getting into the US every day and they will stop at nothing. In the mid-east they kill babies and then kill the parents as they grieve their loss, they strap bombs to themselves and to their own children and they Write songs and poetry about killing us.
I believe Murtha, Sheehan and the rest of the left are willing accomplices that are blinded by hate.
Both of these groups need to be roundly and soundly defeated.
Thank you Tincan Sailor for your input I agree. Most people that I talk to about this just don’t get how much the enemy wants all of us dead, not just those of us that have read up on Islam.
Thank you again!
Sierrahome……”I believe Murtha, Sheehan and the rest of the left are willing accomplices that are blinded by hate.”…..you said it! Their hate is blinding them and has taken them over. Too bad it is there at all. America can be so powerful in backing our troops and fighting this enemy if we all got together on this.
(I’m dreaming of a different America I suppose)
Thank you so much Sierrahome!!
You make an excellent point when you mention Jenin, which is not the only so-called “massacre” that the palestinians say they have suffered at the hands of Israel. Jenin is certainly notable because it happened recently, and like the others it was completely debunked. Deir Yassin was also debunked, yet in April they have Deir Yassin Day and the myth lives on more than 50 years later.
The left believes these terrorist fairy tales. They believe in the massacre at Jenin, despite the evidence that it never happened, despite the raw footage of the funerals in Jenin, where the victim’s corpse first fell off the funeral beir, then climbed back on.
The palestinians are winning their war against Israel in the American and international media. Now, it appears that the terrorists have learned the lessons to be learned from Israel, and that they will do the same.
There is no evidence that can be presented against our Marines that is not suspect. Not when the terrorists freely record their atrocities in photographs and on film, and then present them to the world with pride, aided and abetted by the democrats and the mainstream media. The dead body of any child murdered by a bullet in the back of the head cannot be attributed to our Marines, no, not when we have already seen the end result of islamic justice. Not when we have seen entire families slaughtered by islamists because daddy’s beard was too long.
We have all witnessed a countless number of beheadings, mutilations, beatings, etc. complete with background chanting praising thier god. Our troops have unearthed a countless number of mass graves, complete with the bodies of women and children who have been shot in the back of the head. I am sure they are going through their photo albums even as I write this, to pick the best ones to use to convict our Marines in the hearts and minds of the American Left. When pictures surface, we should believe these things were done by our troops because the terrorists say so? I don’t think so.
There cannot be any evidence presented that could possibly prove that our Marines were responsible for such a massacre, not when such massacres are part and parcel of islamic justice, and not when islamic justice is always duly recorded for the masses and the media.
Whoever it was who said that war is hell on the homefront wasn’t kidding. This is hell, right here and right now, as one of our political parties sides with the enemy, and our media promotes the enemy’s cause and together, they encourage America to turn on its Heroes.
I cannot help but wonder what the future holds for our country.
Thank you Linda and thank you for your comment and the help on Jenin information.
just an opinion of a girl that has never served our country
Oh, but you HAVE served our country, silly. So you didn’t wear a uniform, but you’ve been supporting the troops since Vietnam, and more than with just bumperstickers and a letter here and there. Don’t ever sell yourself short. You’ve made a difference.
Excellent post. I didn’t even know that stuff about Murtha. What a creep.
Hi Beth, thank you and I love what you wrote at your blog about this.
Hi Annika I didn’t either till I found out about it when I was doing research on Murtha. Thanks for commenting.
Hi Jane, thank you!
The same land that the jewish people are on never
belonged to the so called palestinians it was the
land of the philistines but Jews have been in
Judea since 1312 bc and built the first temple mount
but later was destroyed by the king of babylon
Nebuchadnezzar he ran most of the Jewish people
out of Judea