Soldiers Discover Weapons Caches & Capture Terror Suspects
WASHINGTON, June 1, 2006 –
In separate incidents in Iraq, U.S. soldiers discovered a large weapons cache May 30 and captured 10 suspected terrorists May 23, military officials reported today.
Soldiers from Multinational Division Baghdad’s Troop A, 7th Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, discovered a large weapons cache and ammunition aboard a wheat dump truck northwest of Baghdad May 30 at about 6 p.m.
Soldiers had stopped the truck May 9 and discovered seven fuses, 15 mortar tips and wire commonly used in roadside bombs. However, it wasn’t until May 30, while the unit was looking for more evidence, that they found the weapons hidden under bags of wheat in the bed of the truck.
The cache consisted of Katusha rockets, anti-personnel land mines, rocket-propelled grenade rounds, an RPG launcher, mortar systems, mortar rounds, rocket-propellant sticks, and other bomb-making materials.
The driver of the truck was detained May 9.
Soldiers from 1st Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, also discovered a weapon cache while conducting a cordon and search operation of buildings in western Baghdad yesterday at about 11 a.m.
The cache consisted of four Russian-made bombs and three hand grenades.
Elsewhere, while conducting multiple assaults along Southern Lake Thar Thar on May 23, coalition forces captured 10 suspected terrorists and destroyed two vehicles and one tent used as a terrorist safe house.
The troops also found ammunition and electronic equipment used for making improvised explosive devices at the terrorist camps.
All family members at the scene were unharmed and released once the area was secured.