PARIS: (REUTERS) France may ask the United States to allow 9/11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui to serve his life prison sentence in a French jail, the Foreign Ministry said on Thursday.

Moussaoui, a 37-year old French citizen of Moroccan origin, was sentenced on Thursday to life in prison with no possibility of release, a day after a jury spared his life and rejected US government arguments that he should be executed.
France and the United States signed two agreements in the 1980s about the transfer of convicts. Moussaoui’s mother and his lawyer want him to be allowed to serve his sentence in France.
A possible demand for transferring Zacarias Moussaoui could be looked at within this framework,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Jean-Baptiste Mattei said at an electronic press briefing.
“But in any case, we have to wait for the American justice system to provide a definitive sentence and to define the conditions of the sentence,” he added.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Islam is a death cult, it is not a religion, it is the purest and most widespread manifestation of demonic power yet seen on this Earth.
my September 11, 2001 page ….it was a Tuesday…
France would do well to remember what its government said when we asked them to honor their extradition treaty and send murderer Ira Einhorn back to Pennsylvania. He killed his girlfriend, stuffed her in a trunk, and skipped bail once he was charged with her murder. He was tried and convicted in absentia. France declined to honor the treaty they signed and instead gave us a song and dance about the evils of the American justice system. It wasn’t until the PA legislature passed a special law granting Einhorn a new trial, and Pennsylvania DA took the death penalty off the table that France sent him back, and that was after lengthy proceedings in French courts.
Einhorn was the first thing that came to my mind also. The Euro-socialists and the socialists within our Democrat party have a great deal in common, do as I say not as I do is one of the commonalities
Hi Sierrahome…”do as I say not as I do”….so true, Thanks Sierrahome.
I dont know that specific incident, but its fairly common for countries with no death penalty to have rules forbidding extradition when said extradition could lead to execution. The usual procedure is either to try and sentence the suspect themselved, or hand them over only after assurance that the death penalty is no longer an option. That appears to be what happened.
Good news in one area: It seems that, in the American prison, there will be no al-quida recruiting going on from this prisoner:,0,5779099.story?coll=la-headlines-world
France would never actually ask for Moussaoui anyway – the story here just says that they have the option. But why would they want him? He is no more popular over here in Europe than he is in the US. The french certinly feel no loyalty towards him. The only possible reason would be a show of anti-americanism (The US is not very popular currently), with the reassuring knowledge that the US will never hand over Moussaoui now.
Must be ……………………French Kinship!!! Nice photo of Chirac too, WT.
Suricou Raven thanks for the link.
Jack heh heh oh yesssss
Thank you
The French would turn around and let the bas***d out in a few months. Is there any doubt that they are not our allies?
Can’t we just send them some bootlegged Jerry Lewis movies to shut them up. Or maybe an unreleased copy of “The Road to Gay Paree”. with Bing Crosby and Bob Hope ? The French,… what a bunch of whiners…..!!!
Big Dog I bet they would yep. He would be out in no time.
Billy…………lmao….”Jerry Lewis movies” now there is a thought. heh heh