27 May

Time For His Dirt Nap or a Blanket Party

Fort Lupton Mayor Resigns After 7NEWS Investigation ( Kept dead marine’s personal money )
DENVER — The mayor of Fort Lupton has resigned citing health issues and media attention.
Jim Bostick was under the microscope for taking money from a dead U.S. Marine.
Bostick was not only the mayor, but operates a funeral home in Fort Lupton. The personal savings account of Marine Jason Sepulveda was sent to Bostick for Sepulveda’s funeral after he was killed in an accident.
The U.S. government paid for the Marine’s funeral, yet Bostick refused to return the dead Marine’s personal savings to his family.
Bostick even ignored a court judgment that totaled more than $7,500. 7NEWS’ stories caused a national uproar against Bostick. Hundreds of e-mails were sent to the city of Fort Lupton calling for his resignation.
In his letter to the Fort Lupton City Council he said, “It is with great sadness that I am writing this letter but with all that has gone on with the recent events and my health, I feel it is the best interest of the city and myself to resign my post as mayor for the City of Fort Lupton. I believe in this town and I am very proud of the way the town is moving … It has been a great pleasure to have served and worked with each and every one of you.”
Bostick told 7NEWS Investigator John Ferrugia that threats against his life, and pressure from constituents, caused him so much stress he had to be taken to the hospital in the past few days with high blood pressure.
He said his doctor told him to continue as mayor could kill him.
However, Bostick said he doesn’t have the money to pay back the Sepulvedas and has not paid them yet.
Wild Thing’s comment……
This scum, Jim Bostick resigned, but still will not give back the money. Bostick should be criminally prosecuted for theft, fraud, and whatever else sticks. He must be a Democrat otherwise the media would be screaming “Republican Mayor.”
The Marines have a time honored tradition used to deal with scum like this…the blanket party.

Sierrahome says:

I just emailed this television station to find out if there is a financial institution in their area that might be accepting donations for Jason Sepulveda’s family. Me and the Missus would love to offer a small token and I bet there are hundreds more people that are doing the same thing.
When and if I get a response I will let you know.

Wild Thing says:

Sierrahome, that is a great idea. Thank you and yes let me know.

The Bos'un says:

Glad I am hearing the rest of the story. Anyone taking a collection for the family. That donk’s behind will never pay up. He is a very bad American.
BTW, I very impressed on the note you left at Big Dog’s Weblog and had to visit your site. I am totally impressed with what I have seen hear too.
Thank you, have a safe Memorial Day, and God Bless.

Rhod says:

Is there always such a disconnect between the way these low-life politicians talk and the things they do? He’s resigning because of political and health problems? This fat, pig-faced ghoul has even praised his own performance as mayor! I’ll always believe that anyone who wants political office is therefore disqualified from having it.

Sierrahome says:

Like I said…I emailed the Station, I’ll give it through the holiday and try again if I don’t hear anything…Life isn’t fair but it would sure be nice to level somebody’s playing field a bit.

Delftsman3 says:

That little tradition isn’t restricted to just the Marines, WildThing…
And Rhod is correct, this piece of filth is not a man, but a GHOUL.

Wild Thing says:

Bosun nice to meet you. Thank you so much.

Wild Thing says:

Rhod…..I agree with you.
“I’ll always believe that anyone who wants political office is therefore disqualified from having it.”
I agree too he sure is a Ghoul.

Wild Thing says:

Hi Delftsman, good to see you. I didn’t know that, thank you.

Rhod says:

Wow, hold the phone. A comment from Delftsman!

TomR says:

Rhod- I would like to see all political office filled by a draft. Every law abiding taxpayer would take a chance on being drafted to an office for a period of one term. No campaigning, lobbying, voter fraud(hanging chads), yard signs, door knocking, career politicians, etc. Some of the best soldiers were draftees, why not in politics. Political office would actually be a temporary duty by a citizen to serve their country.

Rhod says:

Tom, that’s a system I would like to see. I’d never considered it, but The Framers had that kind of person in mind. Someone called to duty. but with a persistent desire to get back home as soon as possible. Imagine the possibilities.

Teresa says:

I just heard about this, I am the Mother of a US Marine and live just a few miles north of Ft. Lupton in the same county.
I am looking into what I can do about getting together a fundraiser for this family, or if one has already been started. There is international attention to this (Marines live everywhere!)
This is appaling and this thief seems to know how to skirt the law. If he stole from this young hero, he has stolen from countless others!