This photo released by the Iraq Government on Tuesday, May 30, 2006 is said to show Ahmed Hussein Dabash Samir al-Batawi, who was arrested by a terrorist combat unit on Monday in Baghdad, according to the Iraqi Prime Minister’s office. The Iraqi Government said in a statement that terror suspect al-Batawi confessed under questioning that he beheaded hundreds of Iraqis in Baghdad and other Iraqi provinces. (AP Photo/Iraq Government)

Let’s see, our troops are finding these people from hell, protecting the people so they could vote for the first time, building schools, bringing them better living conditions with running water and electricity where it had not been before, fixing roads and bridges, the list goes on and on. And at the same time fighting the Islamic Fascists, IED’s everywhere, and summer heat of 130 degrees with all their 80 pound gear on.
Yessss our troops ROCK alright, they are why the sun shines brighter and the smiles are broader and the sleep is safer for all of us. Thank you!
Ahmed is a wimpy looking little guy. Obviously a big man when he has an AK and 10 fellow thugs against an unarmed man. This little shit just begs an ass whipping, then the gallows.
He sure does Tom and your right that is just what he deserves.