We were at Brawler command post when this little puppy came wandering in. A lot of vehicles were moving around, so Sgt. Huber put the puppy on the hood of a humvee. Sgt. Alexander was lying down on the hood having a smoke and the pup crawled up on him. The pup lived with Brawler for a few days then the Marines found him a home with an Iraqi family.
We had a puppy who looked very much like this in Tay Ninh. We called him Claymore. He was stolen by the FILCAG, the Filipinio Civic Action Group at the base camp there and made into a meal. Sorry. Life is strange.
My unit had two pups, Boom Boom and Cocoa, both orphaned before they were old enough to wean, hand raised, they were our early warning system, if they headed for a bunker, you had best be right behind them. One got sick and we got it Helo’d to Danang got it treated and Helo’d back, those dogs were as precious as any fellow soldier, we had to leave them behind with our replacement company when we rotated, damn rules wouldn’t allow us to bring them home.
I love the name Claymore for the puppy, how dear. I am glad he knew love from you and your guys before he met the evil ones.
I hate those people for making him a meal. I know some places think of dogs and cats as food, but if I was ruler of the world this would be one of the top ten things I would change.
Boom Boom and Cocoa. Terrific names.
I had one also, in an advisory camp. He hated Asians. Some Korean laborers tried to get him also, for a meal, but the ruckus woke us up. One dog saved, one Korean educated.
The dog had a bad habit of barking at and chasing mortar rounds during attacks. A mortar round goy him. He was buried with military honors.
Rhod love it….Boom Boom and Cocoa..
ah Tom how sweet to have him buried with military honors.
Wish I could buy that kid and his friends beer and pizza…lots of beer and lots of pizza. Then make sure all the $$ that was going for illegals went to kids just like that…maybe save a few bucks for the puppies though.
BTW…Jack ThomR et-al…we’ll fix you guys up with puppies and beer too. 😉
beautiful photo.
gives a new meaning to “the dogs of war”.
thanx for posting this,
Dry Bones
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Thank you Vaakov.