McCain says he does not like corruption…..hmmmmm Hey McCain how soon you forget!

Senator John McCain (R-Az.) crossed a line in a recent response to Don Imus. Without Imus asking about it, McCain responded to a critics attack on his campaign finance reform stance, “I would rather have a clean government than one where quote First Amendment rights are being respected, that has become corrupt. If I had my choice, I’d rather have the clean government.”
Stop the ACLU has the Video
Wild Thing’s comment……
Hmmmm, clean government ( Kennedy, Clintons, Keating Five????) only started this list for you John McCain!
* Hot Air
* Stop the ACLU
I don’t trust McCain. He’s a back stabbing politician and has proven himself so many times. The Democrats love him because they know he’s weak and if he got in the White House as a Republican, they know they could control him.
Bob I agree so much with what you said.
Funny how just having the dems say a person is ok with them means volumes about that person’s character etc.
Like Rush says it is a compliment not to be liked by the left.